Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Unity of God and Islam

Some time ago, during a discussion with friend, we came to know of a woman from Australia, who’s sole mission was to unite all mankind at one point. I asked him that does she believe in a single entity, the central focus of the universe, – the Almighty God. If not, then how can she bring together and unite the entire humanity at one single point. Because unity requires a unit, an absolute single central point, extreme oneness, where mankind can be united, and that central unit is the Almighty God. As whole human body depends on its central unit – the heart, the entire mankind depends on the Unity and Oneness of God.

Can a state run when there is more than one leader? Can a human body function with more than one heart? Can a country have more than one capital city? Absolutely not, and any such system cannot be successful and will be a massive disaster. Similarly, there cannot be more than one central point that can unite people besides God Almighty. That is a philosophy and extreme reality that Islam presents when it speaks about the existence, absolute Unity and Oneness of God. The Holy Quran says:

If there had been in them (the heavens and the earth) other gods besides Allah, then surely both would have gone to ruin. Glorified then be Allah, the Lord of the Throne, above what they attribute. (21:23)

Read full article on: http://ahmadiyyamalta.org/2012/01/03/unity-of-god-and-islam-%E2%94%82laiq-ahmed-atif/

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