Sunday, July 18, 2010

Donation to Dar tal-Providenza

Dar tal-Providenza donation

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta president and director Laiq Ahmed Atif recently donated 13 packets of food items to Dar tal-Providenza director Fr Martin Micallef. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat helps people in need, irrespective of faith, colour, creed or nationality.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Honouring human liberty and freedom

The Times, Friday, 16th July 2010

Honouring human liberty and freedom

Laiq Ahmed Atif, The author is president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta.

One common and most cherished fruit of life is liberty and freedom. Freedom is a basic right of all living things, man being no exception. Man is the embodiment of liberty, which is deeply rooted in him.

But, very amazingly, we find that certain man-made laws are against the liberty and freedom of man in the final analysis and such laws deprive a man of his fundamental human rights.

Sometimes, laws are made against displaying Christian crucifixes; sometimes against building minarets on mosques; and sometimes we find that some countries stand against building places of worship, such as synagogues, churches or mosques. And, most recently, laws are being introduced against the hijab or veil in certain countries.

Is this a definition of modern democratic governments that claim to safeguard the rights of their peoples? Is this the way to bring together people of different nations? Is this the way to foster love and affection among people? Most certainly, every just-minded person will oppose this because these things will build the walls of hatred ever higher and destroy the peace of the world.

These issues, thus, have become a source of sarcasm. However, there are some sober-minded people in whose hands are the reins of the Executive and Legislature who should not interfere with such matters. Should legislation be passed against Christians and Jewish ladies who also adopt religious attire? If bans are imposed against the Muslims, then Muslim countries may impose restrictions on some forms of Western dress in response. This issue has the potential to snowball and it will affect the peace of the world.

Let me make it very clear, the Ahmadiyya community does not support any such motion against human rights, whether in Muslim countries or in Christian countries or anywhere else in the world. We support and believe in full freedom and liberty for all human beings.

By all means, if there is any covering that hides the identity of a person and it is necessary to remove it to identify a person, then the governments or the authorities have the right to do so.

But what a travesty that a woman may be deprived from travelling simply because she is wearing the hijab!

Or a human life may be deprived of care in a hospital and left in the jaws of death because she was wearing a veil. Or to deprive a girl of education, however intelligent she may be, thus losing a national talent of a country only because she chooses to observe hijab or veil (a religious duty) not out of any compulsion but out of her own free will.

It is true that some Muslim women observe these teachings of Islam in such a manner that they have put on themselves some burdens that Islam did not prescribe. The purpose of the veil is to give women respect, honour and peace and not to burden them.

And Islam speaks in terms of a very moderate veil to provide protection to women and it does not say that women should be kept only at home or that they should wear those kinds of garments that even cover their eyes, hands, feet etc. and cause problems for them even to walk easily in the streets. Islam says you must remain moderate in the way you talk and behave.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat believes that a person's choice of dress is a personal matter and a basic human right as are other rights. It believes that every human being must be given full liberty and freedom to practise his or her faith in every country, be it a Christian or a Muslim country. Islam teaches modesty for both men and women but underlying all Islamic injunctions is the Qur'anic principle that "There is no compulsion in religion". Thus, if a woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, chooses not to cover her head then that is her right but, on the other hand, if a woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, chooses to cover her head or face then that too is her right and ought never to be interfered with.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Donazzjoni mill-Komunità Aħmadija Musulmana

Donazzjoni mill-Komunità Aħmadija

Laiq Aħmed Atif, President tal-Komunità Aħmadija Musulmana f’Malta ppreżenta għotja ta’ 13-il pakketti ta’ ikel bħala għajnuna għad-Dar tal-Providenza lil Fr. Martin Micallef, Direttur tad-Dar tal-Providenza.

Il-Komunità Aħmadija hi organizzazzjoni internazzjonali reliġjuża, mhux politika u mhux settarja, li taħdem biex ittejjeb il-kwalità ta’ ħajja tan-nies l-iktar foqra u l-iktar vulnerabbli tad-dinja.

Il-Komunità Aħmadija hija denominazzjoni moderna b’fergħat f’aktar minn 195 pajjiż tad-dinja, li tinkoraġġixxi d-djalogu bejn reliġjonijiet differenti. Hi tħaddan il-prinċipji tal-paċi, tat-tolleranza, tal-imħabba u r-rispett bejn segwaċi ta’ twemmin differenti. Hija żżomm sod ukoll u taġixxi fuq it-tagħlim Koraniku: “Mhemmx sfurzar fir-reliġjon” u tipprattika l-motto tagħha “Imħabba għal kulħadd, mibegħda għal ħadd”.

(illum , il-Ħadd 11 ta’ Lulju 2010)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Islam condemns all forms of terrorism

Islam condemns all forms of terrorism

Laiq Ahmed Atif, president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta, Ta' Xbiex

Today the world is facing great threats of terrorism. Thousands of innocent people have been killed and still there seems to be no end to this cruelty. Some blame Islam as a religion of grave terror and bloodshed. But, in reality, there is no connection between Islam and terrorism at all; Islam is as closely related to terrorism as light is to darkness or life is to death or peace is to war. Islam very strongly condemns terrorism and encourages establishing peace and order in the land.

However, one cannot deny that on many occasions some Muslims are found involved in terrorist activities either individually, on behalf of a group or on behalf of a country with a predominately Muslim population.

And very recently, a similar attempt of bombing was planned in Times Square, New York. But, still, there are plenty of others who are also involved in such barbaric actions, who are not Muslims.

But let it be very clear that we do not justify terrorism of any kind whatsoever, whatever the colour, religion, sentiment or objective the terrorist may claim to represent. Islam does not approve of disorder in any form. Islam does far from teach terrorism. It teaches rule of law, obedience to the authorities and does not let anyone take the law into his own hands. The Holy Quran states:

"O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority over you.' (Ch.4: V.60)

The word "obey", which has been repeated before the words "Allah" and "Messenger" has been omitted before the words, those who are in authority, in order to point out that obedience to the authority properly constituted by law is in reality obedience to God and His Messenger.

The words, those in authority, in their wider significance include even such non-Muslims as may happen to be in authority over Muslims.

The practice of the Holy Prophet as well as his sayings make it clear that in secular matters Muslims should obey even such of their rulers as are not Muslims. And if some people say that it is not necessary for a Muslim to follow any non-Islamic government, this is utterly false and against Islamic teachings as mentioned above.

The Holy Quran further states that "those who create disorder in the earth, they are the real losers"; "and commit not iniquity in the earth, creating disorder"; "and Allah loves not disorder". Such words and phrases are found in the Holy Quran repeatedly.

After this clear teaching such terrorist actions of some Muslim individuals or groups have no cover or justification at all, and they must be condemned widely. And those who are involved must be brought in front of justice.

As far as Islam is concerned, it categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individual, a group or a government.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which is a peace loving and law abiding community, strongly condemns the attempted bombing in New York City and all acts of terrorism anywhere in the world. The Ahmadiyya Community very boldly and loudly, without any fear, speaks against terrorism. We also call on all Muslims in the world to join us in condemning all actions of violence and terror caused or carried out by anyone whoever he or she may be. We call on all of them to boldly claim and express with their tongue and action that they are loyal and law-abiding and obedient citizens, and join us in spreading a message of peace, love, harmony, tolerance and brotherhood.

We reject and condemn all acts and forms of violence and terrorism unreservedly and totally, because it is our deeply rooted belief that not only Islam but also no true religion, whatever its name, can sanction violence and the bloodshed of innocent men, women and children in the name of God.

God is love, God is peace!

Love can never beget hatred, and peace can never lead to war.

[The Times: Monday, 24th May 2010] :

Monday, July 5, 2010

Donation by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

Donation by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat

The director of Dar tal-Providenza, Fr Martin Micallef, was presented with a donation of €1,000 in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza by Laid Ahmed Atif, the president and director of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Malta.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is a universal religious organisation, with members in over 195 countries. It is the most dynamic denomination of Islam in modern history. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It firmly believes in and acts upon the Qur'anic teaching: "There is no compulsion in religion." (2:257). It strongly rejects violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It-Terroriżmu u l-Attakki Suwiċidji

It-Terroriżmu u l-Attakki Suwiċidji

Wieħed mill-karatteristiċi distinti taż-żmien li aħna ngħixu fih huwa l-preżenza tal-vjolenza kbira fis-soċjetajiet tagħna. Xi drabi naraw splużjonijiet ta’ bombi fis-swieq; xi drabi ħajġeks ta’ ajruplani fejn nies huma miżmuma għall-skopijiet politiċi jew personali. Ngħixu fi żmien fejn il-manipulazzjoni u t-telfien ta’ ħajjiet innoċenti saret xi ħaġa tas-soltu. Din il-problema tal-vjolenza qiegħda ddur kullimkien u t-terroriżmu huwa kkunsidrat bħala wieħed mill-ikbar perikli għall-paċi u s-sigurtà fis-soċjetajiet tagħna.

Il-kelma terroriżmu ġiet fl-użu wiesa’ ftit snin ilu biss, pero, issa t-terroriżmu fil-fatt idawwar id-dinja kollha u jidher f’forom varji. Xi drabi nsibu xi Musulmani jew xi gruppi ta’ Musulmani nvoluti f’dawn l-attakki terroristiċi u suwiċidji. U minħabba dawk il-ftit Musulmani, u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena li jwettqu, b’xorti ħażina r-reliġjon tal-Iżlam hija miżmuma responsabbli għall-atti ta’ grupp żgħir ta’ Musulmani, kif ukoll għall-atti ta’ dawk li mhumiex Musulmani.

Nammetti, bla dubju ta’ xejn, li hemm Musulmani wkoll involuti f’attakki terroristiċi u suwiċidji madwar id-dinja f’isem l-Iżlam. B’xorti ħażina, dawk terroristi għandhom appoġġ kbir mill-mexxejja u mill-organizzazzjonijiet reliġjużi. Imma t-terroristi huma grupp żgħir ta’ Musulmani, u fl-aħħar mill-aħħar mhumiex l-ambaxxaturi tal-Iżlam, għaliex huma jaħdmu fuq l-aġendi u l-interessi politiċi jew personali tagħhom biss. Dawk huma n-nies li jkissru l-ftehim u l-liġi u jistħoqqilhom li jiġu kkundannati bil-qawwa u jiġu kkastigati severament skont il-liġi tal-pajjiż għall-atti ħorox u aggressivi tagħhom.

B’xorti ħażina, issa t-terroristi bedew jattakkaw il-Komunità Aħmadija li temmen fil-paċi u diġà qed tbati mill-persekuzzjoni u vjolenza kbira f’ċerti pajjiżi. U ħafna membri ta’ din il-Komunità diġà nqatlu fil-passat.

Il-Komunità Aħmadija tħaddan il-prinċipji tal-paċi, tat-tolleranza, tal-imħabba u r-rispett bejn segwaċi ta’ twemmin differenti. Hija żżomm sod u taġixxi fuq it-tagħlim Koraniku. “Mhemmx sfurzar fir-reliġijon.” (Il-Koran Imqaddes: 2:257)

Fid-28 ta’ Mejju fill-belt ta’ Lahore, fil-Pakistan, it-terroristi attakkaw żewġ moskej tal-Komunità Aħmadija u qatlu aktar minn 95 ruħ u weġġgħu iktar minn 125 Aħmadin innoċenti meta kienu miġburin fit-Talb tal-Ġimgħa. Il-persekuzzjoni kontra l-Komunità Aħmadija ilha tiġri għal ħafna snin, f’ċerti pajjiżi. Ħafna gvernijiet u awtoritajiet huma wkoll involuti f’din il-persekuzzjoni. Ħafna liġijiet diskriminatorji ġew introdotti kontra l-Komunità.

Fil-Pakistan, ħafna konfrenzi ġew organizzati fejn il-mexxejja reliġjużi jagħmlu d-diskorsi tagħhom, u ħafna pamflets u banners jiġu ppublikati bil-messaġġ ċar li l-Aħmadin huma “waġbul qatl” – jiġifieri li għandhom jinqatlu. Huma jinċitaw lin-nies u jgħidulhom li jekk xi ħadd joqtol Aħmadi jmur dritt fil-ġenna.

Jaħasra! Meta sejrin il-bnedmin itemmu l-persekuzzjoni u l-vjolenza kontra xulxin sabiex kulħadd jista’ jemmen u jipprattika r-reliġjon li jħobb għalih innifsu b’independenza, b’ħelsien u bil-libertà kollha.

Il-Musulman veru qatt ma jista’ jagħmel dawk l-affarijiet ħżiena, għaliex fl-Iżlam m’hemm l-ebda spazju għat-terroriżmu u huwa ma jaqbilx mal-idea tat-terroriżmu, jew oħrajn simili bħall-fanatiżmu, fundamentaliżmu u l-attakki suwiċidji u l-Iżlam dejjem jitkellem kontrihom.

Fil-Koran Imqaddes insibu t-tagħlim veru kontra t-terroriżmu kif ukoll attakki suwiċidji. Alla jgħid: ‘Alla ma jħobbx il-ksur tal-paċi’ (K.2 : V.206); ‘Dawk li jagħmlu l-ħsara fl-art huma t-telliefa’ (K.2: V.28); ‘U la tagħmlux inġustizzja fl-art bil-ħsara u bil-ksur tal-paċi’ (K.2 : V.61); ‘Intom li temmnu, obdu lil Alla u obdu lill-Messaġġier, u lil dawk li għandhom l-awtorità fuqkom’ (K.4 : V.60)

Din l-aħħar kwotazzjoni tfisser li kulmin għandu l-awtorità fuqkom, Musulman jew mhux, il-gvern Iżlamiku jew mhux, huwa importanti li jiġu obduti u qatt ma jinkisru l-liġijiet tal-pajjiż.

Kontra l-attakki suwiċida, Alla jgħid: “La toqtlux lilkom infuskom! Alla tabilħaqq huwa Ħanin magħkom. U min jagħmel hekk b’aggressjoni u b’inġustizzja, se naħarquh fin-Nar.” (K.4 : V.30-31).

Wara dan it-tagħlim ċar, dawk il-Musulmani li huma nvoluti fit-terroriżmu jew fl-attakki suwiċidji m’għandhomx ġustifikazzjoni għall-atti tagħhom.

Fil-qosor, l-Iżlam bħala reliġjon huwa r-reliġjon tal-paċi u l-imħabba bħar-reliġjonijiet oħrajn, u jikkundanna attakki krudili u barbari ta’ dix-xorta. Sa ma dak li għandu x’jaqsam mal-Iżlam, l-Iżlam kategorikament jiċħad u jikkundanna kull forma ta’ terroriżmu. Ma jipprovdi l-ebda għata jew ġustifikazzjoni għal kwalunkwe att ta’ vjolenza, kemm jekk issir minn xi indvidwu kif ukoll minn xi grupp jew gvern. Aħna nikkundannaw bil-qawwa kollha kull att u kull forma ta’ terroriżmu għaliex hu t-twemmin tagħna profond li mhux biss l-Iżlam iżda wkoll l-ebda reliġjon vera, hu x’inhu l-isem tagħha, ma tista’ tapprova l-vjolenza u t-tixrid tad-demm ta’ rġiel, nisa u tfal innoċenti f’isem Alla.

Aħna, il-Komunità Aħmadija nwarrbu u nikkundannaw kull forma ta’ terroriżmu, b’mod kategoriku. Aħna, dejjem, mill-bidu sal-lum, b’qawwa kbira nikkundannaw l-użu tal-forza hi x’inhi r-raġuni. U nemmnu fl-imħabba, fil-paċi, fl-armonija, fit-tolleranza u fil-ħbiberija. Il-motto tagħna “Imħabba għal kulħadd, mibegħda għal ħadd” huwa t-tifsira vera tal-fidi tagħna.

Issa, wasal iż-żmien li aħna bħala bnedmin nikkundannaw it-terroriżmu li qed idawwar id-dinja kollha u jagħmel ħsara lis-soċjetajiet sbieħ tagħna bil-kliem u bl-għemil tagħna, u nistabbilixxu l-paċi, l-imħabba, it-tolleranza u l-ħbiberija f’kull naħa tad-dinja.

Laiq Ahmed Atif

President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta

Illum: Il-Ħadd 04 ta’ Lulju 2010, paġni 18-19: