Sunday, November 21, 2010

Flimkien kollox hu possibbli

Meta nħarsu lejn l-istorja tal-umanità nsibu li l-bnedmin dejjem kienu fit-tiftixa tal-paċi li tibqa’ għal dejjem. Il-bnedmin kellhom għatx kbir għall-paċi. Fil-qosor, il-paċi baqgħet maħbuba tan-nies ta’ kull età, f’kull żmien u ta’ kull pajjiż tad-dinja.

Aħna ngħixu f’dinja ta’ kompetizzjoni u ta’ għira. Ngħixu f’dinja fejn inċertezzi li qed jikbru kuljum iħassbuna dwar l-istat ta’ paċi fid-dinja. Nemmen, u jien konvint tassew, li dan huwa messaġġ universali, tkun liema tkun ir-reliġjon, ir-razza, in-nazzjonalità jew il-kulur tiegħek.

Illum il-ġurnata s-suġġett tal-paċi u s-sigurtà huwa importanti daqs kemm kien mijiet u eluf ta’ snin ilu. F’dan iż-żmien meta l-bniedem sar iktar ċiviliżat u rċieva ħafna barkiet ta’ Alla, għandna nkunu l-bnedmin tal-paċi. Imma, sfortunatament naraw li hemm ħafna demm tal-bnedmin li qed jixtered madwar id-dinja. Il-bniedem għandu l-għatx tad-demm ta’ ħuh. Hemm nies li qed joqtlu l-ġirien tagħhom, hemm nies li qed ixerrdu d-demm tan-nies ta’ pajjiżhom. Fil-qosor, hemm nuqqas kbir ta’ rispett u ta’ paċi fid-dinja.

Meta naqraw l-istorja tal-bniedem, naraw li sa mill-bidu tal-ħolqien il-bnedmin fuq l-art, Alla bagħat ħafna għalliema reliġjużi, profeti u messaġġiera Tiegħu għall-gwida tal-umanità. U kull wieħed minnhom li kien mibgħut minn Alla ġab il-messaġġ tal-paċi, tas-sigurtà, tal-armonija u tal-imħabba.

Dawn l-għalliema reliġjużi magħżulin minn Alla, li ntbagħtu mis-sema biex jirriformaw l-umanità u jistabbilixxu għaqda ma’ Alla – il-Ħallieq, dejjem ħadmu u talbu biex jagħmlu d-dinja kenn ta’ paċi u l-bnedmin isiru verament il-bnedmin tal-paċi; l-iktar li jħobbu lil Alla u l-iktar li jixtiequ l-paċi lill-oħrajn.

Il-Kotba Mqaddsa kollha għandhom il-messaġġ ċar tal-paċi u tal-imħabba. Fil-Bibbja Mqaddsa naqraw: “Henjin dawk li jġibu l-paċi, għax huma jissejħu wlied Alla. Henjin dawk li huma ppersegwitati minħabba s-sewwa, għax tagħhom hija s-Saltna tas-Smewwiet. Henjin intom, meta jgħajrukom u jippersegwitawkom u jaqilgħu kull xorta ta’ ħażen u gideb kontra tagħkom minħabba fija.” (San Mattew: 5:9-11)

Fil-Koran imqaddes Alla jgħid: “Alla jmexxi lejn it-toroq tal-paċi u tas-sliem lil dawk li jħabirku biex jogħġbu lilu, u bir-rieda Tiegħu joħroġhom mid-dlamijiet lejn id-dawl u jmexxihom lejn triq is-sewwa.” (5:17)

“Ma hemmx ġid f’ħafna konferenzi tagħhom, ħlief ta’ dak li jamar il-karità, jew l-għemil it-tajjeb, jew il-paċi bejn in-nies. Min jagħmel hekk, bix-xewqa li jogħġob lil Alla, se nagħtuh ħlas mill-kbar.” (4:115)

Dawn il-versi juru biċ-ċar li kemm hu sabiħ li naħdmu għall-paċi bejn in-nies, u nwasslu l-messaġġ ta’ paċi lil kulħadd. Dan huwa għemil tajjeb ħafna u għandu ħlas kbir mingħand Alla. Alla jħobb il-paċi, għalhekk jgħid li se jagħti ħlas kbir lil dawk li jħobbu u jipprattikaw il-paċi bejniethom.

Jekk inħarsu lejn is-sitwazzjoni tad-dinja nsibu li d-dinja għandha l-bżonn tal-paċi, tal-imħabba u tal-ħbiberija. Id-dinja trid it-tmiem tal-gwerer. Minflok il-ħitan tal-mibegħda għandna l-bżonn tal-pontijiet li jgħaqqdu, għandna bżonn li l-paċi tostor il-ħażen u dak kollu mnissel minnu, u għal dan biex isir, in-nies ta’ fidi, ta’ kulur, ta’ razza u ta’ nazzjonalità differenti għandhom jingħaqdu flimkien.

Jiena nemmen li aħna bħala bnedmin, jekk nixtiequ, nistgħu nistabbilixxu l-paċi f’soċjetajiet tagħna kif ukoll fid-dinja kollha. Ejjew naħdmu billejl u binhar sabiex nagħmlu d-dinja kenn ta’ paċi. Nemmen u jien konvint tassew li, flimkien kollox hu possibbli.

[Il-Mument: Il-Ħadd 21 ta' Novembru 2010]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Peace Conference 2011

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta is organising its 2nd Peace Conference on 25th February 2011, at Excelsior Hotel Floriana, at 6.00pm.

It will be an inter-religious event, where representatives from different denominations will deliver their talks. Also two Honourable MPs will also deliver their talk in the event.

The event is open to all, and will be in English, in the end there will be Q & A session. Refreshment will be offered to all the attendees.

For more information please contact ; 79320139.

Thanks and looking forward for the wonderful event “Peace Conference”.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat community in Malta condemns attack on Baghdad church

The Times of Malta : Friday, 5th November 2010

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat community in Malta has strongly condemned the attack on a Baghdad church by extremists on Sunday.

The attack resulted in the death of 58 Christian worshipers, including three priests.

The Ahmadiyya Community said it believed in the Quranic teaching of freedom of faith and worship that: “There should be no compulsion in religion”.

It believed in human dignity and condemned killing for any reason whatsoever - there is no place in Islam for violence, it said adding that Islam strongly establishes freedom of belief and worship and urged protection of places of worship of all faiths.

The community said Muslims were commanded to honour human dignity, and in the early times of Islam when Muslims were given permission for defensive wars, it was forbidden to kill religious leaders – priests or rabbis – in their respective places of worship, and to attack and demolish places of worship.

Muslims were made to promise that they would also help defend the followers of other faiths from unjust and cruel attacks.

“As members of the Ahmadiyya Community, we call on all Muslims to follow the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and work to live in harmony with our non-Muslim brothers and sisters.

“We, the members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat express our condolences to the victims' families in this difficult time and hope for swift action against the perpetrators of this heinous, inhuman and barbaric act.

“And we pray to God the Almighty that He makes this world a haven of peace, tolerance, harmony, liberty and universal brotherhood,” they said.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ahmadiyya condemns attack on church in Iraq

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat strongly condemns the attack on a Baghdad church by extremists on Sunday, which resulted in the death of 58 Christian worshipers, including three priests. The Ahmadiyya Community condemns the attack with strongest terms.

The Ahmadiyya Community believes in the Quranic teaching of freedom of faith and worship that: “There should be no compulsion in religion”. It believes in human dignity and condemns their killing for any reason whatsoever; there is no place in Islam for violence. Islam strongly establishes freedom of belief and worship and urges protection of places of worship of all faiths. God the Almighty says:

“Whosoever killed a person — unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land — it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and whoso gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.” (5:33)

This is the clear teaching that the unlawful killing or the shedding of innocent blood of someone is like the killing of the entire human race, that is to say, the taking of a single life is like the massacre of thousands of innocent lives. Now, everyone can very well imagine what kind of sentence would be passed on someone who is found guilty of the taking of thousands of innocent lives. So this is the beautiful teaching given to us by God, and whosoever acts against this, acts against the teachings of God – the Creator.

Muslims are commanded to honour human dignity, and in the early times of Islam when Muslims were given permission for defensive wars, it was forbidden to kill religious leaders – priests or rabbis – in their respective places of worship, and to attack and demolish places of worship. Muslims have been made to promise that they will help defend the followers of other faiths from unjust and cruel attacks as well. For example, in his charter for all time to come addressed to all Christians living as citizens under Muslim rule, the Holy Founder of Islam, states:

“I promise that any monk or wayfarer who will seek my help on the mountains, in forests, deserts or habitations, or in places of worship, I will repel his enemies with my friends and helpers, with all my relatives and with all those who profess to follow me and will defend them, because they are my covenant.

And I will defend the covenanted against the persecution, injury and embarrassment of their enemies in lieu of the poll tax they have promised to pay. If they prefer to defend their properties and persons themselves, they will be allowed to do so and will not be put to any inconvenience on that account.

No bishop will be expelled from his bishopric, no monk from his monastery, no priest from his place of worship, and no pilgrim will be detained in his pilgrimage.

None of their churches and other places of worship will be desolated or destroyed or demolished. No material of their churches will be used to build mosques or houses for the Muslims; any Muslim doing so will be regarded as recalcitrant to Allah and His Prophet.

Every help shall be given them in the repair of their churches. They shall be absolved of wearing arms. They shall be protected by the Muslims. Let this document not be disobeyed till Judgment Day.”

As members of the Ahmadiyya Community, we call on all Muslims to follow the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and work to live in harmony with our non-Muslim brothers and sisters.

We, the members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat express my condolences to the victims' families in this difficult time and hope for swift action against the perpetrators of this heinous, inhuman and barbaric act. And we pray to God the Almighty that He makes this world a haven of peace, tolerance, harmony, liberty and universal brotherhood. Ammen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ahmadis are loyal to their countries

“Religious extremism has no place in society”

-Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Community

The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has repeated his call for Muslims the world over to show loyalty to their respective countries. In a speech delivered before thousands of Ahmadi Muslims in London he said that love and loyalty to one’s country was a fundamental principle of Islam. His Holiness also spoke with regret about the widespread problems faced by Pakistan. He said the fundamental cause for its current state was a failure to maintain a separation of religion and State. In particular, extremist elements had permeated all segments of society.

Speaking about the current situation in Pakistan, His Holiness said that every day there was news of killings, protests and strife. The entire country had become engulfed in discord. He said that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat had always counselled the Pakistani leaders to maintain a distance from extremist elements. However out of a fear of losing their grip on power the majority of leaders had failed to heed such warnings and had involved themselves with various forms of negotiation and deals with the extremist religious right. He said that any system that bowed down to such religious elements was bound to fail and lead to turmoil and despair.

It was the duty of every Ahmadi Muslim to profess love to his chosen country. Each Ahmadi Muslim had an obligation towards working for a better future for his country and his fellow citizens. Citing Pakistan as an example he said Ahmadis were treated as inferior citizens and had suffered the most barbaric cruelty, however this had never stopped them from being utterly loyal to the nation. He said that Pakistan had been founded upon the sacrifice of thousands of lives and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat would always do its utmost to make sure that those lost lives were not taken in vain. He said:

“As citizens of any country, we Ahmadi Muslims will always show absolute love and loyalty to the State. Every Ahmadi Muslim has a desire for his chosen country to excel and should always endeavour towards this objective. Whenever a country requires its citizens to make sacrifices the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat will always be ready to bear such sacrifices for the sake of the nation.”

His Holiness continued:

“We feel pain and distress when any nation suffers and we share the grief and pain of others. Thus whenever any country faces difficulty we try our utmost to alleviate their suffering. That is what the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, taught us. It was the Holy Prophet who counselled that you should put your own pain to one side in an effort to alleviate the suffering of all of mankind. It is thus that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is involved in spreading humility, love and kindness.”