Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pakistan minorities nervous

BBC: Pakistan minorities nervous after Ahmadi mosque attacks

(Clerics declare that Ahmadis deserve to be killed)

Many members of Pakistan's minorities are uneasy about the future and their concerns have been heightened by the storming of two mosques in the Pakistani city of Lahore in May.
Nearly 100 people died in the sectarian attack on the Ahmadi sect and it is making other minority religions think hard about their safety.

There have been statements from clerics like Maulana Ismail declaring Ahmadis non-Muslims and deserving of death. “We have never condoned attacks by individuals on Ahmadis but its right that they should be killed through the courts for insulting Islam.” [Maulana Ismail- a Muslim cleric]

Aleem Maqbool reports from the town of Rabwah, in Punjab: Watch full Video on BBC:

Monday, June 28, 2010

Aħmadija....komunità żgħira b’qalb kbira

Aħmadija....komunità żgħira b’qalb kbira

Komunità integrata li tgħin lill-batut

“Tmur biex tikri appartament u ssib li ma jridux jikrulek għax tkun Afrikan jew Musulman. Kien hemm min qalilna li ma ridx jikrilna appartament għax nispiċċaw nagħmluh moskea.”

“Fuq il-karozzi tal-linja u anke fit-toroq ikun hemm min jgħaddi kummenti razzisti. Ħdejn iċ-ċentru fejn noqogħdu u anke fuq il-punt tal-Marsa, kitbulna kemm il-darba ‘Blacks out’.

Immigrant Somalu qalilna li “diffiċli li tintegra ruħek f’Malta. Problema kbira biex issib xogħol. Kif tista’ tgħix mingħajr ma taħdem?”

Matul is-sena 2009, minn rapport maħruġ mill-European Network Against Racism (ENAR), irriżulta li kienu l-immigranti irregolari l-aktar involuti f’każi ta’ diskriminazzjoni li ġew rappurtati lill-awtoritajiet. Iżjed minn nofs l-immigranti irregolari li jgħixu f’pajjiżna jgħidu li kemm ilhom hawn esperjenzaw livelli għoljin ta’ trattament diskriminatorju fil-konfront tagħhom mill-Pulizija Maltija.

Imma l-integrazzjoni ta’ persuni Afrikani jew Musulmani tista’ sseħħ f’pajjiżna. Hawn diversi vuċijiet li qegħdin imexxu l-idea li l-integrazzjoni hi xi ħaġa impossibbli. Lil hinn minn dawn il-vuċijiet, jirriżulta li f’pajjiżna għandna komunitajiet ta’ persuni barranin, Afrikani u Musulmani, li integraw bi sħiħ fis-soċjetà tagħna. Qegħdin naraw ukoll li immigranti Afrikani, irnexxielhom jikru djar u bdew jgħixu fil-qalba tal-irħula u integraw sew maċ-ċittadini tal-post. Il-Komunità Aħmadija f’Malta hi waħda mill-komunitajiet li mhux biss ma tesperjenzax ir-razziżmu u d-diskriminazzjoni, imma hi komunità integrata tant li anke torganizza attivitajiet biex tgħin lil dawk li huma fil-bżonn.

Qatt ma ffaċċjajna diskriminazzjoni

Laiq Ahmed Atif, li jmexxi l-komunità ta’ Aħmadija f’Malta, qalilna li: “Malta tirrispetta r-reliġjonijiet kollha u teżisti l-libertà sħiħa biex dak li jkun jipprattika r-reliġjon li jħaddan. Għall-grazzja t’Alla, sal-lum bħala komunità qatt ma esperjenzajna diskriminazzjoni jew razziżmu. Nitolbu u nittamaw li dan il-valur ta’ rispett jibqa’.”

“Irrid ngħid li sa issa ħadd mill-komunità tagħna ma esperjenza xi kummenti dispreġġjattivi. Kull post li mmur jien, jew xi ħadd mill-komunità tagħna, dan dejjem ikun milqugħ. Nintlaqgħu minn kulħadd ibda mill-politiċi sal-Arċisqof.”

Inħossu li għandna ngħinu biex inservu l-komunità

Lil Laiq Aħmed ma tistax ma tistaqsiehx x’inhi r-raġuni li għalkemm huma komunità żgħira, huma involuti ħafna f’dik li hi għajnuna lill-għaqdiet u gruppi vulnerabbli.

Jgħidilna li: “F’Malta għandna madwar 20 membru fil-komunità. Għandna ukoll tfal żgħar li bdew imorru l-iskejjel u ma ltaqgħux ma’ problemi. Irrid ngħid li aħna noffru ħafna għajnuna lill-komunità. Bħala A#madija nemmnu li s-servizz lill-umanità għandu jkun parti mit-twemmin tagħna. Bħala komunità aħna integrati ħafna fis-soċjetà Maltija. Nemmnu li l-valuri li nħaddnu aħna, għandhom ukoll ikunu integrati fis-soċjetà Maltija – fosthom il-valur għall-imħabba lejn Alla, l-imħabba u s-servizz lejn l-umanità, il-lealtà tagħna lejn pajjiż bħal Malta li laqagħna, il-valur tagħna għall-paċi u l-ubbidjenza tal-liġijiet u l-ġlieda tagħna għall-paċi u l-prosperità fis-soċjetà. Iċ-ċittadini Maltin, mill-mod kif naġixxu aħna, jistgħu faċilment jaraw li aħna ma nippossjedu l-ebda forma ta’problema għalihom. Nemmnu li meta tirrispetta, inti tirċievi r-rispett lura. Bħala komunità grati ħafna lejn Malta u lejn il-poplu Malti, għall-ħbiberija li wera magħna.

L-għajnuniet tal-Aħmadija lill-għaqdiet Maltin

Meta wieħed jara l-ħidma volontarja tal-komunità Aħmadija f’Malta, u dak li tat lura lis-soċjetà, wieħed jista’ faċilment jasal għall-konklużjoni li din hi komunità attiva ħafna u li bis-serjetà temmen li għandha tgħin b’kull mezz lil dawn inqas ixxurtjati.

Fl-aħħar sentejn ippreżentaw għadd ta’ għotijiet fosthom kienu €2,000 lill-Community Chest Fund, €1,000 lin-National Foster Care Association u anke marru jagħmlu xogħol ta’ karità fiċ-ċentru miftuħ ta’ Ħal Far, li fih hemm mijiet ta’ immigranti Afrikani li waslu Malta abbord dgħajjes mil-Libja. Fix-xogħol ta’ karità li wettqet il-komunità Aħmadija tqassmu pakketti ta’ ikel lil dawn ir-residenti. Fost dawk l-aktar li gawdew minn dawn l-għotijiet kienu l-familji.

Il-komunità tħoss li għandha tgħin anke lis-soċjetà Maltija b’mod inġenerali. B’dan il-ħsieb f’moħħhom ippreżentaw donazzjoni ta’ kotba lill-Librerija tal-Università fl-Imsida. Ippreżentaw ukoll għotja ta’ €1,000 lid-Dar tal-Providenza, għotja ta’ kotba lill-Kunsill lokali ta’ Ta’Xbiex u għotja ta’ €300 lil Vladislava Kravchenko biex tikkura lilha nnfisha fis-sinsla ta’ daharha bit-tama li terġa’ tibda timxi.

M’għandhomx post fejn jitolbu

Il-komunità Aħmadija f’Malta sa issa għad m’għandhiex post fejn titlob u tipprattika r-reliġjon tagħha. Laiq jgħidilna li: “sa issa f’Malta m’għandniex post speċjali fejn nitolbu. L-Iżlam jippermetti lill-Musulmani li jistgħu jitolbu kullimkien jiġifieri f’uffiċini, djar u postijiet oħra. Moskea hi l-aħjar post fejn titlob.”

Jippromwovu d-djalogu bejn ir-reliġjonijiet

Il-komunità Aħmadija mhux biss hi involuta f’xogħol volontarju u għajnuniet, iżda taħdem biex tippromwovi d-djalogu intensiv u kontinwu bejn ir-reliġjonijiet differenti.

Fil-fatt din il-komunità ħadet l-inkarigu biex torganizazza konferenza bejn ir-reliġjonijiet. Din saret għax jemmnu li d-djalogu bejn ir-reliġjonijiet differenti hu ingredjent importanti biex jippromwovu l-paċi u l-armonija fis-soċjetà. Għan ieħor ta’ din il-konferenza hu dik li tinqasam informazzjoni u esperjenzi dwar ix-xogħol u l-ħajja ta’ personalitajiet li taw kontribut deċiżiv fl-istorja tar-reliġjonijiet. Interessanti hu l-fatt li l-komunità Aħmadija torganizza regolarment “Il-Jum tal-Fundaturi tar-Reliġjojijiet”.

Sfortunatament il-komunità Aħmadija, sofriet minn persekuzzjonijiet f’xi pajjiżi, fosthom fil-Pakistan. Fit-28 ta’ Mejju żewġ moskej li jintużaw mill-Aħmadija f’Lahore, fil-Pakistan, kienu l-mira ta’ terroristi. Dakinhar mietu 88 persuna u weġġgħu 125. Dawn l-attakki huma parti minn sensiela ta’ attakki li seħħew fl-aħħar snin. Fl-1974 kienet għaddiet leġiżlazzjoni li ddikjarat li l-membri tal-Aħmadija mhumiex Musulmani.

Il-komunità Aħmadija fl-Iżlam hi organizazzjoni reliġjuża, b’fergħat f’aktar minn 195 pajjiż. Hi l-aktar denominazzjoni dinamika fl-Iżlam fl-istorja moderna; is-sħubija hi stmata li tlaħħaq il-mija u sebgħin miljun persuna.

Twaqqfet minn Ħażrat Mirża Gulam Aħmad fl-1889, f’raħal żgħir u remot jismu Kadjan, fil-Punġab, fl-Indja. Hu afferma li hu r-riformatur mistenni tal-aħħar żminijiet u dak li hu mistenni li jiġi mill-komunità dinjija tar-reliġjonijiet. Il-komunità li beda hi l-inkorporazzjoi tal-messaġġ benevolenti tal-Iżlam u l-purità oriġinali tiegħu li jippromwovi l-paċi u l-fraternità universali mibnija fuq twemmin f’Alla, Ħanin u li Dejjem Jaħfer.

Musulmani u Kattoliċi jgħixu flimkien

Il-Komunità Aħmadija hi eżempju ċar ta’ kif Kattoliċi u Musulmani jistgħu faċilment jgħixu flimkien, jgħinu lil xulxin u fuq kollox jiltaqgħu bejniethom biex jiddiskutu r-reliġjonijiet tagħhom, kif itejbu d-djalogu u jifhmu aktar lil xulxin.

Eżempju ċar ieħor ta’ immigranti Kattoliċi u Musulmani jgħixu flimkien – u li għalhekk iwaqqa’ għal kollox id-dikjarazzjoijiet ta’ dawk li jgħidu li dawn ma jistgħux jgħixu flimkien, hu dak li qed jiġri fil-Laboratorju tal-Paċi, immexxi min Patri Dijonisju Mintoff. Fil-Laboratorju tal-Paċi tara immigranti li huma Musulmani u Kattoliċi jitolbu fil-postijiet rispettivi tagħhom ftit metri biss bogħod minn xulxin. F’ċerti okkażjonijiet anke jieħdu sehem fl-attivitajiet reliġjużi ta’ xulxin. Ftit tal-ġimgħat spikkat is-solidarjetà bejniethom meta wieħed minn sħabhom tatu puplesija u kienu jmorru jarawh b’mod regolari l-isptar u jitolbu għalih flimkien.

It-Torċa : 27 ta’ Ġunju 2010.

Monday, June 21, 2010


One Community One Leader: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat - a documentary: part-01


One Community One Leader: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat - a documentary: part-02

Part: 2


One Community One Leader: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat a documentary: part-03

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The history of religious persecution

The history of religious persecution

Laiq Ahmed Atif

The history of persecution is as old as human life on this earth. The religious history is full of examples of force and violence used in the name of religion by people who had no religion. People were tortured because of their love for God by those who had not the faintest clue about God. Every prophet and messenger of God and their people suffered from persecution and violence. And their enemies always raised the voices against them.

God gives the example of the prophet Shuaib, peace be on him, when the persecutors told him: "Assuredly we will drive you out and the believers with you from our town or you shall have to return to our religion." (7:89)

Shuaib's reply to the threats typifies the attitude of all God's prophets. He said: "Even though we be unwilling?" (7:89).

Is it possible to change hearts by force? Can a man be reconverted to a religion he has discarded after discovering the truth of a new religion?

No dictator has ever been able to escape this logic. The historical fact is that the sword has never ruled and will never rule men's hearts. If the human body can be subdued by force, then the soul cannot. Belief is a thing of the heart.

The history of religious persecution, as told by the Quran, clearly shows that followers of true religion are the victims of violence. The Quran gives the examples of Noah, Abraham, Lot, Shuaib, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be on them all, who called the people to God by using love, sympathy and humility.

The Holy Quran narrates the story of the people of the cave, the Christians who were persecuted for 300 years. They used to be kept in the places for torture, the amphitheatres intended for gladiatorial combat with bulls and lions. It was in these places that naked Christians were thrown to hungry wild animals. The animals howled and made short shrift of the defenceless Christians. Sometimes these "apostates" were thrown to bulls which had been starved for several days. The starving creatures bellowed and snorted and, with hissing screeches, attacked. The Christians were gored or trampled to death.

The history of persecution repeated itself when early Muslims were laid out in the blazing sun. Burning stones were put on their chests; they were dragged through the streets of Mecca like dead animals. They were shunned and kept hungry and thirsty. They were thrown into dungeons, their belongings were seized and their families were broken up. Pregnant women were thrown off camels, their inevitable deaths the cause of merriment. Their dead bodies were cut asunder; the liver of the Prophet's uncle was even eaten. They were pierced by arrows and cut down with swords.

The Prophet was stoned by ruffians and vagabonds and was chased and pelted by urchins till the cobblestones of Taif ran red with his blood. This bloodshed and persecution took place in the name of religion.

The painful history of persecution still continues today. In many countries, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, which is a peace-loving community that believes in love, peace, respect, harmony, tolerance and universal brotherhood, is suffering through violence and persecution. On May 28, in Lahore, Pakistan, two mosques of an Ahmadiyya community were attacked during Friday prayer. More than 95 innocent Ahmadis were killed and 125 were injured in these barbaric and inhuman attacks.

This persecution has been going on for a long time. Ahmadis are being persecuted in many countries; even certain governments and authorities are involved in this violence and persecution and laws have been made against Ahmadis.

In many cities of Pakistan, every day conferences are being held where speeches are made, banners are displayed, discussions are held and printed posters carry the message that Ahmadis "wajibul katl" - they should be killed. They should be taken out of Pakistan, given three days to repent and change their ways and faith or else put into a firing line. Posters in this sense have been printed and are on record.

All of this is happening under the eyes and nose of the authorities.

A glance at the history of religions would more than prove that true religion does not cause hatred, persecution, repression or the suppression of thought. It is their enemies who are persecuting and using violence against the followers of that true religion.

When will man understand and stop persecution and violence against others?

The author is president of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta.

The Times: Saturday, 19th June 2010

Islam condemns all forms of terrorism

Islam condemns all forms of terrorism

Laiq Ahmed Atif, president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta, Ta' Xbiex

Today the world is facing great threats of terrorism. Thousands of innocent people have been killed and still there seems to be no end to this cruelty. Some blame Islam as a religion of grave terror and bloodshed. But, in reality, there is no connection between Islam and terrorism at all; Islam is as closely related to terrorism as light is to darkness or life is to death or peace is to war. Islam very strongly condemns terrorism and encourages establishing peace and order in the land.

However, one cannot deny that on many occasions some Muslims are found involved in terrorist activities either individually, on behalf of a group or on behalf of a country with a predominately Muslim population.

And very recently, a similar attempt of bombing was planned in Times Square, New York. But, still, there are plenty of others who are also involved in such barbaric actions, who are not Muslims.

But let it be very clear that we do not justify terrorism of any kind whatsoever, whatever the colour, religion, sentiment or objective the terrorist may claim to represent. Islam does not approve of disorder in any form. Islam does far from teach terrorism. It teaches rule of law, obedience to the authorities and does not let anyone take the law into his own hands. The Holy Quran states:

"O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority over you.' (Ch.4: V.60)

The word "obey", which has been repeated before the words "Allah" and "Messenger" has been omitted before the words, those who are in authority, in order to point out that obedience to the authority properly constituted by law is in reality obedience to God and His Messenger.

The words, those in authority, in their wider significance include even such non-Muslims as may happen to be in authority over Muslims.

The practice of the Holy Prophet as well as his sayings make it clear that in secular matters Muslims should obey even such of their rulers as are not Muslims. And if some people say that it is not necessary for a Muslim to follow any non-Islamic government, this is utterly false and against Islamic teachings as mentioned above.

The Holy Quran further states that "those who create disorder in the earth, they are the real losers"; "and commit not iniquity in the earth, creating disorder"; "and Allah loves not disorder". Such words and phrases are found in the Holy Quran repeatedly.

After this clear teaching such terrorist actions of some Muslim individuals or groups have no cover or justification at all, and they must be condemned widely. And those who are involved must be brought in front of justice.

As far as Islam is concerned, it categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individual, a group or a government.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which is a peace loving and law abiding community, strongly condemns the attempted bombing in New York City and all acts of terrorism anywhere in the world. The Ahmadiyya Community very boldly and loudly, without any fear, speaks against terrorism. We also call on all Muslims in the world to join us in condemning all actions of violence and terror caused or carried out by anyone whoever he or she may be. We call on all of them to boldly claim and express with their tongue and action that they are loyal and law-abiding and obedient citizens, and join us in spreading a message of peace, love, harmony, tolerance and brotherhood.

We reject and condemn all acts and forms of violence and terrorism unreservedly and totally, because it is our deeply rooted belief that not only Islam but also no true religion, whatever its name, can sanction violence and the bloodshed of innocent men, women and children in the name of God.

God is love, God is peace!

Love can never beget hatred, and peace can never lead to war.

[The Times: Monday, 24th May 2010] :

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hate speech

A strong case can be made against the JI leader for fomenting aggression and religious persecution under the country’s laws regarding hate speech and incitement to violence. - Photo on file

Dawn Editorial : Monday, 21 Jun, 2010

The street power and political clout wielded by Pakistan’s religious right have resulted in the state and society being held hostage by extremist elements. The latter stop at nothing to further their agenda of inciting hatred, divisiveness and violence. The latest example is that of the Jamaat-i-Islami chief, Syed Munawwar Hasan, who during a sermon in Lahore on Friday threatened a fresh movement against the Ahmadi community if it “did not accept their minority status” and the government kept silent about “their blasphemous and unconstitutional activities”.

Mr Hasan did not specify any particular instance substantiating his charges, leading one to read his comments as hate speech and also as an attempt to blackmail the government into further victimising an already persecuted community. Given the incendiary passions the issue arouses, any call by religious parties in this context is certain to be attended by violence. A strong case can be made against the JI [Jamaat-i-Islami, a leading religious organisation in Pakistan] leader for fomenting aggression and religious persecution under the country’s laws regarding hate speech and incitement to violence.

Even beyond this particular case, it has now become a matter of urgency that the government shows an active and uncompromising stance on the issue of hate speech and incitement to violence or other sorts of criminal activity. Pakistan’s polity is already rent by religious, ethnic and sectarian divisions. Allowing irresponsible and divisive opinions to be aired publicly will deepen these fissures. Once it begins, the process of religious, ethnic and other communities being pitted against one another will prove difficult to bring under control. Spiralling violence, particularly in view of other issues being faced by the country such as militancy and terrorism, can then be expected. It is in the interests of both the state and citizenry to take a stand against inflammatory hate speech and lobby for the prosecution of those who break the law.

The Dawn:

JeI warns of launching fresh movement against Ahmedis

LAHORE, 20 JUNE: Pakistan's fundamentalist party Jamaat-e-Islami has warned it will launch a fresh movement if Ahmedi sect does not accept its minority status and the government keeps silent about its so-called “blasphemous and unconstitutional activities”.
Jamaat-e-Islami chief Munawwar Hasan said the recent terrorist attacks on Ahmedi mosques in Lahore were condemned by all sections of society.

Terrorists last month wearing suicide vests and armed with grenades and assault rifles stormed two packed mosques of the Ahmadi sect in this eastern Pakistani city, killing about 100 people, including a retired Lieutenant General and a journalist, and injuring scores more.

These attacks, Hasan claimed, had been carried out not by Muslims but by enemies of Islam. After these attacks, the Ahmedis projected themselves as an oppressed community and were not prepared to accept their minority status, Hasan contended.

According to Hasan, this is being done at the behest of foreign powers and a section of the press is supporting the Ahmedis. He warned that the people will be forced to launch a fresh movement against Ahmedis if the current situation persists.

The Jamaat-e-Islami chief also condemned targeted killings in Karachi and Balochistan and asked interior minister Mr Rehman Malik to name “foreign powers” involved in these attacks.

[Mr. Munawar Hassan is the Head of Jamaat-i-Islami, a leading religious organisation in Pakistan]

Monday, June 14, 2010

The President’s Charity Fun Run

The President’s Charity Fun Run

For The Malta Community Chest Fund



[From left to right] Sohail Zafar, Laiq Ahmed Atif, Mohammad Anees, Muhammad Suleman, Shakil Akhtar

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spreading hatred agaisnt Ahmadis

The Islamic Leader [Mullahs] in Pakistan have a great hatred against Ahmadiyya Community, and they are always preaching this hatred, discrimination and persecution against Ahmadiyya Community. After the attacks on Ahmadiyya Mosques in Lahore, killing nearly 90 Ahmadis and wounding 125 innocent Ahmadis, one political leader issued a statement saying Ahmadis “our brothers and sisters” and “an asset for Pakistan”. The Islamic clergies could not bear this statement and started protests against the statement and demanding him to apology on his statement otherwise he will be considered non-Muslim and infidel. Read below news for further information on this issue.

Nawaz Sharif kafir? No, khariji mullah kafir

Khariji mullahs threaten Nawaz Sharif with fatwa of kufr (apostasy) in retribution of his statement on Ahmadis; they also term Ahmadi massacre in Lahore as an Ahmadi conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan.

Pakistan’s opposition leader and chief of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Group (PML-N) Nawaz Sharif has been censured by clerics of different religious parties as Mr Sharif spoke in friendly terms about the Ahmadi sect.

Mr Sharif was expressing solidarity with the Ahmadis who came under a bloody attack by terrorists of Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba on Friday May 28, 2010, leaving over 90 of them dead and scores of others injured.

In a statement on Saturday June 06, 2010, in Lahore, Mr Sharif expressed commiseration toward the Ahmadi community, calling them “our brothers and sisters” and an “asset for Pakistan”.

This set orthodox Muslim clerics on fire since mullahs were able to pressurize Pakistan parliament in 1974 to declare Ahmadis as official non-Muslims, and many mullahs and their followers look on them as “traitors”.

Mr Sharif at once came under verbal attack from the Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia, a madrassah association of Deobandi sect, which stated that Mr Sharif should be ashamed of calling Ahmadis as our brothers. The Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia statement mentioned Ahmadis as “traitors” and “infidels” and stressed that they could not be the brothers of Muslims. It warned Mr. Sharif to revoke his statement.

Other religious parties also expressed resentment over Mr. Sharif’s statement. Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) president Maulana Sami-ul-Haq even threatened that his party would launch a countrywide protest if Mr. Sharif did not retract his statement.

In the latest development, a leading mullah of India declared that if Nawaz Sharif does not revoke his statement on Ahamadis, he will be deemed an infidel. Mufti Habibur Rehman Ludhianwi advised Nawaz Sharif to repent for calling Qadianis (Ahmadis) as his brothers and sisters. Mufti said that Qadianis are non Mulsims and no Muslim is allowed to have any relationship with them. He also said that if Nawaz Sharif did not repent, he will be considered as an apostate.

What is Nawaz Sharif’s crime (or sin)?

He declared Ahmadis as our brothers and sisters and as an asset for the country.

Why are mullahs upset?

Because they are rabid dogs; their only aim is to create hatred and mischief (fasaad) in Pakistan and the wider world.

Here are some examples of mullahs’ reaction to Nawaz Sharif’s statement:

Nawaz should seek pardon for giving pro-Qadianis statement: Wafaq-ul-Madaris

ISLAMABAD: The religious leaders of the Wafaq-ul-Madaris Arabia on Sunday said that Mian Nawaz Sharif should not give pro-qadiyanis statements, as the Qadiyanis are disbelievers of the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and seditious to Islam.

Religious scholars including Maulana Salim Ullah Khan, Maulana Qari Hanif Jalandhari, Maulana Dr. Abdul Razzaq and Maulana Anwar-Ul-Haq while expressing their reactions against the statement of Mian Nawaz Sharif regarding Qadianis said that he should not betray the masses for his political interests and should request pardon to Allah.

Declaring Qadianis an asset, who are the traitors of Islam and the country, reflects ignorance of Nawaz Sharif, they added.

They said that the Qadianis are disbelievers of the finality of Prophet hood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and the enemies of Muslims, adding that they cannot be the brothers of Muslim till they do not embrace Islam and seek pardon for their past to Allah. The Qadiyanis always subverted the constitution, parliament and judiciary of Pakistan and they did not miss any opportunity to harm Islam and Pakistan.

The religious scholars said that Nawaz Sharif should withdraw his dubious statement and seek pardon from Almighty Allah.

Sharif’s statement on Ahmadis angers clerics

June 07, 2010

Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia asks PML-N chief to retract his statement

ISLAMABAD: Top leaders of an organisation representing Deobandi madrassas across the country have reprimanded PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif for calling members of the Ahmadiyya community as “brothers” of Muslims.

“Sharif should be ashamed of calling them brothers of Muslims,” said a statement issued by the Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia (WMA).

Sharif said in Lahore on Saturday that Ahmadis were as important citizens of Pakistan as people from other religions and called them an asset.

He made the statement to express solidarity with the Ahmadiyya community following last month’s two synchronised attacks on their places of worship in Lahore which claimed more than 80 lives with many more injured.

In a statement issued here on Sunday, leaders of the Wafaqul Madaris al Arabia – an umbrella organisation of more than 12,000 Deobandi madrassas – called Ahmadis “traitors”.

WMA leaders Maulana Salimullah Khan and Qari Hafeez Jahalindri urged Sharif to retract his statement and advised him not to “defy religion for petty political gains.”

The statement termed the Ahmadis as “infidels” and said that they could not be brothers of Muslims until they convert to Islam again.

Ahmadis were declared a minority under the 1973 constitution – a move that some people believe intensified hatred against Ahmadis.

Published in the Express Tribune, June 7th, 2010

Ripples in political, religious circles

Sharif’s comments on the Ahmedis drew sharp criticism from religious parties like Khatm-e-Nabuwat Movement, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and Jamaat-e-Islami.

Maulana Ilyas Chinauti, the head of KNM, which has been at the forefront of the movement against Ahmedis,said Sharif should seek “forgiveness from Allah and the people of Pakistan for calling the Ahmedis his brothers”.

“Ahmedis are traitors and they deserve no sympathy whatsoever. Nawaz Sharif is trying to please the US by showing sympathy for Ahmedis,” he said. Sharif had hurt the feeling of all Muslims and KNM would stage protests till he apologised, he said.

JUI president Maulana Samiul Haq said his party would launch a countrywide protest if Sharif did not take back his statement.

Jamaat-e-Islami leader Farid Paracha said it was unfortunate that the PML-N had started toeing the line of the US. Paracha said Ahmedis could never be “brothers or friends” of Muslims and a “true Muslim must not develop any relation with Ahmedis”.

Protest staged against Qadianis

PESHAWAR: Aalami Majlis-Tahaffuz-e-Khatam-e-Nabuwwat staged protest outside the Peshawar Press Club on Monday, asking the government to take action against Qadianis.

Carrying banners and placards, the activists chanted slogans against Qadianis and asked the Pakistan Muslim League chief Mian Nawaz Sharif to clarify his position on his recent statement.

Criticising Qadianis, the speaker termed them as enemies of Islam and the state. They asked the government to take action against them for their blasphemous activities.

They reiterated to render sacrifices of their lives to protect the honour and respect of their holy prophet (PBUH) and the holy Quran and not allow anyone to continue insulting their religion and prophets.

JTI activists protest sacrilegious caricatures: Jamiat Talaba-e-Islam activists staged demonstration against the blasphemous caricatures and reiterated their commitment to render sacrifices of their lives to protect sanctity of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Carrying banners and placards, the activists gathered outside the Peshawar Press Club and chanted slogans against anti-Islamic forces and urged the government to sever diplomatic ties with Western countries.

Attack on Ahmadis was a conspiracy: MTKN

LAHORE: Leaders of Muttahida Tehrik-e-Khatm-e-Nabuwat said on Wednesday that Lahore attacks were a conspiracy to repeal laws against Ahmadis, reported BBC Urdu.

Maulana Zahidul Rashdi, founding member of the organisation, read a joint statement at the meeting’s conclusion that said that the attack on Ahmadis is being used to create suspicions about the concept of Khatm-e-Nabuwat i.e. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being the last prophet.

The meeting that took place in Muslim Town, Lahore, included members of 13 religious and political organistations including JUI-F, Jamaat-ud-Dawa and 11 others.

Just a few days back, religious leaders had shown their contempt for Nawaz Sharif’s statement where he referred to the Ahmadi community as brothers.

‘Attack on Ahmedis conspiracy to repeal laws against them’

LAHORE: A gathering of the leaders of 13 religious and political parties in Lahore claimed that the attack on Ahmedis on May 28 was part of a conspiracy to repeal the laws against them, BBCUrdu reported.

The meeting was held in an office of the Majlis Ahrar Islam in Lahore’s Muslim Town. The parties concluded that a conspiracy was in place to debate the laws against Ahmedis, the report said.

Maulana Zahidul Rashdi, who is a founding member of the Muttahida Tehrik-i-Khatm-i-Nabuwat and also the Secretary-General of the Pakistan Shariat Council, read the joint statement at the meeting’s conclusion: The attack on Ahmedis is being used as an excuse to generate suspicions regarding the concept of khatm-i-nabuwat.

The gathering was attended by leaders of the Jamaat-i-Islami, Jamiat-i-ulema-i-Islam Fazlur Rahman group, Jamaatud Dawa and Markazi Jamaat-i-Ahl-i-Sunnat among others.

During the meeting, Maulana Ilyas Chinioti, a member of the PML-N and the Punjab provincial assembly, condemned Nawaz Sharif’s statement in which he had sympathised with the Ahmedis and called them his brothers.

The meeting’s participants demanded that Nawaz Sharif immediately withdraw his statement.

Religious Leaders Imply Ahmadis not Victims

First they condemned the attacks. Religious parties got together after the May 28 attacks on the Ahmedi places of worship and termed them un-Islamic (while tempering their criticism with some conspiracy theories). The Newsreported this:

Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Syed Munawwar Hasan termed the attacks on the Youm-e-Takbeer a conspiracy to trigger a civil war in the country and justify the US interference in the country. He said Islam strongly prohibited persecuting minorities and causing any harm to their worship places. He said the minorities in the country had always been secure and Islam made it a state responsibility to protect them.

Of course, everyone knows that minorities have NOT always been secure in Pakistan, but at least the religious parties agreed that the attacks on the Ahmedi community “were uncalled for and condemnable.”

But clearly it was false sympathy and crocodile tears. The view that the attacks were also, as reported by The News, a foreign “conspiracy to malign the country in the world in order to put more pressure [on Pakistan] regarding a change in the blasphemy laws” came with a sickening twist yesterday.

A BBC Urdu article reported on a Lahore meeting of leaders of the Muttahida Tehrik-i-Khatm-i-Nabuwat where the attendees concluded that the May 28 attacks on Ahmedis were part of a conspiracy to repeal the laws against them and challenge the finality of the Prophethood. There is an inherent insinuation that Ahmedis were an active part of the conspiracy; that Ahmedis hired terrorists to kill other Ahmedis in order to garner attention because they want to remake Islam. So, Ahmedis are not the real victims here?

This is like 9/11 conspiracy theorists: Americans killed Americans to launch a crusade against Islam.

Further, a report referencing the BBC article said that “the gathering was attended by leaders of the Jamaat-i-Islami, Jamiat-i-ulema-i-Islam Fazlur Rahman group, Jamaatud Dawa and Markazi Jamaat-i-Ahl-i-Sunnat among others” and that “Maulana Ilyas Chinioti, a member of the PML-N and the Punjab provincial assembly, condemned Nawaz Sharif’s statement in which he had sympathised with the Ahmadis and called them his brothers.”

Maulana Chinioti seems to be openly preaching that non-Muslims are lesser humans: only certain Pakistanis who are brutally massacred are worthy of pity. Our religious leaders believe Allah to be the most compassionate and merciful (and expect Him to show compassion towards them) but do they not believe they have a duty to love and show compassion in their lives (or even try to show compassion) to all people of all faiths. The people killed and injured on May 28 were innocent people, harming no one, only kneeling before God in peace. What about the verse from the Quran that says “killing one innocent person is regarded as the equivalent to killing all of mankind?”

The US, Israel and India (and whatever other foreign agents are at work) do not have to do anything to “malign the country in the world.” These religious and political ‘leaders’ are doing a fine job themselves.

Are Ahmadis Muslims?

Ahmadiyya Community is suffering through a very severe persecution and discrimination in many Muslim countries. Which is totally against True Islamic teachings, the Holy Quran states: “There is no compulsion in religion”, but these so-called Muslims are not acting upon this absolutely clear and full of wisdom Islamic teaching, which gives full freedom and liberty to every human being to believe and practice the religion of his own choice, without any compulsion, force, violence, discrimination and persecution.

Most of the Muslim Countries do not recognize us as Muslims; they say all Ahmadis are non-Muslims. What a strange belief they have! Who are they to judge the faith of some one? If someone says I am Muslim, we have to accept him as Muslim. Because religion is a personal matter of someone, so who we are to judge others? There is no one to judge others faith.

But we Ahmadis believe that every human being has the right to practice a religion of his own choice, and belong to any religion. These Muslims are only raising allegations against us but have no proof from the Holy Quran, the main source of Islamic teachings, still we have great respect for them. But we have proofs to prove ourselves Muslims. In the Islamic history once during a battle a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) grabbed an enemy and when he was about to kill him he said I believe in Allah and the Messenger, and I declare myself a Muslim and he read the Kallima, the declaration to believe in God and the Messenger (saw). I am quoting this incident below, so that everyone can decide easily that faith is a personal matter of someone, and no one else has the right to declare others that they are not what they believe.

There is one incident from the history of Islam where Usamah bin Zaidra killed a man in an altercation, who used to repeatedly attack Muslims. Just when Usamah bin Zaidra was about to kill him, the man recited the kalimah. Usamahra killed the man despite this. Usamah bin Zaidra relates:

When I mentioned this incident to the Holy Prophetsa, he asked, ‘Did you kill him even though he said la ilaha illAllah [there is none worthy of worship except Allah]?’ I explained that he had only done so fearing my weapon. The Holy Prophetsa said, ‘Did you tear open his heart to see what it truly says or does not say?’ The Holy Prophetsa repeated this question over and over again: did you tear his heart open and look inside of it. (Sahih Muslim, Kitab-ul-Iman)

Another hadith relates that he said:

Why did you not open his heart to see if the kalimah was in it or not?

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa never himself claimed to know what is in the heart of others. He never claimed to know whether someone believes in the kalimah or not, nor did he allow his followers to do so. The mullah of today is contradicting this example, and therefore claiming to be the Knower of the Seen and the Unseen and assuming a rank higher than that of the Prophetsa of Islam and his Companionsra.

In another narration of this hadith the words are slightly different. It relates that when Hadrat Usamah bin Zaidra admitted, ‘O Prophet of God, he said the kalimah fearing my sword.’ The reply came, ‘He read la ilaha illAllah and you still killed him. When la ilaha illAllah will bear witness against you on the Day of Judgment, how will you answer?’ Hadrat Usamahra replied, ‘O Prophet of God, seek forgiveness for me,’ to which the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa said once again, ‘When la ilaha illAllah bears witness against you on the Day of Judgment, how will you answer?’ Hadrat Usamahra relates that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa would say nothing apart from this. He repeated, ‘When la ilaha illAllah bears witness against you on the Day of Judgment, how will you answer?’

What is the difference between Ahmadi Muslims and other Muslims?

Ahmadi Muslims follow the same Holy Scripture the Quran as other Muslims. The key difference is that Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Promised Messiah (also referred to as the Mahdi in some texts) of the latter days has arrived and he established the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889. It is a revivalist movement that has no new religious laws or teachings as it seeks to rejuvenate the true Islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Other Muslims are still waiting for a reformer to come.

As with all other Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims believe in the ‘Five Pillars of Islam’, and the ‘Six Articles of Faith’. They follow the same Holy Scripture (The Holy Qur’an), and accept that Islam is the final and perfect religion for mankind. They also believe in Prophet Muhammad(saw) as Khataman Nabiyyeen (the ‘Seal of the Prophets’) as he was the one who was the best model for mankind who brought God’s final and perfect message for mankind.

Ahmadi Muslims also follow the Islamic sources of guidance and jurisprudence– which is sourced from three main authorities:

The Holy Qur’an;

The Sunnah (practice of the Holy Prophet (saw)); and

The Hadith (sayings of the Holy Prophet(saw)

Despite this abundance of guidance Muslims, like followers of all religions before them, were destined to drift away from the true teachings of Islam. This decay was to be followed by the revival of Islam through the messiah of the latter days as prophesied by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). So whilst all Muslims expect a messiah to appear it is only the question of the identity and acceptance of the messiah that distinguishes Ahmadi Muslims from all other Muslims.

In some Hadith the messiah is referred to as ‘Jesus son of Mary’ and in others he is referred to as ‘Al-Mahdi’.

It is interesting to note that there are also similar such prophecies in other religions that tell of a messiah who was to appear in the ‘latter days’; for example, Christians are awaiting the second advent of Jesus(as).

Ahmadi Muslims believe that the messiah who was promised has come and that he was a single person who fulfilled all the prophecies relating to such a messiah not just in Islam but also in all religions. This was to be a unifying factor for all humanity and a means of uniting people under Islam, as it is the perfect religion for man.

Ahmadi Muslims believe that the Promised Messiah was Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) who was born in Qadian, India and under Divine guidance he established the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1889. The community seeks to revive the same spirit and understanding of Islam that existed at the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Some other Muslims on the other hand believe that the Promised Messiah has not yet arrived and that when he does he will be the very same Jesus Son of Mary who was sent to the Jews over 2000 years earlier as the Messiah. They believe that he ascended bodily to heaven and that he will return to earth bodily as a sign signifying his second advent. They further believe that he will slaughter all the pigs on earth and break all crosses. According to them he will also force everyone to accept Islam.

Ahmadi Muslims believe that such prophecies are metaphorical in nature. So, for example, the Messiah was not to force people to accept Islam, but rather the force of his arguments, reasoning and spiritual insight would demonstrate the truth of Islam and attract people to Islam.