Laiq Ahmed Atif, president and director Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta presented 25 food packets to Fr. Martin Micallef, the director of Dar tal-Providenza, as a donation for residents of this institution.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ahmadiyya helps Dar tal-Providenza
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tree planting by Ahmadiyya Community Malta


The Hon George Pullicino Minister for Resources and Rural Affairs attended a tree planting event this morning by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Community.
Mr. Laiq Ahmed Atif, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta said; “We are always willing to contribute in every section of the society, in every social, charitable, humanitarian and welfare activity”.
“This year we are also contributing in environmental matters through planting some trees. As we know there is a big climate change, and pollution is on the increase, so there cannot be any better gift than to plant a tree for the nation and this beautiful country, Malta. And today we have planted olive trees, which are symbols of peace and love. Through planting these trees we also want to give the message of peace, love, harmony and brotherhood to all our Maltese brothers and sisters. And a message of, Love for all, hatred for none’’

Ahmadiyya donates to Hospice
Laiq Ahmed Atif, the president and director of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta visited the offices of The Malta Hospice Movement to make a contribution in the noble work of the Hospice Movement.
During his visit to the Balzan offices, Mr. Laiq Ahmed Atif was briefed by Ms A. Shah, the Hospice General Manager about the services offered by the movement. Ms Shah emphasized about the importance of such donations and that thanks to similar acts of solidarity such as this, that for the past 21 years, the Movement has been able to continue with its mission of providing free-of-charge Palliative Care services to families experiencing cancer or motor neuron disease. Mr. Atif admired the work of the movement and also told about the services of Ahmadiyya Community for humanity, in Malta as well as around the world.
In the end of the visit Ms Shah, General Manager, on behalf of The Malta Hospice Movement, was presented with a donation of €500 by Mr. Laiq Ahmed Atif. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat is a universal religious organisation, with members in over 198 countries. It advocates peace, tolerance, love and understanding among followers of different faiths. It serves mankind irrespective of their faith, coulour, creed, nationality or politics, and promotes its famous slogan ‘‘Love for all, hatred for none’’.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Let us build bridges not walls

Let us build bridges not walls
Today the world is riddled with problems; East to West, North to South, everywhere there are countless troubles and difficulties; in brief, every part of this planet is surrounded with huge discomfort. Human beings are suffering through poverty, fighting, killing, unrest, disorder, as well as with social and economical crisis. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, rains, famine, lack of food, etc. are also seen in large numbers and on a huge scale.
But, unfortunately, and very amazingly, for man who is already riddled with endless problems, there are certain powers, certain organisations, and certain groups of people who are building walls of hatred. And these walls are getting higher nowadays, even more now than ever before in the history of mankind.
In recent days the plan of burning the Quran was a hot issue, and in response demonstrators were burning the flags of some countries and were raising the slogans of hatred and malice.
Aren’t the walls of hatred already too high; is there any need to make them even higher? Aren’t the bridges, which can unite us, already lacking? Isn’t the world already full of unrest, instability and uncertainty? Aren’t these walls of hatred already causing so many troubles on this planet?
In these circumstances such plans and actions, and such demonstrations and protests only help in destroying world peace. These provocative acts achieve nothing but to cause distress and anger to millions of peace-loving persons worldwide. Burning any religious scripture is a horrific act and is directly contrary to the teachings of all the world’s major religions. And such demonstrations and protests in which they burn flags, which are the symbols and honours of countries, raise slogans of hatred, use violence and damage properties are also categorically condemnable.
These actions are not a service to humanity or to any religion, but they surely destroy the peace, tranquility and serenity of the world. We have to show great respect to all the sacred books of all the religions, whatever the name is.
This plan was condemned by many political and religious leaders of the world. The Vatican condemned the plan saying it would be ‘‘an outrageous and grave gesture’’. The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for International Dialogue said in a statement that: ‘‘each religion, with its respective sacred books, places of worship and symbols, has the right to respect and protection’’.
The Holy Bible and the Holy Quran are both sacred books and were revealed by the same Almighty God for the guidance of mankind, and they both deserve to be respected and shown great honour. They are sacred to the people so we should not offend them. I think tolerance and respect for each other is very important.
I am very pleased that this plan was cancelled and did not take place; and cancellation statement was issued saying: “Not today, not ever”. I pray that we never see any such plan in future which may cause anger to the peace-loving persons and may good prevail always.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat always condemned such acts of hatred; weather against Judaism, Christianity, and Islam or against any other religion. And always promotes tolerance, harmony, universal brotherhood and inter-faith dialogues so that the respect and love among religions can be established.
However, it is true that there are some differences in the teachings of every religion, but this is also a reality that there are hundreds commonalities among them; we have so much in common. How nice and decent it would be if believers of all the religions would focus on commonalities rather than on differences, to create the atmosphere of harmony and tolerance.
But, if someone wants to discuss and to get answers to his questions, still this is not the way to disrespect the Sacred and Holy Books and to play with the sentiments of their believers. These discussions, exchange of ideas, experiences and teachings can take place; and I think they must take place, so we come to know more about each other, but in a very decent and respectful way, with the aim of knowledge and establishing harmony among believers of different faiths.
There is nothing wrong with intellectual or theological debate but this should be conducted with the bounds of decency and tolerance. These discussions should take place in a peaceful and respectful environment.
Today the world needs peace, love and brotherhood. The world needs an end to wars. Instead of walls of hatred being erected we need peace to prevail and for this to occur people of all faiths must join together.
As the Jesus Christ said: ‘‘blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:9-10). We all must try to be the peacemakers so we can benefit from this glad-tiding and be called the real children of God to whom He loves.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat with great sympathy and sincerity appeals to the world that this is not a time to sow the seed of hatred, malice, disrespect and intolerance because they will ultimately destroy the peace of our societies and will create disorder on this beautiful planet. But, please, let us sow the seeds of love, harmony, tolerance and universal brotherhood, because these values will grow fruitful trees and gardens of peace, tranquility and serenity for the whole mankind.
It also appeals to different schools of thought and people of different religions and faiths to join together in building bridges which will unite us, and let us demolish all the walls of hatred and malice which separate us from each other. Let us all carry the message of peace and brotherhood to everyone, and let us spread the message of love for all and hatred for none to all corners of the world so we can all enjoy security and peace of mind, and pass something valuable to our children and generations to come, and let us save humanity.
Ahmadiyya donates at Refugee Camp
Xogħol ta’ karità fil-Kamp tar-Refuġjati
Laiq Aħmed Atif, president u direttur tal-Komunità Aħmadija Musulmana f’Malta, qassam pakketti ta’ ikel lill-familji tal-Kamp tar-Refuġjati, f’Ħal Far fl-4 ta’ Settembru 2010.
Il-Komunità Aħmadija fl-Iżlam hi organizzazzjoni reliġjuża, b’fergħat f’aktar minn 198 pajjiż, ġiet imwaqqfa minn Ħażrat Mirża Gulam Aħmad (1835-1908) fl-1889 ġewwa raħal żgħir remot jismu Kadjan fil-Punġab, l-Indja. Hu afferma li hu r-riformatur mistenni tal-aħħar żminijiet. Il-Komunità li beda hi l-inkorporazzjoni tal-messaġġ benevolenti tal-Iżlam u l-purità oriġinali tiegħu li jippromwovi l-paċi u l-fraternità universali bbażata fuq twemmin f’Alla, Ħanin u li Dejjem Jaħfer.
B’din il-konvinzjoni, fi żmien seklu, il-Komunità Aħmadija fl-Iżlam kibrat globalment u taħdem biex tippratitika t-tagħlim tal-paċi tal-Iżlam billi tiġbor mijiet ta’ eluf ta’ Ewro għall-karitajiet, bini ta’ skejjel u sptarjiet miftuħin għal kulħadd u billi tinkoraġġixxi t-tagħlim permezz ta’ djalogu fost ir-reliġjonijiet.
Il-Komunità Aħmadija taħdem biex ittejjeb il-kwalità ta’ ħajja tan-nies l-iktar foqra u l-iktar vulnerabbli tad-dinja. Hija tħaddan il-prinċipji tal-paċi, tat-tolleranza, tal-imħabba u r-rispett bejn segwaċi ta’ twemmin differenti. Hija żżomm sod u taġixxi fuq it-tagħlim Koraniku: “Mhemmx sfurzar fir-reliġjon”; u tipprattika l-motto tagħha “Imħabba għal kulħadd, mibegħda għal ħadd”.
Illum : Sunday, September 12 , 2010 ;
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ejjew nirbħu l-pjaċir ta’ Alla
Ejjew nirbħu l-pjaċir ta’ Alla
Illum il-ġurnata nsibu faqar kbir imxerred ma’ kullimkien fid-dinja. Hemm ammont kbir ta’ nies li huma inqas fortunati fil-pajjiżi kollha tad-dinja – fil-pajjiżi foqra kif ukoll fil-pajjiżi sinjuri. U b’xorti ħażina dan-numru ta’ nies li huma foqra qed jiżdied kuljum. Fis-snin riċenti rajna żieda kbira minħabba kriżijiet ekonomiċi li jdawru d-dinja kollha, mil-lemin għax-xellug u minn fuq għal isfel.
Issa, il-mistoqsija hi li kif nistgħu neliminaw din il-problema tal-faqar mis-soċjetajiet tagħna kif ukoll mid-dinja kollha inġenerali?
Ħafna drabi nsibu li n-nies għandhom klejms kbar; għandhom pjanijiet ambizzjużi li, iva se nibnu l-sptar fil-parti l-fqira tad-dinja, iva se niftħu skola għan-nies li huma inqas edukattivi meta jkollna flus bil-miljuni, ukoll se nipprovdu l-ilma safi fil-pajjiżi l-foqra ta’ din il-pjaneta li aħna ngħixu fiha.
Imma huma jinsew li l-ġrien tagħhom huma bil-ġuħ; huma jinsew li l-qraba tagħhom huma f’ pożizzjoni ħażina; huma jinsew li kemm hemm nies bla djar fil-belt jew fir-raħal tagħhom stess.
Hemm ukoll nies li jgħixu fid-djar tax-xjuħ u m’hemm ħadd li jitkellem magħhom imqar ftit kliem. Xi drabi inti tmur għandhom u tgħid ftit kliem ħanin u sabiħ u tara t-tbissima u d-dawl tal-ferħ fuq wiċċhom. U għal dan m’għandniex il-bżonn tal-miljuni, imma għandna l-bżonn tal-imħabba għall-umanità.
Ir-reliġjonijiet differenti wkoll jgħallmuna dwar il-ħidma għall-umanità. Meta nistudjaw ir-reliġjonijiet il-kbar tad-dinja nsibu żewġ punti komuni ħafna fit-tagħlim tagħhom; l-imħabba u l-qima lil Alla u s-servizz għall-umanità. Dan is-servizz huwa wieħed mill-iktar kwalitajiet importanti ta’ kull reliġjon. Dik ir-reliġjon mhijiex reliġjon vera jekk m’għandhiex is-simpatija, bħalma lanqas dak ir-raġel ma jistħoqqlu jitqies bi bniedem jekk m’għandux is-simpatija u l-imħabba fih innifsu.
Hawn niftakar tradizzjoni tal-Profeta Muħammad, il-paċi miegħu. Għalkemm kien qed jitkellem ma’ sħabu xorta waħda din il-lezzjoni hija tajba ħafna u kulħadd jista’ jgawdi minnha. Hu qal li f’ Jum il-Ħaqq Alla se jikkonfrontakom u jgħidilkom li: “Kont marid u inti ma staqsejtx dwar saħħti”. Il-bniedem se jgħid: “O Alla Inti s-Sid tad-dinja kollha, u qatt ma timrad, u ma kellekx bżonn tal-għajnuna tagħna”. Alla se jgħid: “Le, wieħed mill-qaddeja Tiegħi kien marid u kellek tistaqsi dwar saħħtu u kont issibni hemm”. U wara dan se jkompli jafferma u se jgħid: “Kelli l-ġuħ u ma tajtnix ikel, kelli l-għatx u ma tajtnix ilma, ma kellix libsa u ma libbistnix”. U kuldarba l-bniedem se jgħid: “O Alla Inti s-Sid tad-dinja kollha, għandek kollox, u ma kellekx bżonn tal-għajnuna tagħna”. Alla se jgħid: “Wieħed mill-qaddeja Tiegħi kellu bżonn ta’ dak”. U kuldarba se jgħid: “Li kieku inti għamilt dan kollu, kont issibni hemm”.
Din it-tradizzjoni turi biċ-ċar, li jekk aħna rridu li nsibu l-Alla, il-Ħalieq tagħna u rridu relazzjoni personali miegħU, allura huwa importanti li aħna mmorru għand il-foqra u ngħinuhom, immorru għand xi ħadd li hu fil-bżonn u nieħdu ħsiebu, immorru għand xi ħadd li hu marid u nwennsuh. Jekk trid tiltaqa’ ma’ Alla tiegħek u wkoll trid tirbaħ l-imħabba tiegħU, mur għand in-nies li għandhom bżonnok u għinhom.
Għeżiż ħuti, jekk għandna klejms kbar u pjanijiet ambizzjużi għas-servizz tal-umanità dawn kollha huma tajbin. Imma, dan hu wkoll importanti ħafna li nħarsu madwarna u ngħinu n-nies li qed jgħixu fis-soċjetajiet tagħna. Jekk aħna ġenituri u ma niħdux ħsieb tajjeb tat-tfal tagħna, jekk aħna tfal u ma nurux rispett kbir lejn il-ġenituri tagħna, jekk ma nittrattawx lin-nisa tagħna bil-ħniena, jekk il-ġrien tagħna mhumiex fil-paċi minħabba fina, jekk għandna l-flus u ma rridux naqsmu mal-foqra u ma’ dawk li huma fil-bżonn u mal-orfnijiet u mar-romol, u jekk għandna l-ħobż u m’aħniex lesti li nagħtu nofs lill-fqir jew lil dak li hu fil-bżonn, allura, jiena nibża’ li ma nistgħux inservu ‘l-umanità kif suppost. U ma nistgħux nagħmlu l-klejms u l-pjanijiet tagħna realtà. Il-karità tibda mid-dar, kif ngħidu bl-Ingliż “Charity begins at home”. Jekk maħniex ngħinu n-nies li huma qrib tagħna, li huma jgħixu madwarna, u li huma fis-soċjetajiet tagħna kif jista’ jkun possibbli li ngħinu ‘l dawk li huma ‘l bogħod minna.
Għalhekk huwa importanti li l-ewwelnett nibdew servizz għall-umanità mis-soċjetajiet tagħna u mbgħad nespandu din il-ħidma fid-dinja kollha, f’kull naħa tad-dinja, f’kull pajjiż li hu fqir.
Il-ħidma għall-umanità hija xi ħaġa sabiħa ħafna. Meta ngħinu lil xi ħadd u naraw il-ferħ kbir fuq wiċċu, żgur inħossu sodisfazzjon liema bħalu. U meta dawk in-nies se jkunu ferħana, jiena nemmen li Alla li jista’ kollox se jkun ferħan ukoll. Jista’ jkun hemm xi ħaġa isbaħ fid-dinja mill-ferħ ta’ Alla? Le, żgur le, qatt ma jista’ jkun hemm xi ħaġa isbaħ mill-ferħ ta’ Alla.
Allura, ejjew, aħna kollha naħdmu flimkien biex inbiddlu l-ħajja tan-nies li huma inqas fortunati. Ejjew inservu ‘l-umanità kollha u biex neħilsu ‘l-umanità maħqura mill-uġigħ u l-mard tagħha. Ejjew nagħmlu s-servizz għall-umanità l-mira u l-oġġettiv mixtieq u mitlub tagħna. Ejjew niddedikaw lilna nfusna għall-ħidma u għas-servizz tal-umanità biex nirbħu l-pjaċir ta’ Alla.
Laiq Ahmed Atif
IT-TORĊA: Sunday, September 5, 2010