Monday, October 31, 2011
Youth in Islam: "A Nation Cannot be Reformed Without First Reforming its Youth”
Youth in Islam│“A Nation cannot be reformed without first reforming its Youth”
Iż-żgħażagħ tal-lum huma l-mexxejja ta’ għada │Laiq Ahmed Atif
Source: It-Torċa: Il-Ħadd, 30 ta’ Ottubru, 2011│Laiq Ahmed Atif
Kull soċjetà hija magħmula minn nies ta’ klassi, valuri u età differenti; u kulħadd għandu r-rwol importanti, essenzjali u kruċjali fis-soċjetà tal-lum u tal-futur. U dan huwa dmir ta’ kull membru tas-soċjetà biex jieħu sehem biex tissaħħaħ is-soċjetà. U s-soċjetà hija bħala bukkett fjuri fejn kull fjura tipparteċipa biex tagħmel buk-kett mill-isbaħ, u kull fjura għandha kulur, riħa u daqs differenti imma flimkien huma l-bukkett u għalhekk jidhru isbaħ.
Iż-żgħażagħ huma parti mill-bukkett tas-soċjetà, iżda r-rwol tagħhom huwa iktar importanti mill-oħrajn. Huma parti integrali u essenzjali tas-soċjetà u mingħajrhom is-soċjetà mhijiex kompleta. Għalhekk jgħidu li: ‘Iż-żgħa-żagħ tal-lum huma l-forza, it-tama u l-mexxejja ta’ għada’, għax huma l-futur tas-soċjetà, tal-pajjiż u tal-komunità. Iż-żgħażagħ huma l-forza tal-bidla u jistgħu jħeġġu l-gvernijiet biex jiddikjaraw il-prijo-ritajiet tagħhom. Iż-żgħażagħ għandhom ir-responsabbiltajiet importanti lejn pajjiżhom. Huwa importanti li nitgħallmu mill-passat u ngħixu bit-tama għal futur aħjar, għal futur li jixraq lil uliedna u lill-ġene-razzjonijiet ġejjiena.
Il-ġenerazzjoni futura għandha dover biex tkun onesta, ġenwina, ta’ valuri tajba u biex taħdem lejl u nhar biex is-soċjetà u l-pajjiż jimxu ’l quddiem. Iż-żgħażagħ għandhom dmir biex jużaw il-kapaċitajiet, il-qawwa, il-kreattività u l-imaġinazzjoni tagħhom biex iservu l-pajjiż u n-nazzjon mill-aqwa, kemm jistgħu. Dawn huma ż-żgħa-żagħ li jistgħu jagħmlu d-diffe-renza, għax huma s-sinsla tan-nazzjon u jistgħu jibnu futur sabiħ għas-soċjetà b’valuri u mġiba kuraġġuża.
Iż-żgħażagħ għandhom jiffokaw fuq l-istudji tagħhom, għax l-edukazzjoni hi l-aqwa strument lejn is-suċċess u l-futur li jixraq lil pajjiżna. Għandhom jiddedikaw ħin biżżejjed għall-istudji tagħ-hom. L-edukazzjoni fiżika u l-isport huwa wkoll importanti, u ż-żgħażagħ għandhom jipprattikaw xi sport għax is-saħħa hija wkoll importanti għall-progress. Jekk iż-żgħa-żagħ ikunu b’saħħithom, jistgħu jagħmlu iktar xogħol u iktar ħidma għall-fejda tal-pajjiż.
Il-ħin huwa prezzjuż u l-ħela tiegħu hija l-ħsara tal-futur, għalhekk, iż-żgħażagħ iridu jagħmlu minn kollox biex jużaw il-ħin prezzjuż tagħhom bil-għaqal. Ħafna drabi naraw li ż-żgħażagħ jaħlu l-ħin tagħ-hom mingħajr bżonn; joħorġu għal ħafna ħin bla bżonn, dan mhux tajjeb għax kull minuta tal-ħajja tagħhom hija impor-tanti. Għalhekk, nista’ ngħid li ż-żgħażagħ tal-lum huma l-unika tama ta’ għada, u għandhom dmir biex jifhmu l-importanza tagħhom u jaħdmu skont il-bżonn tal-ħin.
Iż-żgħażagħ tal-gżejjer tagħna mhumiex anqas miż-żgħa-żagħ ta’ pajjiżi oħrajn u huma kapaċi ħafna u għandhom opportunitajiet varji. Huma għandhom il-ħila, il-kapaċità, l-attitudni, is-saħħa, l-għerf u l-abbiltà kollha biex jagħmlu l-futur tal-pajjiż mill-aqwa.
Nemmen li l-ħajja u s-suċ-ċess tan-nazzjonijiet u l-futur ta’ suċċess kbir jinsab f’idejn il-ġenerazzjoni taż-żgħażagħ tal-lum. U jekk iż-żgħażagħ tal-lum għandhom valuri sodi, edukazzjoni mill-aqwa, saħħa tajba, prijorijatijiet sewwa, kompetenza u sinċerità kollha, allura nistgħu ngħidu li l-futur hu sabiħ. U jekk, sfortunatament iż-żgħażagħ tal-lum ma jippreparawx biżżejjed, ma nistgħux ngħidu li l-futur se jkun isbaħ mil-lum. Bini tajjeb għandu bażi tajba.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Malta’s role should be written in Gold│Laiq Ahmed Atif
Source/Credit: The Times: Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The death of Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi has closed a chapter of four decades’ rule and opened a new chapter of freedom and democracy. The new beginning has started and now the Libyan people have to focus on establishing peace, freedom, democracy and human rights for all with equality and justice.
No doubt, as Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said, “news of someone’s death is always ugly but for the Libyan people it means the start of a new chapter that we hope will translate into a better life”. Yes, that’s absolutely true and we hope for a flourishing, happy, free, equal and democratic new beginning for Libya.
My intention to write this piece is based on the support and solidarity offered by Dr Gonzi to the Libyan people. As he said: “The Maltese will help according to our capabilities”.
Malta’s strategic and geographical position in the Mediterranean plays an essential, crucial and important role in the region, economically, socially and politically. And Malta has always played its important role whenever certain situations cropped up. In the recent situations and conflicts in the neighbouring countries, Malta once again proved its strategic importance and played a great and sensible role – a role that is highly recognised and admired by the international communities and countries.
The US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recognised this role by saying “Malta may be a small nation in size (but) its contributions to regional peace and security are significant”. UK Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed his gratitude and said: “How grateful we are for all the assistance we have received this year, humanitarian assistance, particularly during the evacuation of British nationals from Libya”. These are just to name a few, since this role and assistance was recognised and appreciated by many countries around the world.
Malta’s humanitarian support for the Libyan people was enormous, with a sense of sincerity, affection and service to mankind. And Malta has once again proved that a friend in need is a friend indeed! Throughout the conflict the Maltese people and their government played a vital role.
In the very beginning of the conflict Malta helped with the safe evacuation of people of different nationalities from Libya. The humanitarian aid given in the shape of food, water and medicine and the provision of medical treatment and assistance to the injured people in Maltese hospitals are really highly admirable.
Malta’s role in saving the lives of two pilots who fled to Malta after having refused to bomb their own people was also highly admired. It was a great step taken by the Maltese government when it refused to return the Mirage fighters and pilots back to Libya and granted them refuge in the country.
In brief, the Maltese government and people left no stone unturned to help and support the Libyan people. This great and sincere support should be written in golden words and remembered forever.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Apostasy and UN Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document to help and support mankind. And all those countries who have signed this declaration are duty-bound, morally and legally, to abide to all articles, clauses and regulations stipulated in this declaration. The very first article of this declaration speaks that ‘all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’. That is to say that each and every single human being irrespective of colour, faith and politics has the right of freedom, equality, dignity and liberty. And that freedom should not be compromised and ignored by any member state of the United Notations.
This wonderful document duty-bounds all those nations and states, who have signed and endorsed this valuable document, to follow all its articles including 18, which states: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.’ This article not only speaks about the free choice of religion, but also, clearly endorses the freedom to change any religion without any fear and punishment.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Islam and Respect for the Dead!
(By: Laiq Ahmed Atif)
“relate of your dead only that which is good, and refrain from speaking ill of them.”
Death is an integral part of life and death is as real as life. Nothing is so certain as the fact that for all of us there will come a time when our life on this earth will end and our minds will no longer function. The life of a human being is limited on this earth and everyone has to leave this world to join the hereafter. Allah Almighty says:
“Allah has created death and life that He may try which of you is best in conduct. He is the Mighty, the Most Forgiving.” (Holy Quran 67:3) “God replied, ‘I will inflict My punishment on whom I will; but My mercy encompasses all things.” (Holy Quran 7:157)
Janaza Service (Funeral service)
The transitions from this world to the next and the disposal of a deceased are serious matters in all cultures and religions. In Islam death is treated with great respect and dignity. A deceased Muslim is due utmost respect and his body is handled according to the Sunnah (action) of the Holy Prophet, peace be on him. The body is given a ritual bath, and wrapped in two white sheets before being put in a coffin. Once it is prepared, the funeral service is held. The Imam leads the Funeral prayer, with the mourners standing in rows behind him. After this, the body is buried in a graveyard. Cremation is not permitted in Islam.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Blasphemy and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him

(Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta)
The issue of blasphemy is a hot issue that remains in news particularly in Pakistan. In 2010, a Christian woman Asia Bibi, who was charged with blasphemy in Pakistan, made the international headlines. But charging Asia Bibi under the blasphemy law did not apparently quench the radical thirst of the clerics of Pakistan. A Muslim cleric offered $6,000 to a person who would kill Asia Bibi. Tragically, the late governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, who visited Asia Bibi in prison, was later gunned down by his own security guard, Mumtaz Qadri. Salman Taseer’s crime was to speak up for the victims of blasphemy law. The insanity continued unabated when after few weeks of the murder of Salman Taseer, a Catholic and Minister for minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti, was assassinated allegedly over his stance on blasphemy laws. The issue of blasphemy has once again reared its ugly head: the death penalty imposed by antiterrorism court against Mumtaz Qadri, the murderer of Salman Taseer, has been reversed.
The issue of blasphemy is not a new phenomenon. The instances of blasphemy are found throughout recorded human history. The Holy Quran, for example, points out very clearly that all the prophets and messengers of God were persecuted, harmed, abused and mocked, not only during their life time but also after their demise. “Alas for My servants! There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him.” (36:31) “Then We sent Our Messengers one after another. Every time there came to a people their Messenger, they treated him as a liar.” (23:45) Noah, Abraham, Lot, Saleh, Shuaib, Moses and Jesus, peace be on them all, just to name a few, were all mocked and blasphemed by their enemies and opponents.
Questions naturally arise: How did Prophets react to blasphemy? Did they ever punish the blasphemers? What was the end of those mockers and blasphemers?
The Holy Quran clearly speaks about the treatment of those mockers and enemies of God’s prophets; “And surely, Messengers have been mocked at before thee; but I granted respite to those who disbelieved. Then I seized them, and how was then My punishment!” (13:23) “And Messengers indeed have been rejected before thee; but notwithstanding their rejection and persecution they remained patient until Our help came to them. There is none that can change the words of Allah.” (6:35)
These verses make it abundantly clear and manifest that all the messengers observed extreme patience whenever they were blasphemed and they never tried to punish or respond to those blasphemers violently. All those mockers, blasphemers and enemies faced deadly consequences.
Another common element in their stories is that all the enemies were punished by God, and this is one supreme reality that can never change; “There is none that can change the words of Allah” (6:35).
Alas! This blasphemy did not stop even at the time when the sun of eternal truth rose over the skies of the Arab peninsula and the world was soon to bask in the light of the message of Muhammad, may peace be on him. The one waited for thousands of years, prophesied by thousands of prophets, and for whom the whole world was created and who was the clear manifestation and reflection of the full glory of the Creator. The one who was titled by the Almighty God as “mercy for all the worlds”, our beloved Master and Lord, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), endured every form of punishment, torture, persecution, blasphemy, mockery and torment suffered by the earlier prophets and messengers. He was called “the one most mean” (63:9), he was treated as a ‘liar’ (35:26), he was labelled as a ‘fabricator’ (16:102) and he was called as ‘madman’ (15:7).
Read More:, October 19, 2011
Press Release: Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, issued a stark warning to Geert Wilders and praised Queen Beatrix

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that Wilders had exceeded all limits of falsehood and hatred in his opposition towards Islam. He said Wilders was motivated solely by a desire to further his own political ambitions and so the time had come to warn him about the consequences of his actions. He said that irrespective of whether Wilders gained further political capital in the short term, ultimately his antics would lead only towards abject failure and humiliation.
Addressing Wilders directly, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:
“Listen carefully You, your party and every other person like you will ultimately be destroyed. But the religion of Islam and the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will remain forever. No worldly power, no matter how powerful and no matter how much hatred they bear towards Islam, will ever succeed in erasing our religion.”
His Holiness explained that the destruction of such individuals would be achieved through prayer alone and not by any worldly means. He said:
“Always remember, that we can achieve nothing without prayer. We have no worldly power, nor will we ever use any worldly force. But the prayers of people whose hearts have been grieved are enough to shake the Heavens.”
Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad also spoke of the many decent people who continued to live in Holland and who rejected wholeheartedly the extremist views perpetuated by Wilders. His Holiness said that all such people who care for the feelings of one another and who believe in religious freedom should come together and launch a campaign for peace in the world. This is something that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat has long advocated and has been involved with throughout the world.
During his visit, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, also took the opportunity to praise the efforts of Queen Beatrix towards promoting inclusiveness and equality. Speaking about her efforts, His Holiness said:
“All Ahmadi Muslims should pray for Queen Beatrix because certain sections of the local society have turned against her, due to the fact that she has openly condemned the anti-Islam movement in this country. They are also angry because she advocates the right of Muslims to be treated as full and equal citizens, whose rights and feelings should be respected. Thus we must pray that all plans and schemes against the Queen completely fail.”