At a time when conflicts rage and engulf certain areas of our world, the three hours spent at the Grand Hotel Excelsior a few weeks ago for a Peace Conference were an oasis of peace and tranquillity. This Peace Conference was organised for the third consecutive year by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta. Five illustrious speakers spoke about how peace could be achieved and maintained.
The first speaker was Dr Eddie Fenech Adami, President Emeritus and Former Prime Minister of Malta. He started by reminding us that the Ahmadiyya’s dictum, ‘Love for all – Hatred for none’, embraces the essential elements of peace. He went on to draw our attention to the fact that the threat of conflicts can be defeated by harmony.
Meena Vaswani traced the various powers and civilisations which affected India throughout the centuries. The third speaker was Mgr Joseph Farrugia, lecturer in theology at the University of Malta. He spoke about the three Monotheistic Religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – which knew their origins in the Mediterranean Basin. Senator of the World Nations Congress, Dr Iftikhar Ayaz OBE, in his enlightening speech, emphasised that peace comes from justice and benevolence; in other words real peace comes from the heart.
Dr Owen Bonnici, Member of Parliament and Labour Party spokesperson for higher education, university, research and culture, brought this very successful Peace Conference to an end. In a concise and meaningful speech, he explained how peace is positive; it is love and reconciliation.
The Peace Conference has become a yearly event, which all peace-loving people await and do their best not to miss. The organisation was impeccable and the large audience of distinguished guests prove how popular this Peace Conference has become.
Godfrey Magri, Attard, Malta (The Malta Independent, Monday 4.4.2011)
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