Monday, July 11, 2011

Ahmadiyya condemns Human Rights Violation in Pakistan

Download the English Translation of this leaflet:

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta strongly condemns the Human Rights situation in Pakistan. In recent weeks media has reported many incidents of human rights violation and provocative acts in Pakistan; and so-called religious clerics and extremists are spreading hatred throughout the country, which already has caused thousands deaths of innocent people. Some clerics and hardliners are demanding the banning of the Holy Bible[i], in the country. Infamous blasphemy laws are being misused and innocent people are becoming the victims of those laws. Tolerance, freedom of religion and speech is lacking rapidly and extremists are fulfilling their agenda. Provocative and hate campaigns are started against minorities and people of other faiths.

Most recently, a hard-line Islamist “Khatme Nabuwwat” Organization (organization Prophet Hood Seal) in Pakistan has launched a campaign in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan, in order to kill Ahmadi Muslims (the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat). They have been distributing leaflets calling for the murder of Ahmadi Muslims and calling it a real Jihad; and orchestrating a boycott of Ahmadi businesses, doctors, teachers and all prominent members of the community. And they are repeatedly calling the Ahmadi Muslims “Wajib-ul-Qatal” means “liable for death”.

The brochure promotes the open murder of Ahmadis and explains that this is a meritorious act, protective spirit of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) with honor and reward in paradise[ii].

The Asian Human Rights Commission issued a press release under the title Extremists are planning openly to kill hundreds of Ahmadiyys, the government turns a blind eye”, on Saturday, 11th June 2011[iii].

The organization has issued an open letter and published a list of the elite among Ahmadiyya Muslims, ie doctors, teachers and businessmen in Faisalabad. It has motivated, inspired and manipulated the society with the message:

“Wake your conscience! And be fearless, holy warriors of Khatme Nabuwwat, kill the followers of the Ahmadiyya doctrine and get martyr status.”

In Faisalabad, the situation is very unstable and dangerous. No Ahmadi is guaranteed safety or security. Nor the Pakistani government, police or judicial system have issued any official statements on the announcement of the open message that is causing this tremendous fear. Children are afraid to go to school and businessmen are afraid to open their daily businesses.

A few months ago four Ahmadi Muslims were shot dead in Faisalabad because of these types of statements.

The federal government has not taken any effective action to halt and eliminate the extremist activity that continues to undermine the values ​​on which Pakistan was founded on.

Political parties in Pakistan have not shown any signs of confronting religious fanaticism, extremism and violence that has shattered the social and economic fabric of society.

Human Right situation in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the situation of human right is not different from Pakistan. Few months ago some members of the Ahmadiyya Community were killed very brutally[iv]. The government is not taking any positive steps to assure its citizens the freedom of faith and religion; also their safety is not assured[v].

We would like to draw attention to this serious matter, to make it substantially clear to the Pakistani government that this is against the basic human rights, and all the citizens must be given their all basic human rights and depriving them from these rights is clearly against the United Nations Rules and Regulations to which Pakistan is a member state. So, we can avoid any new massacre of the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as it happened on 28th May 2010, where 86 innocent Ahmadis were killed in Lahore Pakistan, on the basis of their faith.

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