


Love for all, Hatred for none [amjmalta@gmail.com ; 79320139]
The campaign was longed with the message of: Lealà – Ħelsien – Rispett – Ugwaljanza – Paċi; on Friday 25th February 2011, with the Annual Peace Conference 2011.
Members of Ahmadiyya Community are presenting people the leaflets that highlight the Islam’s commitment of fundamental values and principles of loyalty, freedom, respect, equality and peace. The community is trying to show the true picture of Jihad and categorically condemns all sorts of extremism, fundamentalism and terrorism. And promote its famous slogan of “Love for all – Hatred for none”.
This drive to promote peace is repeatedly emphasized by the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, his Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who said:
“A true Muslim can never raise his voice in hatred against his fellow citizens, nor for that matter against the ruling authority or government of the time. It is the responsibility of a true Muslim that he should remain loyal and fully abide by the laws of the land of which he is a subject.”
On initiation of this campaign, Laiq Ahmed Atif, president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta said:
“Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat believes in tolerance, harmony and peace between all human beings, and Islam stands for peace. But, unfortunately, some extremists Muslims who are involved in suicide bombings and terrorist attacks have given a very wrong picture of Islam to the world. We want to convey the people of this country the true message of Islam and that is of peace and living together in harmony with all mankind.”
Find the Leaflet: http://ahmadija.org.mt/musulmanipaci/MusulmaniGhall-Paci.pdf
In this respectful gathering Mrs. Catherine Gonzi, the spouse of the Prime Minister of Malta and Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the spouse of the Leader of the Opposition of Malta also delivered their talks together with other speakers. Mrs. Nadya Anne Mangion, the vice president of the National Women’s Council Malta, introduced the council and also shared the work and services of the council. Rev. Lawrence Attard, delivered his talk on the topic of “Women in Christianity”.
“Women in Islam” was the topic of the presentation of Imam Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta. In his presentation he addressed the situation of women before the advent of Islam, and then showed the beautiful teachings of Islam about the dignity and honour of women. Through Verses of the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, he spoke about the role of women as wives, daughters and mothers. He concluded his speech with the message of:
“The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, as moderate and the most dynamic denomination of Islam in modern history, immensely believes in respect for women, and continues to advocate for the equality, education, and empowerment of women.”
In this programme more than fifty people from different denominations and backgrounds participated, spouses of four Members of Parliament also attended the event; and press gave coverage to this event. Find original post:
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Commemorated International Women’s Day Centenary 1911-2011, on Friday 17th June at the Waterfront Hotel Gzira.
The treatment of women in “so-called Islamic states” is not according to the spirit of Islam, the president of the Ahmadiyya Mulslim Jamaat in Malta said today.
Speaking in a seminar organised by the Islamic denomination to commemorate 100 years of Women’s Day, Laiq Ahmed Atif said that Islam favoured equality between both sexes and that the subjugation and cruelty to some women in the Arab world was “a misrepresentation of Islam”.
The point was also raised by Kate Gonzi, who said that the government and political parties, “made up mostly of men” “need to appreciate the different, albeit complementary contribution that women can make, and embrace female participation”.
Kif nafu, dawn l-invenzjonijiet għandhom effetti negattivi għal saħħitna wkoll, kif ukoll mard ta’ tip differenti qed jaffetwa n-nies. Ħafna nies qed ibatu minn allerġiji, kanċers, problemi tan-nifs, problemi ta’ ġilda, eċċ. In-numru tan-nies li jużaw inhalers qed jiżdied.
Naraw ħafa laqgħat dwar l-ambjent fil-pajjiż kif ukoll madwar id-dinja, sabiex naslu li nsalvaw il-problemi dwar l-ambjent. Ħafna diskuzzjonijiet qed jiġu organizzati biex insibu s-soluzzjonijiet ta’ kif nistgħu nagħmlu l-ambjent aħjar.
Waħda mis-soluzzjonijiet hi li nibdew inħawlu ħafna siġar kemm nistgħu f’kull pajjiż tad-dinja. Il-mistoqsija hi, għaliex is-siġra hija ta’ importanza kbira? X’inhuma l-benefiċċji tas-siġra?
Meta naqraw dwar is-siġra insibu li siġra hi vera importanti għall-ambjent kif ukoll għal saħħitna. Is-siġra tagħtina frott, kenn, injam, arja friska kif ukoll l-ossiġnu li huwa importanti ħafna għall-ħajja tagħna fuq l-art.
Hawn irrid nikteb l-istorja li qrajt ħafna snin ilu, iżda l-messaġġ tagħha huwa importanti l-istess illum kif kien qabel, anki aktar minn qatt qabel.
Qrajt li darba waħda r-re ta’ xi pajjiż kien għaddej minn qalb għelieqi u ra raġel li kien xiħ ħafna u li kien qed ħawwel siġra. Ir-re kien sorpriż u mar ħdejh u qallu:
‘‘Għalxiex inti qed tħawwel din is-siġra?’’
Ir-raġel qal: ‘‘Għall-frott, għall-kenn, għall-ossiġnu u għall-arja safja.’’
Ir-re qal: ‘‘Int taf li inti raġel xiħ ħafna u ma tafx kemm se tgħix aktar, hu possibbli li tmut qabel din is-siġra tikber, issir siġra kbira u tibda tagħti l-frott u l-kenn.’’
Ir-raġel qal: ‘‘Maestà! Din is-siġra mhux għalija. Naf li aktarx immut fil-futur qrib iżda rrid li nħalli xi ħaġa tajba lill-ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ warajja u nagħti rigal ta’ valur kbir lin-nies li ġejjin warajja.’’
U kompla jgħid li: ‘‘Din se tkun karità u rigal minni għas-snin li ġejjin, u se nirċievi l-barkiet ta’ Alla sa dak iż-żmien li din is-siġra se tibqa’ tagħti benefiċċji lin-nies.’’
Din l-istorja għandha messaġġ sabiħ ħafna; li wara l-mewt in-nies jispiċċaw imma l-affarijiet u l-għemil tajbin tagħhom jibqgħu għal dejjem. Is-siġar li jagħtu l-frott, il-kenn u l-arja safja huma wkoll wieħed mill-għemejjel tajbin li se jibqa’ għal dejjem. Għalhekk, jekk aħna rridu li n-nies jitkellmu tajjeb dwarna, wara l-mewt tagħna, allura hija importanti li aħna nħawlu ħafna siġar, kemm nistgħu.
Jekk aħna rridu li ngħixu ħajja tajba, jekk rridu li uliedna jgħixu ħajja kuntenta, jekk irridu li nħallu xi ħaġa tajba warajna għall-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġejjini, hu wisq importanti li nħawlu ħafna siġar kemm nistgħu. U nagħtu importanza kbira lil dan il-pjan.
Wasal il-ħin, li kull wieħed minna jipprova iħawwel is-siġar f’pajjiżna, li hi gżira daqstant ċkejkna iżda ħafna għażiż għalina, sabiex inħallu warajna pajjiż sabiħ, ambjent aħjar u uliedna ferħanin. Ejjew niddedikaw ruħna sabiex insalvaw l-umanità mill-problemi tal-ambjent u nagħtu dan ir-rigal prezzjuż lill-ġenerazzjonijiet li ġejjin.
Find Original post of It-Torca: By: Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta:Respected Mrs. Catherine Gonzi, the wife of the Hon. Prime Minister of Malta and respected Mrs. Michelle Muscat, the wife of the Hon. Opposition Leader together with other speakers will be participating in the “Seminar about Women”, organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta, to commemorate the “Centenary of International Women’s Day”. The programme will be presented by Ms. Valerie Vella. The public is cordially invited.
Venue: The Waterfront Hotel Gzira
Friday 17th June 2011 at 5.00pm (17hrs)
Ms. Valerie Vella: Introduction and presenting the event
Mrs. Michelle Muscat: women in general
Mrs. Nadya Anne Mangion: introduction of the NCW
Rev. Lawrence Attard: women in Christianity
Mr. Laiq Ahmed Atif: women in Islam
Mrs. Catharine Gonzi: women in general
The entrance to this event is free, open to all, both men and women, and will be in English. Please confirm your participation on the following contacts: 79320139 or amjmalta@gmail.com
A policy debate on the rise of extremism internationally and its impact on Britain, House of Commons, 18 May 2011. The event was co-hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK and the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Community. Speakers were:
The Attorney General, The Rt Hon DOMINIC GRIEVE QC MP; Writer, broadcaster and cultural critic ZIAUDDIN SARDAR; Co-Director of the International Centre for the Study of radicalisation DR JOHN BEW; Director of Asia Pacific at Amnesty International SAM ZARIFI; and daughter of assassinated Governor of Punjab Pakistan Salman Taseer SHEHRBANO TASEER. In the absence of Siobhain McDonagh MP (Chair APPG), Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP chaired the event.
Watch a Video on this sitting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2gWpDctccY&feature=player_embedded
Read an article from the Archives on the tile of "Murder in the name of religion": http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100810/opinion/murder-in-the-name-of-religion.321772
The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, was Rahmatullil Almeen – mercy for all the worlds, his entire life is manifestation of great love and mercy towards all mankind as well as animals. Few examples of his mercy towards animals are presented below.
“He warned people against cruelty to animals and enjoined kind treatment to them. He used to relate the instance of a Jewish woman who was punished by God for having starved her cat to death. He also used to relate the story of a woman who found a dog suffering from thirst near a deep well. She took off her shoe and lowered it into the well and thus drew up some water. She gave the water to the thirsty dog to drink. This good deed earned her God’s forgiveness for all her previous sins.
‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra relates: “While we were in the course of a journey along with the Holy Prophet sa we saw two young doves in a nest and we caught them. They were still very small. When their mother returned to the nest, not finding her little ones in it, she began to fly wildly round and round. When the Holy Prophet sa arrived at the spot he observed the dove and said, ‘If any one of you has caught its young ones he must release them at once to comfort it’ ” (Abu Dawud). ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ud ra also relates that on one occasion they observed an ant-hill and, placing some straw on top of it, they set fire to it; whereupon they were rebuked by the Holy Prophet sa.
On one occasion the Prophet sa observed a donkey being branded on the face. He inquired the reason for this and was told that the Romans had recourse to this practice for the purpose of identifying high-bred animals. The Prophet (saw) said that as the face was a very sensitive part of the body, an animal should not be branded on the face and that if it had to be done the branding should be done on its haunches (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi). Since then Muslims always brand animals on their haunches and, following this Muslim practice, Europeans also do the same.” (Life of Muhammad sa; p 372-373)