
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta would like to wish you all a very Blessed and Happy Festive Season.
May joy, love, happiness and peace be with you all during this festive season and always.
God bless you forever!
Love for all, Hatred for none [amjmalta@gmail.com ; 79320139]
The Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in India concluded on 28th December in Qadian with a powerful and faith inspiring address by the World Head of the community, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who addressed the event from the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London via satellite. The Jalsa attracted over 17,000 people from around the world in Qadian, whilst over 4,000 gathered in London for the concluding session.
Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad began his address by reminding the audience that the conventions held by the Ahmadiyya community were distinguished from others, because they were exclusively designed to enhance the religious and spiritual development of those who took part.
He said that this year thousands of Ahmadi Muslims from Pakistan had travelled for the event in an effort to lessen the sense of deprivation they felt due to the fact that Ahmadi Muslims were not permitted to host such conventions in Pakistan due to the anti-Ahmadiyya laws that continued to exist.
His Holiness spoke repeatedly about the state of the world, which he said stood on the brink of disaster and destruction due to the lack of justice and equality within society. He said that at such a crucial time, it was the task of Ahmadi Muslims throughout the world to guide mankind towards salvation. He said:
“Today it is the responsibility of every Ahmadi Muslim to protect the world from destruction. This is because we have pledged allegiance to the Promised Messiah, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (peace be upon him) and by doing so we have sworn that we will always strive for the betterment of all humanity.”
His Holiness continued by saying that the Muslim world was today ravaged by sectarianism and internal discord. Only the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat could claim to be united and this unity was derived through its system of Khilafat.
His Holiness reminded the audience that the well-being of the future was being put at risk by the jealousies of today. The unjust policies and practices of world powers were fuelling extremism and terrorism. In this regard His Holiness said:
“True peace and true justice cannot be found anywhere in the world today. Instead worldly desires have increased beyond all limits. The wealth of others is looked at with envy and jealousy by people and by governments. In today’s world governments claim that they are fighting wars for the sake of peace and to save mankind from cruelty. Such claims are totally wrong and deceitful. The aims of such governments are simply to serve their own vested interests and to capture the wealth of other nations. Thus in the name of justice the blood of mankind is being spilled and in reaction to such injustice more and more terrorist groups are emerging.”
The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat also used his address to counsel against all forms of extremism. He said that any form of extremism had to be outlawed, otherwise the consequences would be grave.
Referring to India specifically, he said that even though the country claimed to be secular, some Muslim extremists had penetrated the country and were already poisoning the society with their acts. He said that the Ahmadi Muslims of India were already being targeted and that the extremists were trying to influence the government to stop the peaceful and humanitarian activities of the Ahmadiyya community in India.
In response to such opposition, His Holiness said:
“Ahmadi Muslims can never, and will never, stop worshipping the One God and following the practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). However I say to those who believe in justice and equality, that if you yield to the extremists for the sake of apparent political benefit then your country will no doubt become immersed in strife. If you allow such groups to spread then it will lead to nothing but a moral decline.”
His Holiness concluded by saying that there remained hope and this hope was based upon the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) which were of peace, brotherhood and mutual love. To achieve these aims, throughout his life the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) made sacrifice after sacrifice and in this era it is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat who continue to follow in his footsteps. His Holiness said that all Ahmadi Muslims must therefore understand their responsibilities.
His Holiness said:
“Is it enough for us to simply call ourselves Ahmadi Muslims? Will this be enough to develop peace in the world? No! To achieve peace we must first understand the pain that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) felt for all of mankind. Our every act and our every effort should be towards ending all forms of cruelty. By developing true justice we must do Jihad against cruelty itself. Our Jihad will not be conducted by any weapons or might but simply through our prayers for all of humanity. This is the only way that peace and love can develop in society.”
For more info: http://ahmadiyyamalta.org/
Laiq Ahmad Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta presented a donation of 500 Euro to His Excellency Dr. George Abela, the President of Malta, in L-Istrina 2011, on 26th December. Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is always willing to extend its support for those in need. The Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat says: “MY DESIRED OBJECTIVE IS TO SERVE MANKIND”. To know more about L-Istrina and Malta Community Chest Fund, please log on: http://maltacommunitychestfund.org/
A string of bombs struck churches in five Nigerian cities on Sunday, leaving dozens dead and wounded on Christmas day – a time of celebration and religious activities; a very special day for all the Christians around the world.
The blasts mark the second holiday season that bombs have hit Christian houses of worship in the West African nation. These acts of violence and hatred against innocent citizens are provocative and inhuman.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Malta strongly rejects, and unreservedly and categorically condemns such violent attacks on Churches – the places of worship, in Nigeria.
The community said that these are no doubt, inhuman, heinous and cruel attacks, which should be condemned at every level. The Ahmadiyya Community condemns the attack in strongest terms, and demands the authorities to bring the culprits in front of justice as soon as possible”.
“We believe that, in this age, when certain powers, organisations and ideologies are engaged in destroying peace and when ill-feelings against each other are being sparked unnecessarily and walls of hatred are being erected in every part of the world and at every level possible, the objective of caring for the sentiments of each other, respecting other faiths, showing mutual tolerance and harmony and interreligious cooperation is all the more important. “
The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Laiq Ahmed Atif calls all the people to exhibit their kindness to one another, to show love and affection and for renewing ties of brotherhood and kinship so that peace in the best possible manner can be established in our societies. He also says:
“There is no religion in the world – be it Islam, or Christianity, or Hinduism or for that matter any other faith – that advocates the destruction of peace. Each person likes peace and hates disorder. Every heart is inclined towards good deeds and every good-natured person wants the peace should be established in the world. Everyone is restless in attaining this objective of peace.”
The community expressed their deepest condolences to the victims’ families in this difficult time and pray for the health of those who were injured in this attack.
Malta Star: The Times: Malta Today:
Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Malta was interviewed by Mr. Ivan Bartolo in his morning show “Stenbaħ” on Favorite Channel on 20.12.2011. In this interview the campaign of Peace Leaflets was discussed and Atif explained this campaign and the message of Loyalty, Freedom, Respect, Equality and Peace.
Brief Translation of this video:
Presenter: This week is very important for us as Christians. If we see the Jesus gave the message of peace and love, and this is also your message. So see how much we have in common. Allah is one.
Laiq Ahmed Atif: Yes that’s true. And we also believe in Jesus and we respect him by the depth of our hearts. We believe that whoever comes from God, he gives the same teaching of peace, love and respect. When we study the history of different prophets we find the same teachings, as human beings we are all the same, irrespective of different colors, creeds or nationalities, when we human beings are the same, and then the message should also be the same. Because the message comes from the same and One God, that’s why the basic message is always the same.
The Jesus said, ‘Blessed are the peace makers,’ and we also believe in this message.
We not only believe but we practice it, we give this message to others too, as our motto is ‘Love for all – Hatred for none,’ it is really a wonderful and precious, that everyone, people of different faiths, colors and creeds can come together and work for the betterment of our country and for the whole world.
Many times I hear that people say that religion divides human beings. I say no. In reality religion unites human beings. If there is no religion how we can get the message of peace and love and respect. Religion gives this message of peace with full strength. Religion gives the message that we love each other and respect each other.
We believe in this message of loyalty, respect, freedom, equality and peace. This message has a great value. When we speak about loyalty; people say that are Muslims loyal to the countries they live? Yes, off course, we are loyal to the countries we live in. It is an integral part of our faith that we love the country we live in. After loyalty it is freedom. Freedom is a basic right of every human being, as God has created us free so we must give this freedom to every human person. And respect, is a basic value, even if there is no religion, still respect is considered as a basic value. And equality is also very important, and many problems take place because of lack of equality.
And when we will be practicing these values, in the end we can benefit from lasting peace. And as we are living in Malta our message is for everyone in Malta. We love this country from the depth of our hearts. We are part of this country.
Question: Is Ahmadiyya Part of Islam?
Answer: Yes, Ahmadiyya is a part of Islam. There is a difference that the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, prophesized that in the Latter Days there will come a Promised Messiah and Mahdi, who will reform Islamic teachings. We believe that person has come and we believe in him and our community is reformed by him and other Muslims are waiting for that Messiah to come. When one studies more about our Community he will understand that we are very well reformed. We believe that every Muslim should respect the laws of the country. And I assure that we will always remain loyal to this country and we will never raise our voices against this country.
Question: How big Community you have in Malta?
Answer: In Malta we have a small Community, but we work very hard, day and night, because when you have an aim and mission you work hard to reach there.
Question: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is against terrorism; and you speak strongly against it.
Answer: There are many people who use religion for terrorism and suicide attacks to kill innocent human beings, to divide humanity. But we practice and use religion to bring and unite human beings on a single point and to establish human rights, human dignity, to establish peace and we strongly condemn terrorism. We believe that there is no place in Islam for terrorism, and not only Islam but no religion, whatever its name can teach terrorism. In the Holy Quran God says: “If you kill a single human being it is as you have killed all humanity”. And when in an incident they kill e.g. 100 people, it is not only the death of 100 people but, the death of humanity for 100 times. And it is really a grave sin. And God permitted no one to kill human beings.
I would like to wish all my Maltese brothers and sisters a very happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Greetings to all! Love for All – Hatred for None.
For more information please log on: http://ahmadiyyamalta.org/
Laiq Ahmed Atif, president Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta was also among the panel who addressed the Press Conference called by SOS Malta, to launch a project to mainstream the integration and diversity of third-country nationals through the media. Laiq Ahmed Atif said that the true integration is not only possible but highly essential for the progress and betterment of Malta. For more information visit: http://ahmadiyyamalta.org/
Unity and solidarity are the strength of a nation. And for the promotion and establishment of such high qualities a noble and great leadership is required. A leadership that can motivate its people about national matters, a leadership that can deliver.
On December 4, the streets of Malta witnessed a great sense of unity and solidarity behind the strong leadership of President George Abela. He once again proved that he is really a man of commitment and deliverance. For the third consecutive year he united the whole of Malta for a noble cause to show solidarity with needy brothers and sisters.
A record-breaking 11,000 people gathered on the streets to make this event a success. The enthusiasm, encouragement, readiness and high aims were seen clearly on every face. People of all ages, classes and backgrounds including families, couples, individuals, colleagues, friends and communities took part in the noble cause.
Everyone was ready and willing to extend his favours to others. Our benevolence is extended in such a manner that we consider it to be our duty or obligation and not a favour to others.
May God bless Dr Abela with a long, healthy and peaceful life. He said a few days ago that the spirit and joy of people filled him with great happiness and he was glad to see the entire nation united.
We pray, in his words, “J’Alla nibqgħu dejjem hekk!” Amen.
Each year with the start of December many discussions, publications, activities are directly focused on the topic of ‘Christmas’; in brief, it becomes the talk of the town. Streets become brighter with different lights and decorations; homes, shops and offices are also very well decorated, to welcome the Christmas. The Holy Quran gives great honour and respect to Jesus and Mary (peace be on them), and both are mentioned repeatedly in the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty says:
“When the angels said, ‘O Mary, Allah gives thee glad tidings of a word from Him; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the next, and of those who are granted nearness to God.” (Quran 3:46) “And We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs and strengthened him with the Spirit of holiness.” (Quran 2:254)
These verses, just to mention a few, are clear evident to the reality that Islam pays a great honour, respect and dignity to beloved Jesus and Mary (peace be on them). And having affection and respect for such great and noble personalities and to follow their footsteps is part and parcel of Islamic faith. Christmas is a time to remember the work and accomplishment of Jesus; it is a reminder for following their footsteps.
We hold great respect and affection for Jesus and Marry in our hearts. We wish “Marry Christmas” to all our Christen brothers and sisters. Also a blessed and prosperous New Year; peace and blessings of Allah be upon the entire humanity. Read More: