Friday, April 3, 2015

L-Isis, l-iskjavitù u l-Iżlam!

L-Isis, l-iskjavitù u l-Iżlam! TorċaCredit: It-Torċa, Il-Ħadd 29 ta’ Marzu 2015, minn: Laiq Ahmed Atif

L-organizzazzjoni estremista magħrufa bħala ISIS qed taħtaf nies bħala skjavi. Il-mexxej tagħha jgħid li jrid jagħmel lill-Musulmani s-sidien tad-dinja kollha u lil dawk li mhumiex Musulmani jagħmilhom skjavi jew ikunu l-‘propjetà’ tal-Musulmani. Jemmen li għandhom jitneħħew id-drittijiet tan-nisa li jappartjenu għal reliġjonijiet jew setet oħra; li dawn jitrażżnu u jsiru konkubini (skjavi) u jġagħluhom isiru n-nisa tagħhom.

L-ewwel u qabel kollox, l-Iżlam ma jippermittix gwerra offensiva f’isem ir-reliġjon. F’Kapitlu 22, versi 40-41, tal-Koran Imqaddes, Alla jistqarr li l-permess għal gwerra difensiva ngħata l-għaliex kieku l-Musulmani ma ddefendewx lilhom infushom meta kienu attakkati, il-paċi fid-dinja kollha kienet tkun f’periklu kbir.
Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu, tistgħu taslu biex tifhmu kemm huma kompletament żbaljati l-hekk imsejħa Musulmani tal-lum meta jsostnu li huwa permissibbli li jinqatlu dawk li mhumiex Musulmani, li jitteħdulhom artijiethom jew li jinqabdu priġunieri. Ir-realtà hija li l-Iżlam huwa dak it-twemmin li jiggarantixxi d-dritt ta’ kull individwu li jgħix fil-libertà u l-ħelsien. U l-Iżlam huwa dik ir-reliġjon li ggarantiet id-dritt ta’ kull individwu li jgħix fil-paċi u fl-armonija, tkun xi tkun il-fidi jew l-isfond ta’ ħajja tiegħu.
L-Iżlam jitkellem ċar u tond dwar ir-regoli ta’ gwerra. F’Kapitlu 5, vers 9, Alla jgħallem lill-Musulmani biex dawn jaġixxu b’onestà u b’ġustizzja, anke fi stat ta’ gwerra. Alla jgħid li l-ostilità ta’ nazzjon jew poplu qatt ma għandha twassal Musulman biex jaġixxi b’mod inġust għax dak imur kontra l-onestà.
F’Kapitlu 8, vers 68, Alla jgħid li mhux sewwa li jinżammu priġunieri jekk ma jkunx hemm stat ta’ gwerra l-għaliex jekk jiġri hekk mela dan ikun qed isir biss minħabba l-ġid u l-poter u mhux għall-imħabba ta’ Alla. Għaldaqstant, dan juri biċ-ċar li fi żmien ta’ paċi mhuwiex aċċettabbli li jinżammu nies priġunieri, iżda llum qed naraw lil dawn l-hekk imsejħa ‘Iżlamisti’ li qed jaħtfu bil-forza għadd kbir ta’ nies innoċenti u fl-istess waqt qed iġagħlu nisa bla difiża biex ikunu l-konkubini tagħhom.
F’Kapitlu 47, vers 5 tal-Koran Imqaddes, Alla s-Setgħani stqarr li l-priġunieri tal-gwerra għandhom jinħelsu mat-tmiem tal-gwerra nnifisha. F’dan il-vers, Alla jkompli jgħid li dawn għandhom jinħelsu għal somma ta’ flus jew ikun ferm aħjar jekk jinħelsu bħala att ta’ ħniena jew bħala favur. Għaldaqstant, meta tispiċċa l-gwerra l-priġunieri għandhom jinħelsu u dan japplika kemm għall-irġiel kif ukoll għan-nisa. Dwar il-ħlas ta’ flus biex jinħeles priġunier, f’Kapitlu 24, vers 34, il-Koran isostni li jekk persuna ma tkunx tiflaħ tħallas biex jinħeles priġunier mela wieħed għandu jaċċetta l-ħlas bin-nifs u jillibera lil dik il-persuna.
Dan l-aħħar, fil-midja rajna wkoll li l-Isis ħatfu xi nies u biex eventwalment qatluhom, kiesaħ u biered. Irrid ngħmilha ċara, li skont it-tagħlim Iżlamiku l-priġunier tal-gwerra ma jistax jiġi maqtul, aħseb u ara, dawk mhux involuti fl-ebda gwerra li ġew maqtula mill-Isis b’dal-mod għall-ebda ġustifikazzjoni. Dak kollu li għamlu ma’ dawk in-nies li ġew maħtufa minnhom, huwa kompletament kontra t-tagħlim Iżlamiku. Barra minn hekk, l-Iżlam jgħid li l-Musulmani għandhom jagħmlu ġustizzja mal-priġunieri u juru ħniena lejhom.
L-Iżlam ta rispett kbir lill-ilsira u fetaħ il-bibien sabiex wieħed ikun jista’ jikseb il-ħelsien u biex jipproteġi l-libertà ladarba dan jintlaħaq. Il-Profeta Muħammad mill-bidu nett enfasizza li l-ilsira jiġu ttrattati bl-imħabba u l-ħniena, u biex jiġu mogħtija l-ħelsien. L-Iżlam jgħid li meta xi ħadd jagħti l-libertà lil xi skjav dan huwa għemil għani. Il-Koran jgħid:
“U wrejnieh iż-żewġ triqat (dik it-tajba u l-oħra l-ħażina). Aħjar għalih kieku tela’ l-iebsa (tal-għemejjel tajba). U x’inhu li jgħarrfek x’inhi t-telgħa l-iebsa? (Hija) il-ħelsien ta’ lsir, ….” (90:11-14)
Il-Qaddis Profeta Muħammad kien dejjem ħerqan dwar il-kondizzjoni tal-iskjavi, u kien jgħid:
“L-ilsira huma ħutkom. Jekk xi ħadd minnkom għandu xi lsir, allura għandu jagħtih l-istess l-ikel li jiekol hu, u l-istess libsa li jilbes hu. Tagħtuhomx ix-xogħol l-iebes, u għandkom dejjem tgħinuhom f’xogħolhom.”
Il-Qaddis Profeta Muħammad kien jgħid li “Alla se jaħfer u jsalva mill-infern lil dak il-Musulman li jagħti l-ħelsien u l-libertà lil skjav.” U l-aħħar kliem ta’ ħajtu kienu li l-Musulmani għandhom dejjem iqimu lil Alla, isegwu t-tagħlim ta’ Alla u jittrattaw lill-ilsira bi ħniena u mħabba.
Wara dan it-tagħlim ċar bħal kristall, kif jista’ jkun li l-Isis jiġġustifikaw l-atti barbari tagħhom? L-Iżlam jemmen fid-dinjità umana, fl-imħabba u l-ħniena. Għalhekk, il-Komunità Aħmadija Musulmana tippromovi u tipprattika l-motto tagħha li huwa: “Imħabba għal kulħadd, mibegħda għal ħadd.”

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Where is the Muslim Mandela?

Peace, tranquility and serenity are so valuable fruits of life that everyone wants to benefits to the utmost. Those people who have worked for peace throughout their lives are people of high values ​​and deserve that the world remembers and salutes their memory in the best way possible because they are the heroes of mankind; they loved humanity and had a pure and kind heart for everyone.

Nelson Mandela is one of those noble and precious personalities who have worked hard for peace and human dignity. Nelson Mandela is a clear example of determination, struggle and passion. He showed how a determined person with high and firm aims can do miracles and can change the critical situation of the world into a world of peace and common good. He is really a symbol of peace, unity, forgiveness, love, dignity and reconciliation.

There are thousands of people who commend the work of Nelson Mandela; and his memory will remain fresh and alive in the minds of thousands of people for years to come. Mandela, will undoubtedly be remembered as a beacon of peace and hope. I salute to Mandela. May you rest in peace forever.

Recently I read an article in where the writer says in a critical tone that: "Where is the Muslim Mandela?" In this article the writer has mentioned many incidents of terrorism and violence around the world where some Muslims were convicted.

The writer also asks: “Where among the 1.56 billion Muslims is our Mandela? And says that: “Because we lack a Muslim Mandela to show us the way to peace and reconciliation, we Muslims must each look to ourselves for ways to defy the radical Islamist, to protect the vulnerable among us.”

In this article many issues have been mentioned, but I would like to answer her question and would like to bring to her attention that there is a Muslim Mandela – who works day and night to spread the message of peace and to show the way that leads to peace and serenity. Recently one of his books with a tile “World crisis and the pathway to peace” was published, in which he has discussed the means to peace and has presented numerous solutions, suggestions and basic principles that are important and crucial for the establishment of peace around the world as well as in the Muslim countries.

The Muslim Mandela is that who urges the world towards peace, sympathy, harmony, religious freedom and declares that “acceptance of faith is a matter between man and his God, and you should not interfere in this in any way. Everyone is permitted to live according to his faith and to perform his religious rituals.”

Perhaps this is why the U.S. House of Representatives introduced an unprecedented resolution recognizing the Muslim Mandela as “a man of peace.” And was presented with a golden key by the City Council of Los Angeles, declaring: “This Key is reserved for only the most honoured people on Earth.”

The Muslim Mandela responses to the world challenges through opening of many clinics and hospitals that offer medical assistance to those in need, and schools that offer free secular education for all children – both Muslims and non-Muslims, without any discrimination. He inaugurated a large number of social and humanitarian projects to help in the development of poor and underdeveloped countries and to offer assistance to victims of wars and natural disasters.

The Muslim Mandela has travelled globally to promote and facilitate service to humanity; and has addressed some very important meetings in Capitol Hill, Washington DC, in the European Parliament, the German Military Headquarters and in the British Parliament among others. Wherever he goes, he highlights the importance of absolute justice, human dignity, equality, human rights, and unreservedly condemns violence and terrorism in any form and for any reason, and says that: “Islam does not permit cruelty or oppression in any way, shape or form. These barbaric acts are completely against true teachings of Islam.”

Under his spiritual leadership millions of leaflets with the messages of peace, loyalty and service to mankind were distributed around the globe; many inter-faith conferences and peace symposiums where a number of distinguished guests from all walks of life gather and share their thoughts about the promotion of long-lasting peace and harmony.

Without any doubt, like President Mandela, the Muslim Mandela is also a great symbol of forgiveness, hard-work, sympathy, love, unity, solidarity, reconciliation, prayer and hope.

Come and meet with the Muslim Mandela and that is Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Khalifa of Islam and Spiritual Leader of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

This is a man that the Muslim world needs, because he speaks clearly and fearlessly and presents solutions to their crisis, problems and conflicts. He presents practical and sustainable solutions, according to the teachings of the Holy Quran, to the critical situation in Syria, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in Iraq and to other countries, which are heavily threatened by crises.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad warn the world and says that: “Nowadays, when the world again is getting divided into blocs; extremism is escalating; and the financial and economic situation is worsening, there is an urgent need to end all kinds of hatred and to lay the foundations of peace… Time is running out, and before it is too late we must all pay great heed and attention to the needs of the time… Therefore, to improve the situation and for peace to develop, requires all parties to work together.”

“We feel extreme pain and anguish in our hearts at the state of the world. It is that pain which drives us in our efforts to try and save humanity from destruction and suffering. Therefore, I and all other Ahmadi Muslims are striving to fulfill our responsibilities towards achieving peace in the world.”

His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continues:

“God Willing, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat will always be known as the standard-bearer of peace and harmony in the world, as well as be loyal to the country in which members reside.”

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Challenge of extremism!

In today's modern, full of technological inventions and civilised world, extremism is increasing rapidly. The overwhelming presence of violence, aggression and extremism in the world has become one of the most crucial and core issues of today.
Despite the fact that having every possible means to counter this problem, the recent history is a bear witness to this fact that we have seen a very considerable amount of attacks by those who adhere to this ideology of extremism, and these are increasing every day.
The restlessness, dissatisfaction, agitation and anxiety among the people bears witness that mankind is not at peace.
The challenge of extremism did not start with 9/11 and neither did it end with the Arab Spring, and with the increasing international tensions its hold on the world is growing stronger by the day. From the recent shooting of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan for her unequivocal right to education, to the conflicts and wars that continue to engulf the world, extremism is perhaps the biggest challenge of our time.
Such incidents clearly show that the liberal and secular voices are under huge threat from extremists.
At present, there are many countries that are at the risk of civil wars, and in fact, some countries are already passing through such hard times. Syria is a clear example of that, where government is killing its own people and people are struggling for their basic and fundamental human rights.
In some countries their revolutions are seem to be hijacked and being translated into violence and aggression. Situation in some African and Middle East countries such as Nigeria, Mali, Libya, Algeria and Egypt is very critical. The situation in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan is also not ideal for their people, where not a single day passes without dozens of deaths, attacks and brutal killings.
This situation is not only threatening for these countries, but it is precarious for the entire world; because this extremism seems to be spreading across the borders.
The online Wikipedia very comprehensively explains that: "Extremism is any ideology or political act far outside the perceived political centre of a society; or otherwise claimed to violate common moral standards. In democratic societies, individuals or groups that advocate the replacement of democracy with an authoritarian regime are usually considered to be extremists, in authoritarian societies the opposite typically applies. Extremism is usually contrasted with moderation, and extremists with moderates."
I believe that time has come to realise this reality that extremism of any kind is dangerous for the existence of peaceful and serene societies, and moderation is the way forward.
Extremism of any kind is bad, be it religious, political, ethnical or otherwise. Some extremists use religion to inflict extremism in their followers; and they prepare jihadist kind of extremism. They should have made a better use of religion to serve mankind and establish cooperation between different people, but, very unfortunately, they are poisoning the minds of people and filling their hearts with extreme hatred and violence.
I think those who believe in justice and equality must raise their voices against this extreme ideology. Because if some people or powers yield to the extremists for the sake of apparent political benefit or gaining some favour then their countries will no doubt become immersed in strife. If someone allows such groups to spread then it will lead to nothing but a moral decline, and to a social destruction.
The time has come to take all the necessary steps to counsel against all forms of extremism. We must join hands to combat extremism and to engage ourselves in jihad against extremism and oppression, and in jihad of serving mankind and spreading the message of peace and hope.  I think that any form of extremism had to be outlawed, otherwise the consequences would be grave. 

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Mill-Komunità Aħmadija Musulmana f’Malta

L-Isbaħ xewqat għall-Milied u s-Sena l-Ġdida 
Mimlijin barka, sliem, risq u ferħ


Monday, October 29, 2012

Peace and service to humanity a response to anti-Islam film

Freedom of speech!

Source/Credit: THE-TIMES Saturday, October 20, 2012 by Laiq Ahmed Atif

Freedom of speech, expression and conscience is a noble value and is vital to spread a message and to restore the dignity of man. Freedom of speech is also a pillar of democracy. Moreover, such freedom is both essential and crucial for a society to register progress.

Thus, such freedom should not be compromised and people should not be deprived of this basic and fundamental human right.

I also believe that one must be very responsible when practising this freedom. And, as the world has become a global village, it is very important for the greater benefit and the common good of the entire world that we all consider the sensitivities of the immense diversity and pluralism in our global village when practising this right for free speech.

According to Wikipedia, “freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one’s opinions and ideas. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used”.

It is very important that we must differentiate between freedom of speech and vulgarity, indecency and hate speech. And we must not forget that any irrational and insensitive action when practising freedom of speech can be exploited by fundamentalists and terrorists who are always there to destroy the peace of our global society.
So, a huge responsibility lies on our shoulders as a global family when freedom of speech comes into play.

Unfortunately, we find many cases around the world where freedom of speech and expression is grossly misused and abused and there are many who would want to make this an absolute and unquestionable right. Of course, it is not possible to take everything as an absolute and humans enjoy no right that is totally unconditional.
Wikipedia states: “In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity, sedition (including, for example, inciting ethnic hatred), copyright violation, revelation and incitement to commit a crime”.

The recent notorious case of an anti-Islam film and caricatures of Prophet Muhammed attracted different reactions from people from all walks of life and were condemned by many, including by US President Barack Obama, who said: “I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. It is an insult not only to Muslims but America as well.”

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said: “My position is that freedom of expression, while it is a fundamental right and privilege, should not be abused by such people, by such a disgraceful and shameful act”.

The head of the global Ahmadiyya Muslim Community also condemned these insulting actions together with the violent reaction of Muslims around the world. He expressed concern over such inappropriate, divisive and derisive resort to freedom of speech and highlighted how hurtful and abusive the ‘free speech’ of the anti-Islam film is to the sentiments of the 1.5 billion Muslims.

I believe that hurting one’s sentiments, injuring feelings, humiliating, malice and spreading hate do not fall within the ambit of freedom of speech and expression. And when insulting holy personages and sacred people of different faiths, it becomes even harsher and more painful.

The head of our community said that the law on freedom of speech is not heavenly scripture and that there can be flaws in man-made laws; some aspects can be missed while legislating because man does not possess the knowledge of the unseen.

While a law on freedom of speech gives an individual freedom, which is fine, there is no law against injuring the sentiments of others. To treat freedom of speech as paramount at the expense of world peace and harmony was a flawed concept. He said: “Let it not be that, in the name of freedom of speech, the peace of the entire world be destroyed.”

As mentioned above, the law about free speech is commonly subject to limitations. Thus, it would be nice if there are also laws to respect the sentiments of each other and promote respect and honour for the founders of all the religions of the world, without any discrimination.

I firmly believe that nobody should denigrate or encourage disrespect to such noble personages as Buddha, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Likewise, no law can heighten their nobility, honour and dignity. However, laws can prevent hurting each other’s feelings and lay the foundation of reconciliation, harmony and tolerance between all religions. Furthermore, extremists will not have an excuse to destroy the peace of our beautiful global village.

Let me also make it clear that I am not saying that people should be stopped from criticising religions. My point is that everyone has a right to criticise, speak and ask questions about any religion but one should express one’s opinions in a decent and respectful manner. Yet, the film and caricatures mentioned above were clearly intended to mock and insult. Their purpose was neither education nor discussion. They were simply an outburst of prejudice and hatred. They were the extreme example of hate speech.

Both the film and the cartoons were insulting but violence can never be justified. Responsible free speech is good and gives us the opportunity to express ourselves. Thus, freedom of expression should and must be guaranteed and protected when it is used for the common good. But hate is evil and brings out the worst in people.

We must learn that swords can win territories but not hearts; force can bend heads but not minds. We need to remember that, at the end, love conquers and hate divides, so hate needs to go.

True love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Maltese Translation of the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih V aba, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, on 21stSeptember 2012 from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, London.
In response to the crude film depicting the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa in the most offensive manner and in light of Muslim and non-Muslim reaction to the film worldwide, His Holiness explained how an Ahmadi—a true Muslim—should react and how true love for the Holy Prophetsa should be displayed by all Muslims worldwide. He also drew the attention of the world towards its responsibilities.
Please read full translation in Maltese language through the links below:


True Love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mindset needs to be changed!

The extremist, fundamentalist, fanatic and terrorist have once again proven that they will target anything that comes in their way, and they care least for shedding blood of innocent people – even if it is of an innocent 14-year-old girl.

The news about the terrorist attack on a school van, which left three school girls injured, among whom was Malala Yousafzai, in Swat, Pakistan, spread like wildfire. This incident of target killing was one of the worst of its kind. This attack is widely being condemned.

The attack was inhuman, cruel, brutal, satanic, vicious and barbaric. And those who did it are being called humans. I wonder if they have a heart, and if it was beating when they were fulfilling their vicious intentions.

We condemn this attack unreservedly and categorically; violence has no justification at all. Violence must be rejected and condemned unreservedly.

These terrorists hold a mentality that they have every right to enforce their ideology on others, and for that they are using guns, weapons and bombs. They find some vulnerable and illiterate children and then brainwash them, showing them beautiful gardens of heavens, and that they will be welcomed by angels and will become very close to the Almighty God.

Malala Yousafzai won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat through writing a diary for the BBC three years ago, when militants and hardliners destroyed girls’ schools in the area claiming that it is non-Islamic to send girls to school. And they threatened that if people will not abide by their principles, they should become ready to face harsh circumstances.

During those difficult and hard days, she stood up and started writing with her pen name. Her biggest concern was the ban on education, and she decided to raise her voice against this grave injustice. She describes those days as a ‘bad dream’.

After the military operation in Swat, and when the situation ameliorated, she started a scheme for the education of women and for that she also gave interviews on television. And she was seen as a hope for the better. She also expressed that she will work for the education of women and to achieve that goal she will do her utmost and will leave no stone unturned.

In 2011, she received the first national peace award from the government of Pakistan, and was also nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize by advocacy group Kids Rights Foundation.
Malala is recognised as ambassador of peace and as a symbol of bravery and determination. She was the voice for all those who wished to carry on with their education, she stood against the atrocities and resisted the compulsion of extremists. She fought them with her power of pen, instead of weapons. She took a bold stance in the line of fire, and didn’t care for her life.

I firmly believe all this, and Malala’s story is clear evidence that the extremist mindset needs to be changed, and this kind of ideology should be discarded by society. And for this change, the candle of education which was lit by Malala should be kept illuminated. Education, a non-violent approach, true interpretation of religion, and a united action and battle against this mindset is very crucial and has become a need of the time.

All the stakeholders should join for this noble cause. The responsibility also lies on the shoulders of religious leaders and representatives who should stand up and speak loud and clear against this mindset and show the true face of religion. Do not let these people use the name of religion for their inhuman atrocities. This element of violence and hatred should be nipped in the bud.

Killing any human being is a grave crime; it is terrorism, it is barbarism and inhuman – every religion, society and good-natured person condemns it. These terrorists are using the name of Islam, but in reality Islam does not teach such atrocities. Islam categorically rejects and condemns every form of terrorism. It does not provide any cover or justification for any act of violence, be it committed by an individual, a group or a government. These terrorist acts have nothing to do with Islam or humanity. These people are the worst enemies of Islam and mankind.

The Holy Quran states:
“Whosoever killed a person... it shall be as if he had killed all mankind; and who so gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.” (5:33)

I think these so-called Muslims should also read the Farewell Address of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, when he stood before a large gathering of Muslims and said; “God has made the lives, property and honour of every man sacred.”

I want to convey my message to such mindsets that swords can win territories, not hearts. Force can bend heads, not minds. To win hearts, this violent ideology must stop.

Malala is in hospital and is in a very critical condition. We hope and pray for her speedy recovery and to regain complete health. May she get well soon. Long live Malala – the ambassador of peace and symbol of bravery.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Response to anti-Islam film

Violence has no justification at all!

Wara l-ħruġ tal-film dwar il-Profeta Mohammed… Ir-reazzjoni vjolenti ta’ xi Musulmani hija insult ikbar minn dik provduta mill-film – Laiq Ahmed Atif, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta

minn joseph farrugia 

“Il-film dwar il-Profeta Muhammad huwa insult iżda hija insult ikbar ir-reazzjoni minn xi Musulmani biex jiġġustifikaw in-nuqqas ta’ qbil tagħhom dwar dan il-film. L-Iżlam tfisser paċi u fl-ebda ħin la l-Profeta Muhammad u lanqas il-Koran ma jappellaw għal din it-tip ta’ reazzjoni.”
Dan qalu Laiq Ahmed Atif, president tal-komunità Ahmadiyya f’Malta li hija fergħa mir-reliġjon Iżlamika. Il-film Amerikan dwar il-Profeta Muhammad, “The Innocence of Muslims”,  qajjem reazzjoni vjolenti fejn saħansitra  nqatel ambaxxatur Amerikan f’Benghazi fil-Libja. Iżda r-reazzjoni vjolenti nfirxet fl-Asja u fil-Lvant Nofsani, bl-ambaxxati Amerikani jkunu l-mira ewlenija.
Għall-Musulmani l-Profeta Muhammad huwa l-bażi tar-reliġjon Iżlamika. “Il-Profeta Muhammad huwa l-bażi tar-reliġjon tagħna għax kien mibgħut minn Alla bħala profeta biex imexxi l-messaġġ tiegħu. Il-Musulmani jemmnu fil-profeti u l-messaġġiera kollha li ntbagħtu minn Alla, inklużi Abraham, David, Mosè u Muhammad. U għall-Musulmani l-Profeta Muhammad huwa l-fundatur tal-Iżlam. Il-Koran huwa ġabra kompleta tal-messaġġi ta’ Alla kif żvelati lill-Profeta Muhammad permezz tal-Arkanġlu Gabriel.”
Din mhix l-ewwel darba li stqarrijiet jew filmati dwar il-Profeta Muhammad jew kontra l-Koran wasslu għal reazzjonijiet ta’ rabja u vjolenza fost il-komunità Iżlamika. Atif jgħid: “Fil-passat nafu x’ġara meta qassis ried jaħraq il-Koran jew fid-Danimarka meta tpinġiet karikatura dwar il-Profeta Muhammad. U din id-darba r-reazzjoni kienet l-istess. Irridu nammettu li l-film kien provokattiv u ried jumilja u jweġġa’ s-sentimenti tal-Musulmani u tar-reliġjon Iżlamika.
“Naħseb li l-intenzjonijiet tal-film kienu tlieta: Li jweġġa’ s-sentimenti tal-Musulmani; Li jipprovoka l-vjolenza u joħloq il-kunflitti fid-dinja u jagħmel ħsara lill-paċi tad-dinja; U biex jumilja lill-Profeta Muhammad u lill-persuni li jemmnu fit-tagħlim tiegħu.”
Mistoqsi allura jekk hemmx ħtieġa għal din it-tip ta’ reazzjoni kull meta jkun hemm xi ħaġa kontra l-Koran jew il-Profeta Muhammad, Atif mill-ewwel insista li ma jaqbilx mal-imġieba vjolenti.
Huwa qal: “Jekk il-film kien insult, il-vjolenza li qiegħda titwettaq bħala reazzjoni hija insult ikbar.Dak li qiegħed iseħħ huwa biss barbariżmu u la l-Profeta Muhammad u lanqas il-Koran ma jesiġu tagħlim ta’ dan it-tip.”
Huwa qal: “Il-Profeta Muhammad sofra attakki kontrieh u kien imżebblaħ ukoll iżda qatt ma uża l-vjolenza kontrihom u qatt ma pprotesta fit-toroq u qatt ma għamel ħsara lill-proprjetajiet pubbliċi jew privati. Qatt lanqas ma qatel lil xi ħadd minħabba insult jew umiljazzjoni. Barra minn hekk l-Iżlam jipproteġi l-ħajja umana għax jgħid: ‘Min joqtol bniedem… ikun bħallikieku qatel il-bnedmin kollha’.”
Ħafna jassoċjaw il-vjolenza Musulmana mal-Ġiħad, li għal ħafna tfisser gwerra qaddisa. Iżda Atif qal: “Ġiħad hija kelma Għarbija li tfisser tistinka biex tilħaq xi oġettiv partikolari. Il-Ġiħad jista’ jsir b’diversi modi iżda kollha biex jistabbilixxu u jippromwovu l-paċi fis-soċjetà. Il-Koran jenfasizza li l-Ġiħad isir bil-għaqal, bit-tolleranza u b‘rispett lejn l-oħrajn u t-twemmin tagħhom u jipprojbixxi l-użu tal-isfurzar fir-reliġjon. Il-Musulmani jistgħu jaqbdu l-armi biss biex jiddefendu lilhom infushom kontra moħqrija, theddid għal ħajjithom u persekuzzjoni għax ikunu pprattikaw ir-reliġjon tagħhom. Għalhekk l-iskop tal-Ġiħad huwa biex terġa’ tirrenja l-paċi.”
Mistoqsi dwar il-ħidma tal-komunità Ahmadiyya fir-reazzjoni għall-film dwar il-Profeta Muhammad, Atif qal: “Il-komunità Ahmadija tikkundanna dak kollu li sar mill-bidu. Nikkundannaw il-film għax kien provokattiv u bla bażi u nikkundannaw ir-reazzjoni vjolenti tal-Musulmani għax ma għandhom ebda dritt jattakkaw proprjetajiet u persuni oħrajn u wisq anqas joqtlu.”
Allura x’inhi l-ħidma tal-komunità Ahmadiyya f’dan kollu? Atif qal li l-komunità tiegħu taħdem ħafna għall-paċi u t-tolleranza u jwasslu l-messaġġ tagħhom billi jippriedkaw it-tagħlim tal-Profeta Mohammed fejn qatt ma ppromwova l-vjolenza. “Il-motto tal-komunità tagħna huwa  ‘Imħabba għal kulħadd u mibgħeda għal ħadd’. Dan billi kull Ahmadi fi kwalunkwe pajjiż ikun ċittadin tassew leali ta’ dak il-pajjiż, juri rispett lejn id-diversità, jirrispetta l-ugwaljanza u jippromwovi l-paċi. Fi żmien meta ċerti forzi huma involuti biex jagħmlu ħsara kbira lill-paċi tad-dinja, u meta qed iseħħu ċerti  konfrontazzjonijiet bla bżonn bħal fil-każ tal-film u l-ħitan tal-mibgħeda u l-intolleranza qegħdin jinbnew, l-oġġettiv tal-istabbilizzazzjoni għall-paċi u l-imħabba hija dejjem iktar importanti.
“Nemmen li ħruq ta’ bnadar, qtil jew attakki mhumiex aċċettabbli biex jipprotestaw u l-Iżlam estremament jiskoraġġixxi xi mġiba negattiva bħal din. U aħna bil-qawwa nikkundannaw xi reazzjoni bħal din li toħloq diżordni u timmina l-paċi tad-dinja. Din ir-reazzjoni ma tagħmilx ġieħ lill-Profeta Muhammad li huwa kompletament kontra t-tagħlim u l-prattiċi tiegħu.
“Il-komunità Ahmadiyya qatt ma użat vjolenza, imma r-reazzjoni tagħna kienet ta’ paċi u paċenzja. Nemmnu li bil-paċenzja u t-talb nuru lid-dinja l-karattru veru tal-Profeta Muhammad, li kien kien ħanin mal-popli kollha u favur il-paċi.”
Atif appella: “Nappellaw għal reċiproku dwar l-unur u d-dinjità u biex ikun stabbilit il-veru sens ta’ rispett u ġieħ għall-profeti u l-fundaturi tar-reliġjonijiet kollha.”
Il-komunità Ahmadiyya fl-Iżlam hija organizzazzjoni reliġjuża, b’fergħat aktar minn 202 pajjiżi mferrxin madwar l-Afrika, l-Amerika ta’ Fuq, l-Amerika t’Isfel, l-Asja, l-Awstralja u l-Ewropa. 
Twaqqfet minn Ħażrat Mirża Gulam Ahmad fl-1889, f’raħal żgħir u remot jismu Kadjan fil-Punġab, fl-Indja. Il-komunità li beda hi l-inkorporazzjoni tal-messaġġ benevolenti tal-Iżlam u l-purità oriġinali tiegħu li jippromwovi l-paċi u l-fraternità universali mibnija fuq twemmin f’Alla, Ħanin u li Dejjem Jaħfer. Din il-komunità hija denominazzjoni moderna, b’membri internazzjonali li jgħoddu l-miljuni.

Respecting religious feelings and sentiments!

Respecting the feel­ings and sentiments of each other is a noble virtue. The basic ethics, morals, principles and decency are the assets of human beings. And every religion of the world – be it Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism – they all teach, promote and highly recommend these noble virtues and ethics.
Islam does not prescribe any punishment for blasphemy in this world nor vests such authority in anyone
- Laiq Ahmed Atif
These values guarantee the promotion of love, harmony, tolerance, respect and brotherhood in the society, which will ultimately result in a serene, tranquil, secure and peaceful environment.
Every heart is inclined towards good and every good-natured person wants peace established in the world. And when we analyse and examine the current situation in the world we find that many are restless in attaining this objective of peace. Yet, we keep seeing certain individuals, organisations and powers engaged in destroying peace and spreading spite, animosity and malice, building walls and fences of hatred. And sometimes they even target and challenge the prophets of God and founders of religions. History of mankind is full of such people who have adopted a brazen attitude towards the messengers of God and holy personages of the world’s faiths.
Recently, certain elements using the slogans of liberty and freedom of speech have made a foul, provocative and false film about the Prophet Muhammad.
As a result of this, there has been a violent reaction among various organisations and countries. To vent their anger and displeasure, they have resorted to furious protests, often leading to arson and destruction of private and public property.
There were also attacks on foreign embassies and their staff, and in Libya the American ambassador together with three other staff members were killed.
I believe that killing, burning flags, creating general turmoil, or going on strike is not an acceptable way to protest. Like many other world religions, Islam also extremely discourages such actions.
We strongly condemn any reactions which create disorder and destroy peace. This reaction shows no respect to the Holy Prophet Muhammad. On the contrary, it goes completely against his teachings and practices.
A recent film which mocks the Prophet Muhammad hurt the feelings of Muslims. It was only intended to hurl insult and hurt the feelings and sentiments of Muslims. This attitude of prejudice, hatred and malice gained nothing except destroying peace.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat strongly condemns the making of the extremely contemptible, provocative, and blasphemous film about the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
We believe that free speech is a valuable right – but not at the cost of the much higher value of, and right to life. We appeal for mutual respect, honour and dignity and to establish the true sense of respect and honour for all the prophets and founders of religions.
Let me make it clear that Islam does not prescribe any punishment for blasphemy in this world nor vests such authority in anyone. There is not a single verse in the Holy Koran or a single example from the practices of the Prophet Muhammad, for the punishment of blasphemy.
Islam teaches its followers to be kind, respectful to others and must take care of the feelings and sentiments of the people of other faiths. It strongly discourages indecent behaviour and indecent talk, or hurting the sensitivity of others. Muslims are required to remember they should abstain from any actions that may cause others to feel hurt. And they should never compromise the peace of the world.
As far as Islam is concerned, it sets a fundamental article of faith and that is to believe in all the prophets and messengers of God, without exception, and they are required that they should make no distinction between them by accepting some and rejecting others.
The Holy Koran states: “This Messenger of Ours believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers: all of them believe in Allah, and in His angels, and in His Books, and in His Messengers, saying, ‘We make no distinction between any of His Messengers’.” (2:286)
I will conclude by quoting the founder of our community who summarised the Islamic belief of paying great respect and honour to all the messengers, prophets and founders of different religions:
“One of the principles which forms the basis of my belief refers to the established religions of the world. These religions have met with wide acceptance in various regions of the earth. They have acquired a measure of age, and have reached a stage of maturity. God has informed me that none of these religions were false at their source and none of the prophets impostors.
“This is a beautiful principle, which promotes peace and harmony, and which lays the foundation for reconciliation, and which helps the moral condition of man. All prophets that have appeared in the world, regardless of whether they dwelt in India or Persia or China, or in some other country, we believe in the truth of them, one and all.”
Mr Atif is president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta.

Dark clouds of terrorism!

Source:  By: LAIQ AHMED ATIF, President Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malta
The world is not at rest and much of it today is embroiled in wars, disorder and enmities. Some countries are threatened by foreign powers, while some are facing internal uncertainty. Tribes are fighting against tribes, religious entities and denominations are adopting intolerant way of doing things with those who confess to adhere to different beliefs or faith, countries are fighting against countries, nations are armed against nations, rulers are bombing their own people and public is out there to fight for their rights and freedom.
Religious, economic and political uncertainties have emerged in countries in the face of war or conflict. The financial crises which are looming over the world are making the situation worse. Greed, selfishness, thirst of power and superiority are creating many other problems and disorders in the world.
The situation in Afghanistan is still critical, and from time to time we witness certain attacks and killings by the extremists. It looks like there is a long way to go to establish certainty, credibility, real democracy and peace in Afghanistan. Also, the world is very conscious about the current situation in the Middle East and especially in Syria, and it is a reality that there is critical need and hard work to make their revolutions a success. Many people express their concerns about the current situation in these countries, and the situation in Syria is getting worse every day. The relations between Iran and Israel are also not trustworthy.
Violence against the Muslim minority in Burma, the attacks on churches and Christian community in Kenya, and clashes between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria are also worrying the millions of peaceful people around the world. The political situation in Iraq has not developed properly and from time to time we read news about certain attacks and suicides bombs. 
Thousands of innocent men, women and children have been killed in these horrific incidents around the world in recent years.
These occurrences are not new; however, 11 September is known as a day of human tragedy, when in few hours around 3,000 innocent human beings, including women and children, died. This year we are marking the 11th anniversary of these heinous and inhuman attacks.
Since the 9/11 attacks, the extremists have extended their activities to many parts of the world. In fact, extremism and terrorism do not only harm human beings physically, but also emotionally and physiologically. Moreover, terrorism and extremism have also shaken the world economy and a huge burden has been put on the world economy to combat these acts of terrorism. Billions have been invested on fighting against terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism, and there seems to be no end to these heinous and inhuman crimes and cruelties against humanity. Many countries are sparing a big portion of their annual budgets to combat this terrorism so that mankind can have a peaceful haven and environment.
In the EU’s Schengen area, Schengen Information System (SIS) was set up and it was felt that organised crime is becoming ever more sophisticated and regularly uses European or international networks for its activities. Terrorism has clearly shown that it can strike, with great brutality, anywhere in the world. And this system of information sharing will help to combat terrorism and extremism within the Schengen area. And through this system the competent authorities in the Member States are working in cooperation and it has become a vital factor in the smooth running of the area of security, freedom and justice.
Before I conclude this piece, I think that after so much hard work, investment, and loss of human lives, the world is still facing threats of terrorism and dark shades of terrorism are visible. Moreover, dark clouds of terrorism, extremism and fundamentalism are still looming over mankind.
It should be our goal to establish high values of tolerance, harmony, love, and respect, in every village, every town, every city, every country, every society and indeed, in every part of the world, to save humanity from such dark clouds of extremism and terrorism and thus the world becomes a haven of peace, love, brotherhood and friendship.
I will conclude by quoting from a speech of the Head of our community, delivered in the UK Parliament: 
“It is my fear, that in view of the direction in which things are moving today, the political and economic dynamics of the countries of the world may lead to a world war. It is not only the poorer countries of the world, but also the richer nations that are being affected by this. Therefore, it is the duty of the superpowers to sit down and find a solution to save humanity from the brink of disaster.”
 The article was published in the Malta Independent on 11 September 2012.