Friday, April 29, 2011

Love and respect towards Mother

Why do we celebrate Mother’s Day? May be for many of us, the answer is very simple. We do it because we are expected to, and if we didn’t acknowledge Mom on Mother’s Day, she would feel very hurt and disappointed. But how many people stop to really think about this day and what it means? Although the date varies from year to year, Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world, on one day or another, with many different traditions.

Mother is a very beautiful and priceless gift of God. Mother is a name of deep love, passion, service, sympathy, generosity and great kindness. Mother’s lap is the best place for a child where he finds himself fully satisfied, confident and safe from all the dangers of the world. In our daily relationships there is no alternative of mother.

This is mother who bears all the difficulties to create comfort and to provide all the necessities for her child, and sacrifices even her rest and sleep during the nights for the child. And she takes care of the child with deep emotions, and with pure and dedicated spirit, without seeking any reward.

This is mother who prays days and nights for the betterment, good health and prosperous future of her child. The love of mother is so pure and deep that, it has no example at all in worldly relationships. Permit me to write some quotes of some noble personalities of the world, who have described the mother in such beautiful words.

“Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own.” (Aristotle). “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavour by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.” (Washington Irving)

Because of the mother’s important role in human life, every religion and civilized society assigns a position of great honour and respect to a mother. The love, devotion and tenderness due to parents, and especially to the mother, are repeatedly stressed in all the religions. The Holy Bible states:

“Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and despise not thy mother when she is old.” (Proverbs 23:22).

“Children! Obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” (Ephesians 6:1-3)

The Holy Quran says: “We have enjoined on man benevolence towards his parents.” (The Quran 29:9). “Show kindness to parents. Should either or both of them attain old age in thy lifetime, never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, but always speak gently to them. Be humbly tender with them and pray: My Lord, have mercy on them even as they nurtured me when I was little.” (The Quran 17:24-25).

Mother’s day comes to remind us and to check that do we are taking enough care of our mothers? If not, then, we must start to show a great respect, love and care to our parents and then never stop this kindness. The care a mother shows for her children cannot be repaid ever, not even, in the whole life. But, we must be thankful for her kindness and always take care of her, and try to win the pleasure and love of God.

May God always bless our mothers, may He shower His endless bounties and favours to our mothers. Ammen

(The Times Supplement for Mother’s Day: Friday 29th April 2011)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bridges, not walls

The pace at which peace is fast disappearing from the world today has caused each sane and sensible person to worry.

This includes religious people, politicians, civil society, and leaders of different countries and institutions. Everyone has valid concerns about peace and stability of the world. Man, who considers himself to be educated and civilized, is reverting to the period of ignorance when personal ego and false pride led people to cut each other’s throats so much so that whole tribes and dynasties indulged in such barbaric acts.

A glance on the current situation of the contemporary world bears witness that, today, the world is riddled with problems; East to West, North to South, everywhere there are countless troubles and difficulties. In brief, every part of this planet is surrounded by huge discomfort. Human beings are suffering through poverty, fighting, killing, unrest, disorder, as well as with social and economical crises. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, famine, lack of food, etc. are also seen in large numbers and on a huge scale.

The year 2010 was one of the exceptional years during the past decades in which more than 295,000 human deaths and a loss of $130 billion was recorded. And a total of 950 natural disasters were recorded, making 2010 the second worst year since 1980.

But, unfortunately, and very amazingly, for man who is already riddled with endless problems, there are certain powers, certain organisations, and certain groups of people who are building walls of hatred. And these walls are getting higher nowadays, even more now than ever before in the history of mankind.

Sometimes people who struggle for their freedom are attacked, sometimes religious places are demolished, sometimes religious books and symbols are dishonoured, sometimes extra burdens are put on the shoulders of people and sometimes false and baseless allegations are raised against sovereign countries and nations, in audience of hundreds of people.

The uprisings in some African and middle-East countries have taken hundreds of innocent lives and the economical loss is not less than millions. Burning of the Holy Quran in Florida, attacks on churches in Indonesia and Pakistan, demonstrations in Afghanistan, political instability in Sierra Leone, suicide bombings in the name of religion, are all worrying aspects of today. These acts will achieve nothing but have caused distress and anger to millions of peace loving persons worldwide.

When one ponders on the current situation, many questions come to mind. Aren’t the walls of hatred already too high? Is there any need to make them even higher? Aren’t bridges, which can unite us, already lacking? Isn’t the world already full of unrest, instability and uncertainty? Aren’t these walls of hatred already causing too much trouble on this planet?

Today the world needs peace, love and brotherhood. The world needs an end to wars. Instead of walls of hatred being erected, we need peace to prevail and for this to occur people of all faiths, countries, nationalities and backgrounds must join together for this noble cause.

“Like for your brother what you like for yourself”: this is a golden principle for establishing peace and tranquility in the world. If everyone tries to abide by this principle, I am pretty sure we can create an atmosphere of serenity throughout the world. This principle uproots all estrangement and feeling of conflict, and sets a system based on equality and justice and discourages double measures. But it is unfortunate that most of the people of our day are engrossed in self-interest and in accumulating every benefit for themselves to the exclusion of others.

“Blessed are the peacemakers”. What beautiful words. Every human being who does his or her best to establish peace has been given assurance that he or she will be blessed by the Almighty Lord. He or she will enjoy the blessings and bounties of God in this world and in the hereafter.

The world cannot afford more uncertainties, so the seeds of hatred, malice and intolerance should not be sowed because they will destroy the peace of the world and will create disorder in the land. The time requires sowing the seeds of love, respect and tolerance, as these values will guarantee the peace, serenity and tranquility of the world.

In brief, building bridges of unity and harmony and demolishing the walls of hatred and malice is need of today’s world.

By: Laiq Ahmed Atif – President Ahmadiyya Jamaat Malta
The Malta Independent:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Eżempju eċċelenti lill-mexxejja tan-nies

Il-mexxej il-veru tan-nies huwa dak li dejjem lest biex iservihom. Nemmen li kull mexxej li huwa verament jaħseb li hu l-mexxej tal-poplu tiegħu, huwa importanti li dejjem ikun lest biex iservi l-poplu tiegħu, u dejjem jaħdem għall-interess komuni u qatt ma jaħseb għall-interess personali u tal-qraba tiegħu meta jieħu d-deċiżjonijiet.

Kull persuna u kull mexxej li jmexxi n-nies, il-pajjiż, il-familja, eċċ, se jwieġeb quddiem Alla dwar dak kollu li għamel fil-ħajja tiegħu bħala l-mexxej jew ir-ragħaj. Il-mexxej tal-pajjiż se jwieġeb dwar l-għemejjel u d-deċiżjonijiet li ħa, il-mexxej tal-familja se jwieġeb dwar l-affarijiet tal-familja, il-mexxej reliġjuż se jwieġeb dwar ir-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu, l-għalliem għandu jwieġeb dwar ix-xogħol tiegħu. Fil-qosor kull persuna li għandha r-responsabbiltajiet għandha twieġeb quddiem Alla f’Jum il-Ħaqq.

L-istess meta nħarsu lejn il-mexxejja politiċi nindunaw li dawn għandhom responsabbiltajiet kbar fuq spallejhom. Dan huwa d-dmir u d-dover tagħhom biex jaraw kif jgħixu n-nies tagħhom; għandhomx xi problema; għandhomx il-bżonn ta’ xi ħaġa.

Dan huwa kkunsidrat essenzjali ħafna; li dawk li għandhom l-awtorità se jkunu l-iktar sensittivi għall-kawża tal-poplu biex ma jkunx hemm il-bżonn għal xi għamla ta’ gruppi ta’ pressjoni – gruppi ta’ nies organizzati li għandhom saħħa kbira biex jinfluwenzaw l-opinjoni pubblika bil-propaganda.

Mill-aħħar ftit xhur nistgħu naraw li hemm xi pajjiżi (fil-parti l-kbira Musulmani), li huma mdaħħla fi problemi kbar. Irrid nikteb storja waħda li għandha messaġġ ċar u qawwi għal dawk il-pajjiżi Musulmani u l-mexxejja tagħhom fejn in-nies qegħdin ibatu mill-problemi kbar u jsofru minn uġigħ kbir minnħabba s-sitwazzjoni ħarxa f’pajjiżhom:

Darba waħda Umar, it-Tieni Kalif tal-Iżlam, kien għaddej minn triq qrib il-belt ta’ Medina bil-lejl. Din kienet id-drawwa tiegħu biex jimxi fit-toroq billejl biex jara b’għajnejh is-sitwazzjoni tan-nies li kienu taħt il-ħakma u s-saltna tiegħu. Meta kien għaddej mit-triq sema’ minn dar il-biki tat-tfal li dehru muġugħin. Hu ħabbat il-bieb u meta l-mara tad-dar fetħet ra li kien hemm tlett itfal li qegħdin madwar in-nar u fuq in-nar kien hemm kitla tagħli. Hu staqsa x’ġara? Għaliex it-tfal kienu qed jibku? U x’kienet qed issajjar? Hi qalet: “It-tfal tiegħi kienu bil-ġuħ u ma kellix biex nagħtihom x’jieklu. F’din il-kitla hemm l-ilma u xi ġebliet biss, u għamilt dan biex nagħtihom l-impressjoni li jiena qed insajjar xi ħaġa għalihom. Dan huwa dak li qed tara.”

B’uġigħ kbir u diqa ta’ qalb, Umar immedjatament reġa’ lura u mar dritt lejn il-kamra tal-gvern fejn kien hemm affarijiet tal-ikel. Hu ġabar xi dqiq, butir, laħam, tamal u xi affarijiet oħra u poġġa kollox fi xkora. U qal lill-gwardjan li kien hemm ħdejh għall-għajnuna biex jerfa’ l-ixkora fuq spalltu. Il-gwardjan baqa’ skantat u qal: “Għaliex qed iġġorrha fuq dahrek? Jiena nista’ nġorrhielek fejn trid.”

Umar wieġeb: “Bla dubju tista’ ġġorr dan il-piż għalija llum, però min se jġorrli l-piż u t-tagħbija tiegħi f’Jum il-Ħaqq?” Jiġifieri li f’Jum il-Ħaqq, il-gwardjan ma jkunx jista’ jwieġeb f’isem Umar li kif hu (Umar) qeda r-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu. Hu kellu jerfa’ r-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu huwa stess. Dan ukoll kien minħabba li kien jixtieq jgħin lil dik il-familja li kienet għaddejja minn dan il-perjodu diffiċli. Hu ħass, fil-fatt, li l-pajjiż kollu u dak kollu li jikkonċernah kienu r-responsabbiltà tiegħu u dan kien dmiru biex jaqdih hu nnifsu.

Umar mar lura bl-ikel kollu u tahom lil dik il-mara, u qalilha li meta jkollha bżonn ta’ xi ħaġa tmur għandu. L-għada filgħodu beda wkoll għajnuna finanzjarja għal din il-familja, biex jgħixu aħjar u b’dinjità.

Dan huwa eżempju ċar u tajjeb għal dawk li huma fil-gvern. Dan huwa d-dmir ta’ kull mexxej biex jara kif jgħix il-poplu tiegħu u x’għandu bżonn. Jekk kull mexxej jaħdem b’din il-viżjoni, jien ċert li nistgħu nbiddlu d-dinja kollha u nistgħu neliminaw il-faqar mill-univers kollu.

Nifhem li dan huwa impossibbli għall-kap ta’ kull gvern biex fiżikament jikkopja dak li għamel Umar, imma kemm bl-ispirtu u bl-attitudni hemm eżempju eċċellenti. Importanti li dan l-ispirtu jkun segwit kullimkien. Jekk il-gvernijiet isiru sensittivi għall-kawża u t-tbatija tal-poplu, allura, anke qabel il-poplu jibda biex isemma’ l-leħen muġugħ u s-sens ta’ deprivazzjoni, dawk fl-awotorità jkunu obbligati biex jieħdu miżuri rimedjali u meħtieġa, mhux minħabba l-vuċi tal-poplu deprivat, iżda mill-vuċi urġenti tal-kuxjenza tagħhom stess.

Imma, sfortunatament, naraw li hemm mexxejja li joqtlu n-nies tagħhom, jużaw il-forzi kontra l-poplu tagħhom u jipprattikaw il-vjolenza fuq in-nies li jgħixu taħt il-ħakma u s-saltna tagħhom.

Nappella lil dawk il-mex-xejja, li huma għandhom jiksbu lezzjoni minn dan l-eżempju nobbli u jagħmlu mill-aħjar li jistgħu għan-nies tagħhom; jagħtuhom dak li għandhom bżonn; jippruvaw jeliminaw il-problemi, l-uġigħ u t-tbatija tagħhom. Għax fl-aħħar mill-aħħar, kulħadd huwa r-ragħaj u se jwieġeb quddiem Alla f’Jum il-Ħaqq. Dak li ma jintlaħaqx minn għajn il-bniedem, jintlaħaq dejjem minn għajn Alla.

Għal-iktar informazzjoni:

IT-TORĊA, 17.04.11: minn Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Malta

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Report about peace conference 2011

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta organised “Peace Conference” on 25th February, at the Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana.

In this gathering H.E Dr Eddie Fenech Adami, President Emeritus of Malta; Hon. Dr Owen Bonnici, MP and Shadow Minister; Rev. Dr Joseph Farrugia, lecturer at University of Malta; Mrs. Meena Vaswani, lecturer on Hinduism and culture and Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz O.B.E, Head of the Tuvalu Islands Mission in the UK, and Senator of the World Nations Congress delivered their talks on the importance of peace and how to establish peace in our societies. Audience also put their questions to the speakers. Nearly 80 people, from different sections of the society attended this very interesting, informative and important meeting.

For More Click:

Comment: Related articles:(By Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Community Malta)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

History Channel – Biography of Muhammad

Muhammad (born 570, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]—died June 8, 632, Medina) founder of the religion of Islam, accepted by Muslims throughout the world as the last of the law bringing prophets of God.

Although his name is now invoked in reverence several billion times every day, Muhammad was the most reviled figure in the history of the West from the 7th century until quite recent times. He is the only founder of a major world religion who lived in the full light of history and about whom there are numerous records in historical texts, although like other pre-modern historical figures not every detail of his life is known. Because Muhammad is one of the most influential figures in history, his life, deeds, and thoughts have been debated by followers and opponents over the centuries, which makes a biography of him difficult to write. At every turn both the Islamic understanding of Muhammad and the rationalist interpretation of him by Western scholars, which grew out of 18th- and 19th-century philosophies such as positivism, must be considered. Moreover, on the basis of both historical evidence and the Muslim understanding of Muhammad as the Prophet, a response must be fashioned to Christian polemical writings characterizing Muhammad as an apostate if not the Antichrist.

These date back to the early Middle Ages and still influence to some degree the general Western conception of him. It is essential, therefore, both to examine the historical record—though not necessarily on the basis of secularist assumptions—and to make clear the Islamic understanding of Muhammad and of the Western audience.

To watch the documentary click here

Choice of dress is a basic human right so as the Veil

One common and most cherished fruit of life is liberty and freedom. Freedom is a basic right of all living things, man being no exception. Man is the embodiment of liberty, which is deeply rooted in him.

But, very amazingly, we find that certain man-made laws are against the liberty and freedom of man in the final analysis and such laws deprive a man of his fundamental human rights.

Sometimes, laws are made against displaying Christian crucifixes; sometimes against building minarets on mosques; and sometimes we find that some countries stand against building places of worship, such as synagogues, churches or mosques. And, most recently, laws are being introduced against the hijab or veil in certain countries.

Is this a definition of modern democratic governments that claim to safeguard the rights of their peoples? Is this the way to bring together people of different nations? Is this the way to foster love and affection among people? Most certainly, every just-minded person will oppose this because these things will build the walls of hatred ever higher and destroy the peace of the world.

These issues, thus, have become a source of sarcasm. However, there are some sober-minded people in whose hands are the reins of the Executive and Legislature who should not interfere with such matters. Should legislation be passed against Christians and Jewish ladies who also adopt religious attire? If bans are imposed against the Muslims, then Muslim countries may impose restrictions on some forms of Western dress in response. This issue has the potential to snowball and it will affect the peace of the world.

Let me make it very clear, the Ahmadiyya community does not support any such motion against human rights, whether in Muslim countries or in Christian countries or anywhere else in the world. We support and believe in full freedom and liberty for all human beings.

By all means, if there is any covering that hides the identity of a person and it is necessary to remove it to identify a person, then the governments or the authorities have the right to do so.

But what a travesty that a woman may be deprived from travelling simply because she is wearing the hijab!

Or a human life may be deprived of care in a hospital and left in the jaws of death because she was wearing a veil. Or to deprive a girl of education, however intelligent she may be, thus losing a national talent of a country only because she chooses to observe hijab or veil (a religious duty) not out of any compulsion but out of her own free will.

It is true that some Muslim women observe these teachings of Islam in such a manner that they have put on themselves some burdens that Islam did not prescribe. The purpose of the veil is to give women respect, honour and peace and not to burden them.

And Islam speaks in terms of a very moderate veil to provide protection to women and it does not say that women should be kept only at home or that they should wear those kinds of garments that even cover their eyes, hands, feet etc. and cause problems for them even to walk easily in the streets. Islam says you must remain moderate in the way you talk and behave.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat believes that a person’s choice of dress is a personal matter and a basic human right as are other rights. It believes that every human being must be given full liberty and freedom to practise his or her faith in every country, be it a Christian or a Muslim country. Islam teaches modesty for both men and women but underlying all Islamic injunctions is the Qur’anic principle that “There is no compulsion in religion”. Thus, if a woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, chooses not to cover her head then that is her right but, on the other hand, if a woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, chooses to cover her head or face then that too is her right and ought never to be interfered with.

Laiq Ahmed Atif, president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta: The Times, 16th July, 2010

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Khilafat rejects religious militancy

…The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, however, stands out as Muslims who believe in the Messiah — Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India — the Community was founded in 1889 and spans over 195 countries with membership exceeding two hundred millions. After the demise of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1908, a large number of followers gathered and unanimously elected Moulana Nooruddin as the first khalifa. Since then, four more khalifas have been elected, who have focused on serving the faith and transforming the faithful, as opposed to establishing a Muslim state. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the fifth Khlaifa and the Present Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam.

From its inception, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat has categorically rejected religious militancy in every form. When faced with bitter persecution, it practices patience and perseverance. When subjected to intolerance, it preaches peace and tolerance. It champions the cause of the dispossessed and works towards uplifting the oppressed through international humanitarian efforts. It has conquered no land and possesses no earthly dominion, but it wields its influence over the hearts and minds of millions as a force for good in the world.

So there need not be any fear of the true Islamic concept of khilafat. This Islamic system of leadership does not threaten to gain any political control, nor does it pursue the establishment of a politico-religious state. Let us walk away from this understanding of caliphate and understand that khilafat can serve to guide Muslims and spiritually reform the world.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Peace Loving Activity

At a time when conflicts rage and engulf certain areas of our world, the three hours spent at the Grand Hotel Excelsior a few weeks ago for a Peace Conference were an oasis of peace and tranquillity. This Peace Conference was organised for the third consecutive year by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta. Five illustrious speakers spoke about how peace could be achieved and maintained.

The first speaker was Dr Eddie Fenech Adami, President Emeritus and Former Prime Minister of Malta. He started by reminding us that the Ahmadiyya’s dictum, ‘Love for all – Hatred for none’, embraces the essential elements of peace. He went on to draw our attention to the fact that the threat of conflicts can be defeated by harmony.

Meena Vaswani traced the various powers and civilisations which affected India throughout the centuries. The third speaker was Mgr Joseph Farrugia, lecturer in theology at the University of Malta. He spoke about the three Monotheistic Religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – which knew their origins in the Mediterranean Basin. Senator of the World Nations Congress, Dr Iftikhar Ayaz OBE, in his enlightening speech, emphasised that peace comes from justice and benevolence; in other words real peace comes from the heart.

Dr Owen Bonnici, Member of Parliament and Labour Party spokesperson for higher education, university, research and culture, brought this very successful Peace Conference to an end. In a concise and meaningful speech, he explained how peace is positive; it is love and reconciliation.

The Peace Conference has become a yearly event, which all peace-loving people await and do their best not to miss. The organisation was impeccable and the large audience of distinguished guests prove how popular this Peace Conference has become.

Godfrey Magri, Attard, Malta (The Malta Independent, Monday 4.4.2011)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Build Bridges Not Walls!

Today the world is riddled with problems; East to West, North to South, everywhere there are countless troubles and difficulties; in brief, every part of this planet is surrounded with huge discomfort. Human beings are suffering through poverty, fighting, killing, unrest, disorder, as well as with social and economical crisis. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, rains, famine, lack of food, etc. are also seen in large numbers and on a huge scale.

But, unfortunately, and very amazingly, for man who is already riddled with endless problems, there are certain powers, certain organisations, and certain groups of people who are building walls of hatred. And these walls are getting higher nowadays, even more now than ever before in the history of mankind.

In recent days a pastor together with few other people has burned the Quran.

Aren’t the walls of hatred already too high; is there any need to make them even higher? Aren’t the bridges, which can unite us, already lacking? Isn’t the world already full of unrest, instability and uncertainty? Aren’t these walls of hatred already causing so many troubles on this planet?

In these circumstances such plans and actions, and such demonstrations and protests only help in destroying world peace. These provocative acts achieve nothing but to cause distress and anger to millions of peace-loving persons worldwide. Burning any religious scripture is a horrific act and is directly contrary to the teachings of all the world’s major religions. And such demonstrations and protests in which they burn flags, which are the symbols and honours of countries, raise slogans of hatred, use violence and damage properties are also categorically condemnable.

These actions are not a service to humanity or to any religion, but they surely destroy the peace, tranquility and serenity of the world. We have to show great respect to all the sacred books of all the religions, whatever the name is.

The Holy Bible and the Holy Quran are both sacred books and were revealed by the same Almighty God for the guidance of mankind, and they both deserve to be respected and shown great honour. They are sacred to the people so we should not offend them. I think tolerance and respect for each other is very important.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat always condemned such acts of hatred; weather against Judaism, Christianity, and Islam or against any other religion. And always promotes tolerance, harmony, universal brotherhood and inter-faith dialogues so that the respect and love among religions can be established.

However, it is true that there are some differences in the teachings of every religion, but this is also a reality that there are hundreds commonalities among them; we have so much in common. How nice and decent it would be if believers of all the religions would focus on commonalities rather than on differences, to create the atmosphere of harmony and tolerance.

But, if someone wants to discuss and to get answers to his questions, still this is not the way to disrespect the Sacred and Holy Books and to play with the sentiments of their believers. These discussions, exchange of ideas, experiences and teachings can take place; and I think they must take place, so we come to know more about each other, but in a very decent and respectful way, with the aim of knowledge and establishing harmony among believers of different faiths.

There is nothing wrong with intellectual or theological debate but this should be conducted with the bounds of decency and tolerance. These discussions should take place in a peaceful and respectful environment.

Today the world needs peace, love and brotherhood. The world needs an end to wars. Instead of walls of hatred being erected we need peace to prevail and for this to occur people of all faiths must join together.

As the Jesus Christ said: ‘‘blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:9-10). We all must try to be the peacemakers so we can benefit from this glad-tiding and be called the real children of God to whom He loves.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat with great sympathy and sincerity appeals to the world that this is not a time to sow the seed of hatred, malice, disrespect and intolerance because they will ultimately destroy the peace of our societies and will create disorder on this beautiful planet. But, please, let us sow the seeds of love, harmony, tolerance and universal brotherhood, because these values will grow fruitful trees and gardens of peace, tranquility and serenity for the whole mankind.

It also appeals to different schools of thought and people of different religions and faiths to join together in building bridges which will unite us, and let us demolish all the walls of hatred and malice which separate us from each other. Let us all carry the message of peace and brotherhood to everyone, and let us spread the message of love for all and hatred for none to all corners of the world so we can all enjoy security and peace of mind, and pass something valuable to our children and generations to come, and let us save humanity.

Laiq Ahmed Atif, president Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta