
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A Message of Peace

Fasting a commonality among religions

Fasting a commonality among religions
Laiq Ahmed Atif: The author is president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta.
When we study the history of religions we find plenty of commonalities among different religions of the world. One commonality is fasting for the sake of the Almighty God, the Creator and Lord of the entire universe.
Remembrance of God the Almighty and pondering over His attributes helps man in refining his spirit, bringing it more into harmony with the nature of God. Man who was created on the image of his Lord and he must ever strive to gain closeness to Him. Man is supposed to adopt the attributes of God and he should reflect them in his personality and in everyday life. If we think about it we can see that those who develop a close relationship with God, those who think according to His will and try their best to act like Him within the limitations of the human sphere constantly improve in their relations with all other human beings and even other forms of life.
Fasting is a great form of worship found universally in the world religions. Although there are vast differences regarding the mode of fasting and the conditions applied to it, the central idea of fasting is present everywhere. Where it is not mentioned clearly, it is likely that it may gradually have either been discontinued or petered out through gradual decay in practice.
The people of all the religions of the world give great importance to this worship because, on the one hand, this worship will bring man close to his Lord and, on the other, it will provide an opportunity for him to think about the vulnerable and needy human beings and, thus, establish a great relationship with God and mankind.
The institution of fasting is extremely important because it cultivates the believer in almost every area of his spiritual life. Among other things, he learns through personal experience about what hunger, poverty, loneliness and discomfort mean to the less fortunate sections of society. Abstention from even such practices during the month of Ramadan as are permissible in everyday life plays a constructive role in refining the human character.
Muslims are going through the month of Ramadan when they fast each day from dawn to the sunset. The Quran states: “O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil.”
The very basic and primary essence of the fast is not to experience hunger and thirst but the main purpose is to get closer to God and better oneself as human beings.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him, said: “Many people who fast get nothing from their fast except hunger and thirst and many people who pray at night get nothing from it except wakefulness.”
It means that just being hungry and thirsty is not enough. One must spend all the days of Ramadan observing all the conditions in both letter and spirit. One has to struggle a lot, make sacrifices that go much beyond hunger and thirst, worship one’s Creator and serve and help His people.
During the fast, apart from resisting food and water, Muslims are required to abstain from all evils, vain and immoral talks, abuse, fights, quarrels, causing harms to others and from committing any such action unbecoming the dignity and honour of a true believer in God.
They are required to spend as much time as possible in prayers, worship, seeking the everlasting paradise of His pleasure, asking for His forgiveness and begging for His blessings and bounties. Fasting is a spiritual practice to attain the love of God. Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him said: “If a person does not eschew falsehood and false conduct, Allah has no need that he should abstain from food and drink.”
Alms-giving and care for the destitute is also one great objective of fasting and Islam gives a lot of importance to it. Zakat (charity) is one of the five pillars of Muslim faith but in Ramadan Muslims are expected to spend even more on charity.
They are required to double their spending in aid of the poor, the vulnerable and those in need.
In brief, Ramadan is a month of self purification, attaining everlasting pleasure of the Almighty God, establishing a close relationship with the Creator, helping and serving humanity and enhancing sincerity for mankind.
This is the month which gives us the opportunity to seek peace with God, to spread peace in the world and to take care of society.
This is the time to find real peace of mind, which lies in the remembrance of Allah the Almighty and in the service of humanity.
The Times: Saturday, 28th August 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Plan of burning the Holy Quran
The world need an end to wars
Today the world is riddled with problems; East to West, North to South, everywhere there are countless troubles and difficulties; in brief, every part of this planet is surrounded with huge discomfort. Human beings are suffering through poverty, fighting, killing, unrest, disorder, as well as with social and economical crisis. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, rains, famine, lack of food, etc. are also seen in large numbers and on a huge scale.
But, unfortunately, and very amazingly, for man who is already riddled with endless problems, there are certain powers, certain organisations, and certain groups of people who are building walls of hatred. And these walls are getting higher nowadays, even more now than ever before in the history of mankind.
Now there are reports in the media that the members of the ‘Dove World Outreach Centre’, based in the United States, are planning to burn copies of the Holy Quran on 11 September, on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre. They claim that "Islam is a danger" and "are using this act to warn about the teaching and ideology of Islam, which we do hate as it is hateful”.
Aren’t the walls of hatred already too high; is there any need to make them even higher? Aren’t the bridges, which can unite us, already lacking? Isn’t the world already full of unrest, instability and uncertainty? Aren’t these walls of hatred already causing so many troubles on this planet?
In these circumstances such actions will only help in destroying world peace. This would be a most provocative act and would achieve nothing but to cause distress and anger to millions of peace-loving persons worldwide. Burning any religious scripture is a horrific act and is directly contrary to the teachings of all the world's major religions.
The Holy Quran and the Holy Bible are both sacred books and were revealed by the Almighty God for the guidance of mankind, and they both deserve to be respected and shown great honour.They are sacred to the people so we should not offend them. I think tolerance and respect for each other is very important.
But, I am afraid, if however the burning of the Holy Quran will take place maybe some Muslims in return may try to harm or burn the Holy Bible, thus more troubles may occupy the world.
Here, let me make it very clear that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat condemns in the strongest terms any such action done by Muslims, Christian, Jews or anyone else. And strongly discourages any plan to burn or damage any sacred book or scripture of any religion, for any reason whatsoever. If someone tries to burn the Holy Quran still there is no reason why any Muslim should burn the Holy Bible or any sacred book of any other religion; because Islam like other religions teaches to respect and honour all the sacred books and scriptures. Two of the six articles of faith of a Muslim are, to believe in the Prophets of God and to believe in the Divine Scriptures. So, how can a true Muslim harm or disrespect any sacred book or divine scripture? And if someone does so, truly he is not following the true teachings of Islam.
These actions are not a service to humanity or to any religion, but they will surely destroy the peace, tranquility and serenity of the world. We have to show great respect to all the sacred books of all the religions, whatever the name is.
However, it is true that there are some differences in the teachings of every religion, but this is also a reality that there are hundreds commonalities among them; we have so much in common. How nice and decent it would be if believers of all the religions would focus on commonalities rather than on differences, to create the atmosphere of harmony and tolerance.
But, if someone wants to discuss and to get answers to his questions, still this is not the way to disrespect the Sacred and Holy Books and to play with the sentiments of their believers. These discussions, exchange of ideas, experiences and teachings can take place; and I think they must take place, so we come to know more about each other, but in a very decent and respectful way, with the aim of knowledge and establishing harmony amongst believers of different faiths.
There is nothing wrong with intellectual or theological debate but this should be conducted with the bounds of decency and tolerance. These discussions should take place in a peaceful and respectful environment.
Today the world needs peace, love and brotherhood. The world needs an end to wars. Instead of walls of hatred being erected we need peace to prevail and for this to occur people of all faiths must join together.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat with great sympathy and sincerity appeals to the world that this is not a time to sow the seed of hatred, malice, disrespect and intolerance because they will ultimately destroy the peace of our societies and will create disorder on this beautiful planet. But, please, let us sow the seed of love, harmony, tolerance and universal brotherhood, because these values will grow fruitful trees and gardens of peace, tranquility and serenity for the whole mankind.
It also appeals to different schools of thought and people of different religions and faiths to join together in building bridges which will unite us, and let us demolish all the walls of hatred and malice which separate us from each other. Let us all carry the message of peace and brotherhood to everyone, and let us spread the message of love for all and hatred for none to all corners of the world so we can all enjoy security and peace of mind, and pass something valuable to our children and generations to come, and let us save humanity.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
ISLAM: A fresh perspective

L-Iżlam – Perspettiva Ġdida
Sa mill-bidu tagħha fl-1889, il-Komunità Aħmadija fl-Iżlam ilha tmexxi sforz globali biex tarġa’ tqajjem mill-ġdid il-messaġġ veru u ta’ paċi tal-Iżlam kif mgħallem mill-Profeta Qaddis Muħammad (il-paċi u l-barka ta’ Alla jkunu miegħu).
Dan il-qawmien tat-tagħlim veru Iżlamiku nbeda mill-fundatur tal-komunità, Ħażrat Mirża Gulam Aħmad (il-paċi tkun miegħu) li qal:
“Il-missjoni li għaliha jien ġejt inkarigat hi li nneħħi dik il-qasma li qed tikber fir-relazzjoni bejn Alla u l-ħolqien Tiegħu u li nissostitwiha bir-relazzjoni ta’ mħabba u sinċerità, u billi nħalli l-verità turi lilha nnifisha bid-dieher, tgħin biex jieqfu l-gwerer reliġjużi u n-nuqqas ta’ armonija u b’hekk tqiegħed il-pedament għall-paċi.”
Hu sostna taħt it-tmexxija Divina li hu l-Messija Mwiegħed u l-Imam Maħdi (Gwida), li l-wasla tiegħu kienet mistennija għal dan iż-żmien.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Solutions on the Global Crisis

Solutions on the Global Crisis
Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community at the British Parliament on 22 October 2008
First of all I would like to thank all of the respected and honourable MPs, guests who have allowed a leader of a religious organisation to say a few words to you. I am most grateful to our respected MP Justine Greening from our area, who has done so much in organising this event for the sake of a small community of her constituency on the occasion of its Khilafat Centenary. That shows her greatness, open heartedness and the concern about the sentiments of every people and community in her constituency.
Although the Ahmadiyya Muslim community is a small community, it is a standard bearer and therepresentative of the true teachings of Islam. Nevertheless, I must say that every Ahmadi who lives in Great Britain is an extremely loyal citizen of the country and loves it; and this is because of the teachings of our prophet (peace and blessings be on him) who instructed us that love of one's country is an integral part of one's faith. The teaching of Islam has been further elaborated and emphasised by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Community whom we believe as the Promised Messiah and the Reformer of this Age.
He said by announcing his claim that God Almighty has placed two burdens upon me. One is the right of God and the other is God's creation. He went on to say that discharging the rights owed to God's creation was the most difficult and delicate challenge.
With reference to Khilafat, you may fear that a time may come when history repeats itself and that wars may start as a result of this form of leadership. Let me, however, assure you that although this accusation is laid against Islam, God Willing, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat will always be known as the standard-bearer of peace and harmony in the world, as well as be loyal to the country in which members reside.
The Ahmadiyya Khilafat is also here to perpetuate and continue the mission of the Messiah and Mahdi, so there is absolutely no reason to fear the Khilafat. This Khilafat draws the attention of the members of the community towards fulfilling these two obligations for which the Promised Messiahs came and as a result try to create peace and harmony in the world.
Now, because of the time constraints I come to the subject matter. If we survey the last few centuries impartially, we will notice that the wars over that period were not really religious wars. They were more geopolitical in nature. Even in today's conflicts and hostilities amongst nations, we notice that they arise from political, territorial and economic interests.
It is my fear that in view of the direction in which things are moving today, the political and economic dynamics of the countries of the world may lead to a world war. It is not only the poorer countries of the world, but also the richer nations that are being affected by this. Therefore, it is the duty of the superpowers to sit down and find a solution to save humanity from the brink of disaster.
If we look at the recent past,
So, our history shows that we have always acknowledged this justice whenever displayed by
Today, there is great agitation and restlessness in the world. We are seeing small-scale wars erupting, while in some places, the superpowers are claiming to try and bring about peace. If the requirements of justice are not fulfilled, the conflagration and flames of these local wars can escalate and embroil the whole world. Therefore, itis my humble request to you to save the world from destruction!
Now, I will briefly mention what the teachings of Islam are to bring about peace in the world, or how peace can be established in the world in the light of these teachings. It is my prayer that to create peace in the world that those who are being addressed initially, that is to say the Muslims, may be able to act upon them, but it is a duty of all the countries of the world-superpower or governments to act upon.
In this day and age when the world has literally shrunk to a global village in a way that could not have been imagined previously, we must realise our responsibilities as human beings and should try to pay attention to solving those issues of Human Rights that can help to establish peace in the world. Clearly, this attempt must be based on fair play and on fulfilling all the requirements of justice.
Amongst the problems of today, one problem has arisen, if not directly then indirectly, because of religion. Some groups of Muslims use unlawful attacks and suicide bombers in the name of religion to kill and harm non-Muslims including soldiers and innocent civilians and at the same time to brutally kill innocent Muslims and children. This cruel act is totally unacceptable in Islam.
Due to this ghastly behaviour of some Muslims, a totally wrong impression has developed in non-Muslim countries and as a result some parts of society talk openly against Islam, whilst the others, even though not speaking openly, do not carry a good opinion about Islam in their hearts. This has created distrust in the hearts of the people of Western and non-Muslim countries about Muslims and because of this attitude of a few Muslims, instead of the situation improving, the reaction of non-Muslims is getting worse by the day.
A primary example of this erro neous reaction is the attack on the character of the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be on him) and on the Holy Qur'an, the Sacred Book of the Muslims. In this regard, the attitude of British politicians, whatever their party, and of intellectuals in
However, those who are not extremists and who deeply love the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be on him), are terribly hurt by these attacks and, in this, the Ahmadiyya Jama'at (or the community) is at the forefront. Our single most important task is to show the world the perfect character of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the beautiful teachings of Islam. We, who respect and revere all the prophets (peace be upon them all) and believe all of them to be the messengers sent by God, cannot say anything disrespectful against any of them; but we are very saddened when we hear baseless, untrue allegations against our Prophet.
Nowadays, when the world is getting divided into blocs; extremism is escalating; and the financial and economic situation is worsening, there is an urgent need to end all kinds of hatred and to lay the foundations of peace. This can only be done by respecting all kinds of sentiments of each other. If this is not done properly, honestly and with virtue, it will escalate into uncontrollable circumstances. I appreciate that economically sound Western countries have generously permitted the people of poor or under-developed nations to settle in their respective countries among whom are Muslims as well.
True justice requires that the sentiments and the religious practices of these people should also be honoured. This is the way by which the peace of the mind of the people can be kept intact. We should remember that when the peace of the mind of the person is disturbed then the peace of mind of the society is also affected.
As I said earlier, I am grateful to the British legislators and politicians for fulfilling the requirements of justice and for not interfering in this way. This, in fact, is the teaching of Islam that is given to us by the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an declares that: There should be no compulsion in religion. (Ch.2: V.257)
This commandment not only counters the accusation that Islam was spread by the sword, but also tells Muslims that acceptance of faith is a matter between man and his God and you should not interfere in that in any way. Everyone is permitted to live according to his faith and to perform his religious rituals. However, if there are any practices done in the name of religion that harm others and go against the law of the land, then the law enforcers of that State can come into action, because if there is any cruel ritual being practised in any religion, it cannot be the teaching of any Prophet of God.
This is a fundamental principle for establishing peace at the local level as well as the international level.
Moreover, Islam teaches us that if as a result of your change of faith, any society, or group or a government tries to interfere in the observance of your religious practice, and thereafter the circumstances change in your favour, then always remember that you must carry no malice or ill-will. You should not think of taking revenge but should rather establish justice and equity.
The Holy Qur'an says:
O ye who believe! be steadfast in the cause of Allah, bearing witness in equity; and let not a people s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is aware of what you do. (Ch.5:V.9)
This is the teaching for peace in society. Never depart from justice even for your enemy.
The early history of Islam shows us that this teaching was followed and all the demands of justice were fulfilled. I cannot give too many examples of this but history bears testimony to the fact that after the Victory of Makkah, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not take any revenge from those who had tormented him but forgave them and allowed them to adhere to their respective faiths. Today, peace can be established only if all requirements of justice are met for the enemy, not only in wars against religious extremists but also in all other wars. And only such peace is long-lasting.
In the last century, two world wars were fought. Whatever the causes were, if we look deeply, only one cause stands out; and it is that justice was not properly administered in the first instance. As a reaction, what was con sidered to be an extinguished fire turned out to be cinders that kept on burning slowly, eventually bursting into flames and enveloping the whole world a second time.
Today, restlessness is increasing and wars and actions to maintain peace are becoming the fore runners for another world war. Moreover, the present economic and social problems will be the source of aggravating the situation.
The Holy Qur'an has given some golden principles for establishing peace in the world. It is an established fact that greed causes enmity to grow. Sometimes it manifests itself in territorial expansion or the seizing of the natural resources or indeed in impressing the superiority of some upon others. This leads to cruelty, whether it is at the hands of merciless despots who usurp the rights of people and prove their supremacy in pursuit of their vested interests or it is at the hands of an invading force. Sometimes, the cries and anguish of the cruelly treated people call out to the outside world..
But be that as it may, we have been taught the following golden principle by the Holy Prophet of Islam, which is: help both the afflicted and the cruel.
The Companions of the Prophet enquired that whereas they could understand helping the afflicted, how could they help a cruel person? The Prophetsaw) responded by saying, 'By stopping his hand from committing cruelty because his excess in cruelty will make him worthy of God's punishment.' So, out of mercy, try to save him. This principle extends beyond the smallest fibres of society to the international level.
In this connection, the Holy Qur'an says:
And if two parties of believers fight against each other, make peace between them; then if after that one of them transgresses against the other, fight the party that transgresses until it returns to the command of Allah. Then if it returns, make peace between them with equity, and act justly. Verily, Allah loves the just.(Ch.49:V.10)
Though this teaching is about Muslims, yet by adhering to this principle, the foundation of peace on a worldwide basis can be laid.
In order to maintain peace, it has been explained at the outset that the foremost requirement is justice. And, despite abiding by the principle of justice, if efforts to make peace are unsuccessful, then unite and fight collectively against the party that has transgressed and continue till such a time that the transgressing party is ready to make peace. Once the transgressing party is ready to make peace, the requirement of justice is: Do not seek revenge, do not impose restrictions or embargoes. By all means, keep an eye on the transgressor but at the same time try and improve his situation.
In order to end the unrest prevalent in some countries of the world today - and unfortunately, some Muslim countries are prominent amongst them - it should be analysed in particular by those nations that have the power of veto, to determine whether or not justice has been properly dispensed. Whenever help is needed, the hands are stretched towards the powerful nations.
As I stated before, we bear testimony to the fact that the history of the British government has always upheld justice and this has encouraged me to draw your attention to some of these matters.
Another principle that we have been taught for restoring peace in the world is not to eye covetously the wealth of others. The Holy Qur'an says:
And strain not thy eyes after what We have bestowed on some classes of them to enjoy for a short time - the splendour of the present world - that We may try them thereby... (Ch.20:V.132)
Greed for and envy of the wealth of others is a cause of increasing restlessness in the world. On a personal basis, keeping up with the Joneses, as the saying goes, has resulted in unending greed and destroyed social peace. Greedy competition on a national basis started and led to the destruction of world peace. This is proven by history and every sensible person can assess that the desire for the wealth of others causes envy and greed to grow and is the source of loss.
This is why God Almighty says that one should keep an eye on one's own resources and derive benefit from them. The effort to make territorial gains is for seeking the benefits of that territory's natural resources. The grouping of nations and the making of power blocs are to procure the natural resources of some countries. In this regard, a number of authors who had previously worked as advisors to governments have written books detailing how some of the countries endeavour to get control of the resources of other nations. How far these writers are truthful is best known to them, and God knows best, but the situation that emerges from reading these accounts causes serious anguish in the hearts of those who are loyal to their poor countries and a major reason for the growth in terrorism and the race for weapons of mass destruction. Nowadays, the world considers itself more sober, conscious and educated than in the past. Even in the poor countries there are such intelligent souls who have greatly excelled in education in their respective fields. Highly intellectual minds work together in large research centres of the world. Under such circum stances, one should have imagined that people would have joined together and tried jointly to end the wrong ways of thinking and the follies of the past that had resulted in animosities and had led to horrific wars. The God-given intellect and scientific progress should have been used for the betterment of humanity and for devising permissible methods of deriving benefit from one another's resources.
God has bestowed each and every country with natural resources that should have been fully utilised to turn the world into a haven of peace. God has gifted many countries with an excellent climate and enviro nment for growing different crops. Had proper planning been adopted to use modern technology for agriculture, the economy would have strength ened and hunger could have been eliminated from the earth.
Those countries that have been endowed with mineral resources should be allowed to develop and trade at fair prices openly, and one country should benefit from the resources of the other country. So, this would be the right way, the way that is preferred by God Almighty.
God Almighty sends His messengers to the people so that they can show them the ways that bring people closer to God. At the same time, God says that there is complete freedom in matters of faith. According to our beliefs, reward and punishment will be after death as well. But under the system that God has set up, when any cruelty is inflicted on His creation and justice and fair play are ignored, then by the laws of nature, the after-effects can be seen in this world as well. Severe reactions to such injustice are observed and there can be no guarantee about the reaction being right or wrong.
The true way to conquer the world is that every effort should be made to give the poorer nations their due status.
A major issue today is the economic crisis of what has been termed as the credit crunch. Strange as it may sound, the evidence points towards one fact. The Holy Qur'an guided us by saying: avoid interest because interest is such a curse that it is a danger for domestic, national and international peace. We have been warned that he who accepts interest will one day be as one whom Satan has smitten with insanity. So we Muslims have been warned in order to avoid such a situation, stop dealing in interest because the money that you get for interest does not enhance your wealth, although on the face of it, it may seem to you that it is increasing. Inevitably, a time comes when its true effects emerge. Furthermore, we have been cautioned that we are not allowed to enter into the business of interest, with the warning that if you do so, it will be a war against God.
This factor is obvious from today's credit crunch. In the beginning there were indi viduals who borrowed money to buy property; but before they could see ownership of the property they used to die burdened with the debt. But now there are governments that are burdened with debt and smitten as if with insanity. Large companies have become bank rupt. Some banks and financial institution have folded or been bailed out and this situation is prevailing in every country, regardless of its being rich or poor. You know better than I do about this crisis. The money of the depositors has been wiped off. Now it depends upon governments as to how and to what extent to protect them. But for the time being, the peace of mind of the families, business men and leaders of the governments in most countries of the world has all but been destroyed.
Does this situation not compel us to think that the world is heading to the logical conclu sion whose warning was given to us well in advance? God knows better what the further consequences of this situation will be.
God Almighty has said: Come towards peace that can only be guaranteed when there is pure and wholesome trade and when resources are put into usage in a proper and fair manner.
Now I end these brief points of our teachings with a reminder that the true peace of the world lies only in turning towards God. May God enable the world to understand this point and only then will they be able to discharge the rights of others.
Finally, I am grateful to you all for coming here and listening to me.
Thank you very much.
For Maltese translation please click on the link below:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Dear Guido de Marco rest in peace
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Dear Prof. Guido de Marco rest in peace
An ingrained love for humanity
The first time I met Prof. Guido de Marco was last January at his office in Ħamrun. I was there to ask him to deliver a speech in the “Peace Conference” which was to be organised by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta. He very kindly accepted and told me that his health was not very good but he would do his best to attend.
In the few minutes we had for the meeting, I also introduced him to Ahmadiyya Jamaat and told him that we were promoting inter-faith dialogue so that people of different faiths could share their teachings and ideas with each other, so that a better atmosphere of love, respect and understanding could be developed.
I told him that we believe every human being has the right to accept and practise the religion of his own choice and there should be no compulsion and force in religion. He replied: “That’s what I believe too.”
When I was preparing his brief introduction to present it before his speech, I found his very detailed biography. It was very difficult for me to summarise it because he had worked so much in very prestigious capacities, nationally and internationally. On February 27 he gave a wonderful speech in the Peace Conference which was liked and very much appreciated by all. In this speech he spoke very beautiful words to describe religion: “Religions are a great weapon for peace”.
During these two meetings with him I found him very humble, sincere, wise, intelligent, courageous, hard working, always ready to face challenges, always ready to contribute and a person of great respect for others. He was always willing to share smiles with others. He had a great love for humanity which was ingrained in him.
Prof. de Marco has contributed so much to this beautiful island and to the world in general which will be remembered for ages. The death of His Excellency is a great loss for the country.
We want to show our sincerest condolences to his wife, his son Mario de Marco, Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, daughters, and his friends and to all his dear ones. May God bless them with the strength to deal with this tragedy. We pray that his soul will rest in peace forever and may God bless him with His everlasting love and pleasure. Amen
Laiq Ahmed Atif
Sunday, August 15, 2010
75th Anniversary of The Times

75th anniversary of a wonderful paper
Laiq Ahmed Atif, president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta, Ta’ Xbiex
I would like to congratulate the management and staff of The Times on its 75th anniversary. The Times is one of the leading newspapers of this island, keeping the nation very well informed.
Once I read a report of a survey in which it was shown that everyday more than 75,000 people read The Times and on Sunday this number goes up to more than 125,000. This figure is enough to show the quality and popularity of this wonderful and remarkable newspaper.
This newspaper is providing very well-balanced journalism. Its staff is really working very hard and sincerely, with full devotion and dedication and they deserve to be shown great appreciation.
Congratulations. Keep up the wonderful work. May God bless you all.
Prosit tassew!
The Times: Saturday, 7th August 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
With His Excellency Prof. Guido de Marco
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Murder in the name of Religion

Murder in the name of religion
Laiq Ahmed Atif
The history of man is full of killing and bloodshed. Since the first murder on this earth, so much blood has been spilled throughout history that the whole world could be painted red with it – with plenty to spare. When will man stop killing his fellow men? When will his thirst for blood ever be quenched?
Throughout human history man has remained thirsty for the blood of others. His aggressiveness has remained unchanged. Assassination of individuals and the annihilation of whole groups of peoples are a repetitive theme of history. States have attacked states; countries have fought against their neighbours and against nations far from their borders. Hordes of people living in the steppes and deserts conquered nations with ancient civilisations.
Sometimes blood was spilled in the name of honour, sometimes in the name of revenge for supposed wrongs. Sometimes angry hordes overran peaceful lands in search of food, sometimes in search of world domination. But more often the blood of man – created in God’s image – was shed in the name of his creator. Religion was used as an excuse for mass murder.
In the last few months we have seen some painful and heart-breaking incidents of killing in the name of religion. On May 28, 86 members of Ahmadiyya Community were brutally killed in Lahore, Pakistan and are being severely persecuted and sentenced for years only because of their religion.
This is happening in many other countries. Seven Christians were killed in Gojra and two other were killed in Faisalabad, Pakistan and eight Christians were put to death in a village in Nigeria only because of their faith.
The history of religion in any part of the world at any time is the history of torture, repression, execution and crucifixion. It is disappointing indeed to find that religion, which is supposed to be the last refuge of peace in a world of war and conflict, is a cause of destruction and bloodshed. Religion itself is not the real cause of mass murder, however, and it is a great mistake to think it is. Religion was not given to man to encourage killing.
The Holy Quran points out very clearly why a cursory glance at history can lead one to such a conclusion. It cites the past to show that those who perpetuate brutality in religion’s name are either anti-religious or people whose religion has been corrupted. There are also religious leaders who have no warmth, compassion, mercy or piety. To be honest, they are hypocrites with a lust for power – cruelty is their ruling passion. It would be a great mistake to associate religion with the misdeeds of such men. The real truth is that God – the fountainhead of mercy – does not allow the followers of any religion to oppress His people.
The purpose of any religion is the spread of peace, tolerance and understanding. And the future of mankind depends on the intrinsic values of love, tolerance and freedom of conscience and of belief. A few months ago in a programme about peace organised by Ahmadiyya Community Malta, Prof. Guido de Marco, President Emeritus, spoke very beautiful words to describe religion: “Religions are a great weapon for peace”.
All religions have taught peace, respect and love towards all human beings, and discouraged the killing of men. The Holy Quran gives absolute honour and respect to human life and states very clearly: “Whosoever killed a person – unless it be for killing a person or for creating disorder in the land – it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and who so gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.” (Ch. 5: V.33)
After this great teaching, if someone sheds the blood of innocent people in the name of religion, he has no protection in religion, his actions must be strongly condemned and he should be brought to justice and be punished according to the law.
Thus, this is a very beautiful teaching of Islam – that the unlawful killing or the shedding of innocent blood of someone is like the killing of the entire human race, that is to say, the taking of a single life is like the massacre of thousands of innocent lives; and saving a single human life is like the saving of thousands of lives. This is the beautiful teaching of religion and it truly proves that religion is not the weapon of disorder, killing or bloodshed but is the most powerful weapon of love, respect and peace.
The author is president, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta.
The Times: Tuesday, 10th August 2010